Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

He looks just like his father.....and he's growing up so fast, look at his facial hair.

EDIT: OMMFG 1,000 post **** yeah.

First you insult his child and anger Pi, then brag about post-count...

Now for a random picture:

First you insult his child and anger Pi, then brag about post-count...

It wasn't Pi who reset it. I'm trying to find who it was - Please PM me if it was you.
I suggest that everytime PJ posts, his post count halves itself.

Sort of like half-post, or something.
I could only post 14 times before having a postcount less than 1.

Pretty amazing the power of halving...
I just got on this train so forgive my tardiness


That took me 4 hours.

Describing my genitals at a party.


The summary of my student life.
Pulse that first picture looks like you were a waiter who got angry because someone pointed out your tray of appetizers wasn't real.

From awhile ago - last jazz combo gig this April, jamming on the tromboner...
^Hee hee...

Looks exactly like our recital hall. Our gobos are smaller.

Yeah, it's a great recital hall to play in - a good size for a jazz combo.
I'm excited though to play in the recital hall at UNT - it's at least twice as large (Murchison Center has a great hall too - I played one of my auditions in there, and it's awesome).
Billie, u put grease on that beard?....keep it up.

The question ya feel lucky?

28020609.jpg ya?




I feel like I've seen you somewhere before

1) construction
2) grocery store
3) computer repair guy
Whenever I see Pi, I think "Kane from Command & Conquer-wannabe".