Pilotable Strider Mod 0.3.1 released !!


Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Pilotable Strider Alpha Mod v0.3.1: TITAN's WAR (MULTIPLAYER)

SECOND BETA: Pilotable Strider, Pilotable Helicopter, Pilotable APC and Sniper Rifle.

Download from Strider Mod Web Page

Changes in version 0.3.1:

Fixed Strider "climb buildings" bug
Fixed Target ID HUD
Fixed Strider weapon-damage bug
Fixed strider cannon bug when player exits vehicles
Fixed Strider respawn (No more strider mod without striders).

Added Combine APC
Added Combine Helicopter
Added Sniper Rifle (AWP).

New ConCommands:

sv_killStriders: Kill all striders in-game and respawn.
sv_killhelicopters: Kill all helicopters in-game and respawn.
sv_killApcs: Kill all APC's in-game and respawn.

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Comments, bugs and suggestions, e-mail me:

[email protected]

Web page and forums:
WOW nice work, watch out biatches! I'm gonna land my helicopter on ya! (sounds so wrong) nice work quartz, get some servers going hopefully.
Nice mod but it really needs a objective map to really get it going. Ie... combine force land in a open field with striders and apcs and have to attack the rebels in the city, or destroy their underground headquarters, rebels objective is to stay alive for 30 min. Sounds like fun to me
Mirror 1:
You don't have permission to access /tquartz/stridermod031FullInstaller.exe on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Mirror 2:
Opens the main page in a new window.

Very fun, but the aiming on the APC is very laggy and the primary fire is off from the reticle.

The Helicopter is fun, but it's almost impossible to hit anything with the bombs, I think maybe the recharge rate could be reduced to allow a sort of spammy aspect to the weapon.

Strider is great, but the secondary cannon seems to lack the punch it should. I don't mean damage, but the actual physical kick; you fire directly behind the APC and it barely nudges it... I'd expect it to go tumbling and crashing into a wall.
stinger.aim92 said:
Mirror 1:
You don't have permission to access /tquartz/stridermod031FullInstaller.exe on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Mirror 2:
Opens the main page in a new window.

New mirror: http://www.pcgamemods.com/10964/
Damn, forgot how to install this. Haven't got on steam for over 2 months now. Can someone tell me how to play this by pressing what console command? And you can play this in HL2 Deathmatch multiplayer?
It's a mod combine, just run the install file and choose your \steam\steamapps\SourceMods\ folder on your hardrive when it asks where to install it. Then it will appear in your steam's 3rd party game list. It runs on the hl2dm code.
Whare are the console command for spawning striders, apc, helicopters, etc?

And another n00b question, what is HL2 DM code?
read the first post by quartz, and the end of the sentence. Seems to be the only way to do it so far? *shrugs*
sv_killStriders: Kill all striders in-game and respawn.
sv_killhelicopters: Kill all helicopters in-game and respawn.
sv_killApcs: Kill all APC's in-game and respawn.
It would be cool if they made it so your inside the striders, apc, etc etc. Would be a lot cooler.
Raziel-Jcd said:
It would be cool if they made it so your inside the striders, apc, etc etc. Would be a lot cooler.

You mean a in vehicle interface?

Alix Mcdean said:
You mean a in vehicle interface?


Yes. Would look a lot more stable and interesting. Like to see what it looks like through the Striders eyes. :rolleyes:
Raziel-Jcd said:
Yes. Would look a lot more stable and interesting. Like to see what it looks like through the Striders eyes. :rolleyes:
Wouldn't it be cool if striders could only see in black and white, or the other extreme of 10000000000 colours or something like that. We'll never know i guess.
no monitor can display a "10000000000 colours or something " bjut maybe spider can see warm body like perdator
I like the look of this mod, it's progressing very well.