Plane Crash near my home

It should be an equal tragedy whether you knew the people on the plane or not.

So every two people who die in the world are of equal tragedy to your parents dying? That must suck for you. It would be like losing your whole family thousands of times every day.
May not have been a flight that used it all up. Don't they top out the tanks every flight before takeoff?

No because then they need to use even more fuel to carry the extra weight of all that extra fuel. They carry only the fuel that they need for the flight plus a safety margin.
well apparently pilot error and fatigue is the main cause for the crash. I was making the same amount of money as the co-pilot doing part time work which is a shame. i guess regional pilots are paid considerably less and could have contributed on the lack of sleep and being over worked.
New FO's aren't paid that great, just like new pilots, etc. You put your time in behind the wheel you get pay upgrades.
It also wasn't due entirely to them being tired. From the sounds of the cockpit recorder transcript thing, it seems like they either forgot their training or just downright ignored it.

The plane slowed dramatically during flight, they got a warning in the cockpit, an auto stick thing was enabled that dips the plane's nose down to gather more speed, then these two pilots overrode that safety mechanism and instead pulled the plane upwards causing it to slow down even more. What resulted shortly after that was the plane stalling and then spiraling down to a firey crash.
Wow, shitty. I've never seen anything like that around here.

So you are suggesting the 'engine' went missing?

I just got back from the scene but a plane of about 30 people crashed near my house tonight. my friend and i were watching a movie and we heard tons of firetrucks coming down the road. we got a closer view then they turned us away.

This is near Buffalo NY

Woah, crazy.
I hate when you are just sitting in your house when all of the sudden it sounds like a plane is going down and it just gets louder and louder and louder.

Ive had dreams of planes crashing towards my house, also im scared of flying. conclusion: i HATE planes.
Taking one in a few months FFFFFFUUUUUUUU-


edit: and warped, Im sorry to hear about the girl you know. Also terrible about all the lost lives.
i hope no one on died. Has anyone not posted since then?
just a little update: pretty much the company in question blames the pilots.

Washington (CNN) -- Colgan Air -- under fire for hiring, training, pay and commuting policies after the February crash of Flight 3407 near Buffalo, New York -- is blaming pilot error for the wreck, which killed all 49 people aboard and one person on the ground.

In a 67-page report submitted to the National Transportation Safety Board, Colgan blames the captain and first officer, citing a litany of lapses that Colgan said ultimately led to the commuter plane's crash.

Colgan said the crew did not respond appropriately to warnings the plane was entering an aerodynamic stall, did not complete checklists and failed to follow "sterile cockpit" rules that prohibit unnecessary conversation during critical phases of flight.

Colgan concluded the crash was caused by the crew's "loss of situational awareness and failure to follow Colgan Air training and procedures."

After the crash, Colgan said the pilot, Capt. Marvin Renslow, had failed three pilot tests, known as "check-rides," before joining the airline, but had disclosed only one on a job application. He failed another two check-rides while at Colgan Air.

In August, Philip Trenary, president and CEO of Pinnacle Airlines, the parent company of Colgan Air, testified at a Senate hearing that while "a failure on a check-ride is not necessarily a reason for someone not to fly, it depends on what kind of failure it is."

"The failures that we were unable to see were the basic fundamental failures that you would not want to have," Trenary testified.

"Let me stress one thing, Capt. Renslow was a fine man by all accounts," Trenary said in August. But he added, "Had we known what we know now, no, he would not have been in that seat."

At the time of the crash, Renslow had 3,379 hours of flight experience -- 172 hours in the Bombardier Dash 8-Q400 turboprop, the type of plane involved in the accident.

In Colgan's submission to the NTSB, the company describes its hiring process as rigorous. But, Colgan said, Renslow "was not truthful on his employment application." Renslow did not disclose two of the three proficiency checks he failed, Colgan said.

Colgan said it followed federal rules requiring airlines to seek applicants' records, but it was unable to get some of Renslow's information because "Renslow was not employed as a pilot at the time" of his failed check rides. At the time, there was no published guidance on obtaining information from the Federal Aviation Administration, Colgan said.

The airline also said Renslow and First Officer Rebecca Shaw did not manage their work schedules properly. While both operated flights out of Newark, New Jersey, Renslow lived in Tampa, Florida, and Shaw lived in Seattle, Washington.

During public hearings before the NTSB in May, airline critics said low pay led crew members to live far from their home bases, contributing to fatigue.

But Colgan said its pay and commuting policies were not to blame. Renslow had 27 hours between flights and Shaw had four days off before the crash, the airline said.

"Colgan Air expects its pilots, and all its employees, to present fit for duty, regardless of where they reside," the Colgan report said.

Shaw "did not plan her personal time properly prior to reporting to duty," the airline said. "Rather than commuting to [Newark] on February 11 and staying in a hotel, she chose an overnight commute."

Shaw earned $26 an hour and was guaranteed 75 hours a month, putting her salary at a minimum of $23,400 a year, Colgan said. But she was on pace to earn "well in excess" of the minimum, the airline said.

In a separate submission, the Air Line Pilots Association did not discount the role of the pilots, but said the "fundamental training this crew needed for the situation faced the night of the accident was inadequate." Further, the association said, the Q400 aircraft did not have, nor was it required to have, systems that would have alerted the pilots that the airspeed was abnormally low.

The NTSB is investigating the crash.

Evidence collected by the NTSB suggests the crew improperly responded to signs the plane was approaching an aerodynamic stall, pulling on the aircraft's control column instead of pushing.

I personally believe the problem lies in much more people than they are letting on. I also still can't drive down there anymore. It feels horrible when I have to go that way and its also still slightly blocked off
wow, good to know that you're alive. :)

weird even posting this though... 48 people
Good to see Warped was not harmed in that crash. Obviously it's a sad day for people in the crash and their families.
Shit, Warped. I'm sorry this happened so close to you. I'm glad it missed you by a bit, but I give my condolences to all the people who died. ****ing shit man.