Pistol Bind


Nov 29, 2004
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I need a bind just to pull out my pistol. I don't use fast weapon switch because I prefer having the menu but I want to bind a key to pull out my pistol without the menu. Is this possible without having Fast weapon switch turned on?
bind "k" "slot2" and just have fastswitch enabled which you can turn on in options/keyboard/advanced
thx man, I've done that already......what I need is a bind to switch to my pistol without having to enable fastswitch
bind "k" "slot2; wait; wait; wait; +attack"

this one works with out fastswitch

i take it back it ****es up the game

this one works

bind "k" "slot2; wait; wait;wait; +attack; wait; wait; -attack"
If you want to switch between knife and pistol first select the knife or anyother gun and then select the pistol. After that press q it will switch between the two guns. That what I do to switch fast between the guns.
alias pistola "hud_fastswitch 1;slot2;hud_fastswitch 0"
bind x pistola
he wants a switch for his pistol only, not to switch between 2 guns
Thanks guys, I use q but I usually have it set so it switches to a grenade not my pistol. I just wanted a bind so when my rifle runs out of ammo I don't have to fumble around to get my pistol out.

Thanx for the help :cat: