Pictures of Yourself the "Jintor demands it happen" version

I'd kill for one of those neck pillows on all the long trips I've been on.
I really couldn't have done those 15 hour plane rides without it.
My ears and pubes, they burn!

P.S. I'm the one that is not an angry Buddhist.

I thought mild covered that. Sorry about your pubes.

Also, Vegeta is adorable, asian stuff, chin joke, pedophile, etc.
How the **** can anyone hate on a neck-pillow. It's seriously no different from hating on a couch cushion.

Then again, Krynn probably just wanted to chew the shit out of it and not much else.
Krynn just hates it because it looks kind of like a neck brace hahaha dogs

I call this one, "gay love".
Grow a beard and put on some square rimmed glasses.
Or start a horrible video games show that everyone hates because you're a big dumb phony.



I've gotten little to no sleep this week working 5am-2pm which is both awesome and sucks. but yeah I guys I have enough hair on top again to spike it which I used to do a lot but I've just gotten too lazy
You look better without it spiked tbh.

Sweet neck stubble.
I really hate shaving, it feels like such a time waster. I also have a 5am shadow according to people at work. I shave the night before and it grows in so damn fast. my girlfriend also enjoys more hair on my face because my short stubble simply hurts her face
I really hate shaving, it feels like such a time waster. I also have a 5am shadow according to people at work. I shave the night before and it grows in so damn fast. my girlfriend also enjoys more hair on my face because my short stubble simply hurts her face

also when you go down on them with a beard..
Sank you, I was going for the angry hobo look.

"You dun took ma sandwhich......"
Sank you, I was going for the angry hobo look.

"You dun took ma sandwhich......"

I thought you were just constipated, tbh.

Also, Warped, why, of all places, would you photograph yourself while sitting in the driver's seat of a car? I mean, its not like a weird place or anything obviously, but I cannot think of a situation where I'd be getting into a car and have a sudden urge to photograph myself before I drive the car to where I'm going.
Also, Warped, why, of all places, would you photograph yourself while sitting in the driver's seat of a car? I mean, its not like a weird place or anything obviously, but I cannot think of a situation where I'd be getting into a car and have a sudden urge to photograph myself.
That is the face of a man who was just witness to someone causing an awkward break in a conversation. That's definitely what I use that face for. Also, yeah, your face is sexy and FACE MUSCLED as hell.
I thought you were just constipated, tbh.

Also, Warped, why, of all places, would you photograph yourself while sitting in the driver's seat of a car? I mean, its not like a weird place or anything obviously, but I cannot think of a situation where I'd be getting into a car and have a sudden urge to photograph myself before I drive the car to where I'm going.

Its the second time in my life when I did. I just randomly spiked my hair after a long day of work and thought why the hell not
white tshirts and depression erryday


For like 15 seconds I was staring at this trying to figure out if it was some sort of cloth in a basket, or some sort of thinly sliced meat in a basket. Also, I don't think your sister is ever amused by your antics. Your brother is laughing, but in every pic with you doing something stupid, your sister looks just looks completely unfazed.
It's human skin. They didn't get all the muscle off.
A cannibal too? Damn, Vegeta is building quite the repertoire of deplorable traits.
How am I doing something stupid in that picture? **** you.

And it's cloth covering biscuits to keep them warm.