Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

and handsome​



sent this to my girlfriend and she said I looked like the uni-bomber. its a shame I shaved today before this because I had a halfway decent beard going too

the glasses are from 6th grade and hurt my face the moment they go on too. I really need some new spectacles
in that pic sinko looks like a mix of two of my friends -- one who looks similar, and one who tends to make that face in photos. bizarre....
don't you just love baby faces?

I know you're not talking about me, with my fairly pronounced chin, large italian nose, and quarter missing eyebrow.

in that pic sinko looks like a mix of two of my friends -- one who looks similar, and one who tends to make that face in photos. bizarre....

So only one of your friends actually smiles in photos? Bizarre...

sent this to my girlfriend and she said I looked like the uni-bomber. its a shame I shaved today before this because I had a halfway decent beard going too

the glasses are from 6th grade and hurt my face the moment they go on too. I really need some new spectacles

Has anyone ever looked so harmless? I'd totally hit it.
I really want to see your folder with all of your faces Hokey.

There are a few loose reaction images in other folders. It's probably not as many as you were expecting.
There are a few loose reaction images in other folders. It's probably not as many as you were expecting.

My favourite image is that one where the guy thinks about saying something, then just walks away (kinda vague description I know).
I was just thinking the other day that needed more emo looking buddhist 13 year olds that look exactly the same as a kid I could not stand in middle school.
Damn Raz, I never realized untill now how much I wanted to **** you... I guess it's something I always known, deep inside. But now, I couldn't be more sure.
I was just thinking the other day that needed more emo looking buddhist 13 year olds that look exactly the same as a kid I could not stand in middle school.

I'm 16, bro, I'm not emo, I'm proud to be a Buddhist, & I wouldn't care if I looked like your evil twin. I'm glad I'm no longer faceless here, & I'm glad I now know what people (like you) think of me based on a photo.
Everybody's gettin raped.

by sheepo
I keep thinking Jul3 is Stylo. I think it's the avatar.
Stylo is the mild one, who has a simplistic avatar and signature.

I'm 16, bro, I'm not emo, I'm proud to be a Buddhist, & I wouldn't care if I looked like your evil twin. I'm glad I'm no longer faceless here, & I'm glad I now know what people (like you) think of me based on a photo.

I'm sorry, I would never have said such things if I'd known how you react to the statement of facts.
vegeta is finally reunited with his true family