Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

For a shimmering half-second there, I thought that cap titled you Whale Raper.

edit: Damn and blast! As soon as it was, it was gone again!

Im bottom left, the bald dude. Pamplona earlier this year
More than a few. This bull jump thing happens bout 5 times, was there for 3 of them. got alot closer, it landed on me twice, my back then my leg. dude behind me got his head busted open, blood everywhere. great fun though
Nothing like having a bull jumping around and on you with the bonus possibility of getting your head busted open - oh, the excitement!
^^I am disappoint that you don't look like Bill or a vortigaunt.
Nice soap streak. People who do that need face punches.
Willie white knighted some girl by punching some stalker guy in the face or something.
Might want to get that checked out.
I checked her out, she looks pretty fine to me >:3

ZT you are reminding me of and should do that thing that that girl did where she took a picture of herself every day for several years.

I started playing the bass again. Only this time, with regimented practice. :V
They're coming. I need a bit more finger endurance before I can wear myself to the bone :P
Your fingers scare me.

This is pretty much the only expression Ive been able to maintain for a few months now.

Same here.


Wait, dammit, it's another picture of my fingers.
Pictures of hands?

This is your normal deathadder mouse.

This is my hand eating said mouse.
You look like a french resistance fighter Naph.

I don't know why I say that, you just do.