Pitz's attempted awesome pictures!

Well, I tried to get this picture in a hurry, since the clouds were moving fast, forgot to fix my settings...so this shit is really grainy...

Time for resurrection!


I really enjoyed this one, it came out really fun.

This one on the other hand, was bad due to the length/car in the way.

^ nobody has any comments on at LEAST that first pic in the previous post? I'm hoping to find out what people think of it.
Clouds = Epic, best word for it.
Car / Sunset = only one color to a sunset, one of the prettiest things on Earth.
I really need to get out and take some more pictures..but life has just been wearing down on me lately...hopefully later this month....
I'm not a photographer, but I love scenery photos more than anything (except fleshtones of course)

*Love photos of scenery

*Hate photos of man-made objects (except works of art and castles and shit - those R kewl.)

In my opinion, you should carefully avoid getting any trace of man-made crap into your beautiful shots. I mean it. Not one telephone wire or wooden stake in the ground or anything.

Zoom in or pan until you can get a shot with no stuff in it.

Also, you can crop that stuff off of course. Use Paint, Paint.NET, or GIMP - free programs to edit photos.

Walk off the beaten path man

Have fun!
Need to get a camera! I would just walk the streets taking photos...

Looking forward to getting more stuff Pitzy.
Need to get a camera! I would just walk the streets taking photos...

Looking forward to getting more stuff Pitzy.

Definitely going to go through sometime this week/weekend to some abandoned buildings and get some pictures..just gotta find a way into them...damn fences.
Abandoned buildings are fun. :)

Damn straight. I can't get into the place I was wanting to, though. The fence completely covers, and the only way in is vandalism! :( I'll have to look around, I'm sure I'll see something.