Planet dissolving space cloud heading towards Earth in nine years.

You best believe him, hes tredoslop/ prince of SPACE<--- keyword space right there mmkay!
clarky would save us with his scalar EM waves anyway.
Damnit people, when will you learn. The world will never end by space related causes.

One, space isn't real.

Two, Oh forget it. Space isn't real!
Pi Mu Rho said:
clarky would save us with his scalar EM waves anyway.
Short Recoil could totally suck it all in and breathe it out away from Earth if he wanted to, but I doubt it's worth his while, given how shitty everyone else is.

Raziaar, what do you mean "Space isn't real"?
el Chi said:
Raziaar, what do you mean "Space isn't real"?

You don't honestly believe all this 'space' crap the government comes out with do you? It's so ridiculous.
el Chi said:
Short Recoil could totally suck it all in and breathe it out away from Earth if he wanted to, but I doubt it's worth his while, given how shitty everyone else is.

Raziaar, what do you mean "Space isn't real"?

I was joking :-P
even if any of it was real, we have shield's! we are far more advanced than people think.
clarky003 said:
even if any of it was real, we have shield's! we are far more advanced than people think.

Here's a shiny piece of jewelry. You play with that while I get the men in white coats (and run for my life)
"The existence of this so called chaos cloud is only a theory. Americans shouldn't panic until all the facts are in."

Well, it looks like the rest of the world is ok. Bye bye America :)
:laugh: awww.. I thought it might be real for a second. I'm disappointed... why I'm disappointed about not being dissolved I don't know. But I am. :(
Would have been interesting to be disolved *Evo spontaneously dissolves*
*Evo undisolves*

Phew, that was scary, i was like, completely liquid then! :frog: But i'm back now :afro:
You have grossly underestimated the power of the chaos cloud.

This reminds of star trek:the motion picture? Vger and all that hooha.
hmm every day you hear a new bull **** end of the world theory. After 5 billion years of Earths existance if you counted the chances of it happening in our life time (say the next 60-80 years average) the number would be quite, quite small. People need to stop beliving everything that they hear. I mean, I've heard stories such as the oil crisis stopping gas usage which would "lead to the next ice age", to global warming causing tsunamis (yes thats right it was posted right here on too), and other ridiculous tales. I mean seriously the earth has been around for approx 5,000,000,000 years, and now its going to end in the next 5-10? K.

BTW wasn't Judgement Day supposed to happen back in the 70s?
me hearties, we won't be livin' till 2014! the world it be a-endin' in 2012 as it is.
Arr. My one good eye recognized yon style the Weekly World News articles be written in.
Ennui said:
me hearties, we won't be livin' till 2014! the world it be a-endin' in 2012 as it is.

the mayan calendar ends in 2012, yes. Please point out to me where they said "at the end of our calendar means the end of our planet". We all have no idea what 2012 will hold, could be a good thing, could be a bad thing, could be nothing at all. It could be just another year like 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 and so on. My point is I dont understand why everyone thinks the world is going to end in the next couple of years when it has over 5 billion years of existance behind it. But whatever, everyone can think what they want I guess, or believe the writers of supermarket parody magazines on when the end of the world will happen.
Zeus said:
the mayan calendar ends in 2012, yes. Please point out to me where they said "at the end of our calendar means the end of our planet". We all have no idea what 2012 will hold, could be a good thing, could be a bad thing, could be nothing at all. It could be just another year like 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 and so on. My point is I dont understand why everyone thinks the world is going to end in the next couple of years when it has over 5 billion years of existance behind it. But whatever, everyone can think what they want I guess, or believe the writers of supermarket parody magazines on when the end of the world will happen.
Yarrr! I was a-kiddin' matey, but fractal time also do predict the end of the earth! yaaaaaaaaaar!
Zeus said:
the mayan calendar ends in 2012, yes. Please point out to me where they said "at the end of our calendar means the end of our planet". We all have no idea what 2012 will hold, could be a good thing, could be a bad thing, could be nothing at all. It could be just another year like 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 and so on. My point is I dont understand why everyone thinks the world is going to end in the next couple of years when it has over 5 billion years of existance behind it. But whatever, everyone can think what they want I guess, or believe the writers of supermarket parody magazines on when the end of the world will happen.

Astronomicaly speaking, it has the slightest chance of being considered possible.
I emailed the article to my Astronomy professor and here's what he said:

"Sigh. I've seen this show up already on bulletin boards by worried
folks who don't realize that anything from Weekly World News is
a joke. The final political spin about comparison to global warming
should have clued them in..."