Planet Half-Life news coming soon.

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lans said:
Agreed. How did you make it CROM?

3D max exported to macromedia fireworks for gif compression, after effects, and export.
CR0M said:
3D max exported to macromedia fireworks for gif compression, after effects, and export.

I'm thinking that would mean you have a copy of the 3D model, correct? How did you get that, or did you make your own?

Nice avatar, nevertheless.
Harvey said:
I'm guessing no one's read this, then? It's dated as "February 27th, 2004" on the Articles page, but within the article it's dated as July 27th, 2004... It's just the CS: S play-by-play article, with nothing really all that new (to me). No pictures either.

As an ex CS player to quote the article

"The map we played was de_dust. "

"Terrorist spotted by the double doors! "

Double doors on Dust?

yeah there are Double doors on dust.
From CT spawn run forward and instead of going into the covered hallway, turn right to get into the bomb site. to enter site you have to go through doors ;)
Orange said:
yeah there are Double doors on dust.
From CT spawn run forward and instead of going into the covered hallway, turn right to get into the bomb site. to enter site you have to go through doors ;)

i =noob
antimatter said:
You would know if there was any news so stop asking. Check

Calm down buddy. Its a joke if you havnt noticed i type Any news yet? in every post. So....

Any news yet?
This thread is a big fuqing waste of time.. why the hell is there 17 pages and no info... jesus..

omg. this threat wasted 15 min's of my life..... i want it back!!
Yes it is..........................

Any news yet?
Raziel-Jcd said:
Yes it is..........................

Any news yet?

You stupid hairy ape, stop asking about the news in every post!!

Oh, I forgot it was a joke

PS: This post is a joke

PSS: It really is
genocide604 said:
This thread is a big fuqing waste of time.. why the hell is there 17 pages and no info... jesus..

The pointless spamming power of this forum is unrivalled.

Carry on my loyal subjects!! We must reach at least 30 pages of nothingness before i will deem this thread worthy.
Mr-Fusion said:
The pointless spamming power of this forum is unrivalled.

Carry on my loyal subjects!! We must reach at least 30 pages of nothingness before i will deem this thread worthy.

Ok, my captain. I'll start.

This thread is a waste of it isn't, no wait, it really is...Unless Planet Half-Life actually post the news. Then this thread would have a reason. Although it has a reason now, which was to announce that Planet Half-Life are planning on to post new info on HL2. So there's no reason to lock this thread because some jerks can't be bothered to post whatever info they might possess.
I have to agree, though it would be very interesting if one day in the next 10 years planethalflife actually post this news they promised to us so long ago. Yes, one day we may wake up and find that phl has got a brand spanking new article for us to jizz over. T'will be a merry day indeed. Though i can forsee the future. The article will contain no new information. All this hype and drama only to be let down. PHL are closely following in the footsteps of Valve. Promise so much and deliver sweet **** all!!! Ahah no i'm just joking. Don't worry dear friends for it was all said in jest for shits and giggles. [Topic deviation] I was watching that show with Jessica Simpson on it before and they blurred out a gratuitous nipple through tight white top scene? Why? WHY make us suffer the pain of that. Please, show the nipple in the future you crappy censors. You do nothing but make my life a living hell. Though i would find it interesting if PHL posted some new news and perhaps a release date. But isn't the word news derived from the word new? Perhaps we should ring a new word. We'll call it reginfo. Regurigitated information. That's what we're in for!! More ambiguous Doug Lombardio the pizza make from west Prussia. T'will be interesting if he can deliver some prime time pizza making tips for the starving fans. I could defintely go for some pizza right now. Yesterday i found a tissue on the floor but threw it in the bin. When i was playing CS before i killed 2 guys in the head with my USP. I went "lol" on the keyboard and everyone said i was bs. Clearly they were just noobs. If you live in China apparently the air is very dirty. I had a friend who was teling me he went out with a white shirt then when he got home the shirt was covered in grime. So that's a fair indication of the state of the air over there. So bad was my day at shopping mall that i actually punched a store clerk in the face with brass knuckles. That stupid twit will never look at me the same way again. There was a red car parked across my streeet today and i was tempted to key it down the side. But i refrained. Goats are an interesting farm yard animal but honestly who would drink goats milk?
Lemme help you out.

Sometimes it's easier to use a natural "[Topic deviation]." I believe they are called paragraphs.
Thankyou Mr 42 posts. But i think the main point of my post was that there was no point and this forum has become and absolute haven for spamming pointlessness. As evidenced with my posting of utter non-sensical garbage i have proven that spamming is an accepted form of posting. This entire thread which contains absolutely no information has reached 18 pages and still hasn't been locked. It is quite amazing. I could go on an on about it and i will. 18 pages of utter bs is a testament to the spamming power of this community. Just when you thought we'd softened up a little everyone pulls together and pulls out this little gem. I congratulate each and everyone of you on reaching 18 pages with not one sliver of new information. I must cast my mind back to a forum i once new in which over 200 pages of spam in one thread was a regular occurrence. Well done i say. This forum is reminiscent of those grand days of ultimate spammage. Anyway to get back on topic i was going for a jog late at night the other...night when this man walking a little fluffy dog came hurtling at me at a million miles an hour barking it's stupid little head off. Naturally i outran it, but infuriated with it's owned not leashing the mutt i yelled "if it's not on a leash next time i'm going to kick the little ****er". It's not the first time i've encountered that white furry ball of fury. It is my arch nemesis and i hope to one day end the life of that dog. But unfortunately the owner may sue me. I will simply say in court "The dog ran into my knife". That will certainly hold up.
Would it kill people around here to use paragraphs?
I agree, it's VERY hard to read posts when the poster hasn't used any paragraphs.
Paragraphs are an interesting topic of discussion. A paragraph here and there can mean the difference between someone reading your post and someone totally disregarding it as they cannot be assed to read through this big ugly chunk of text. To achieve my goal of not wanting people to read my insanely stupid and spammy posts i've decided not to use these things commonly referred to as paragraphs. Instead i've jammed the spam into a dense chunk of idiocy that no-one in their right mind would actually read. It proves 2 things, reading sux and spam is accepted. When one approches the topic of idiocy you must really open your mind. Just type without even thinking. For example my pet cat who is appropriately named kitty caught a bird once but didn't kill it. It was a pidgeon, rats of the sky, so i walked up to it and could clearly see lots of feathers had been torn off by my cat named kitty. I fetched a rake, the prime poking device, and nudged the bird. To my utter disbelief the stupid pidgeon spamed on the ground like an insane mother****er then took to the air heading straight at me. Naturall, with the adrenailine flowing from the shock i bolted in the other direction straigh into a chair and fell flat on my my face. That was extremely retarded but i achieve one important goal. I got out of the way of that stupid stupid pidgeon. It flew away over the trees an into the horizon as i lay there clutching my bleeding knee and cursing that stupid pidgeon. Fight, fright, or flight? Well that piece of shit pidgeon froze from the fright of being caught by my cat. Then it took flight and fight me. Consequently i flote (that's not even a word) due to the pidgeon flying at me! What a strange turn of events.
Well, if this thread gets locked and Planet Half-Life actually post the news, there will be a new thread anyway. So why not continue spamming on this thread untill they release whatever shit information they have.
Mr-Fusion said:
Paragraphs are an interesting topic of discussion. A paragraph here and there can mean the difference between someone reading your post and someone totally disregarding it as they cannot be assed to read through this big ugly chunk of text. To achieve my goal of not wanting people to read my insanely stupid and spammy posts i've decided not to use these things commonly referred to as paragraphs. Instead i've jammed the spam into a dense chunk of idiocy that no-one in their right mind would actually read. It proves 2 things, reading sux and spam is accepted. When one approches the topic of idiocy you must really open your mind. Just type without even thinking. For example my pet cat who is appropriately named kitty caught a bird once but didn't kill it. It was a pidgeon, rats of the sky, so i walked up to it and could clearly see lots of feathers had been torn off by my cat named kitty. I fetched a rake, the prime poking device, and nudged the bird. To my utter disbelief the stupid pidgeon spamed on the ground like an insane mother****er then took to the air heading straight at me. Naturall, with the adrenailine flowing from the shock i bolted in the other direction straigh into a chair and fell flat on my my face. That was extremely retarded but i achieve one important goal. I got out of the way of that stupid stupid pidgeon. It flew away over the trees an into the horizon as i lay there clutching my bleeding knee and cursing that stupid pidgeon. Fight, fright, or flight? Well that piece of shit pidgeon froze from the fright of being caught by my cat. Then it took flight and fight me. Consequently i flote (that's not even a word) due to the pidgeon flying at me! What a strange turn of events.

My friend, it seems you've lost it...
Mr-Fusion said:
I have to agree, though it would be very interesting if one day in the next 10 years planethalflife actually post this news they promised to us so long ago. Yes, one day we may wake up and find that phl has got a brand spanking new article for us to jizz over. T'will be a merry day indeed. Though i can forsee the future. The article will contain no new information. All this hype and drama only to be let down. PHL are closely following in the footsteps of Valve. Promise so much and deliver sweet **** all!!! Ahah no i'm just joking. Don't worry dear friends for it was all said in jest for shits and giggles. [Topic deviation] I was watching that show with Jessica Simpson on it before and they blurred out a gratuitous nipple through tight white top scene? Why? WHY make us suffer the pain of that. Please, show the nipple in the future you crappy censors. You do nothing but make my life a living hell. Though i would find it interesting if PHL posted some new news and perhaps a release date. But isn't the word news derived from the word new? Perhaps we should ring a new word. We'll call it reginfo. Regurigitated information. That's what we're in for!! More ambiguous Doug Lombardio the pizza make from west Prussia. T'will be interesting if he can deliver some prime time pizza making tips for the starving fans. I could defintely go for some pizza right now. Yesterday i found a tissue on the floor but threw it in the bin. When i was playing CS before i killed 2 guys in the head with my USP. I went "lol" on the keyboard and everyone said i was bs. Clearly they were just noobs. If you live in China apparently the air is very dirty. I had a friend who was teling me he went out with a white shirt then when he got home the shirt was covered in grime. So that's a fair indication of the state of the air over there. So bad was my day at shopping mall that i actually punched a store clerk in the face with brass knuckles. That stupid twit will never look at me the same way again. There was a red car parked across my streeet today and i was tempted to key it down the side. But i refrained. Goats are an interesting farm yard animal but honestly who would drink goats milk?
Mr-Fusion said:
Thankyou Mr 42 posts. But i think the main point of my post was that there was no point and this forum has become and absolute haven for spamming pointlessness. As evidenced with my posting of utter non-sensical garbage i have proven that spamming is an accepted form of posting. This entire thread which contains absolutely no information has reached 18 pages and still hasn't been locked. It is quite amazing. I could go on an on about it and i will. 18 pages of utter bs is a testament to the spamming power of this community. Just when you thought we'd softened up a little everyone pulls together and pulls out this little gem. I congratulate each and everyone of you on reaching 18 pages with not one sliver of new information. I must cast my mind back to a forum i once new in which over 200 pages of spam in one thread was a regular occurrence. Well done i say. This forum is reminiscent of those grand days of ultimate spammage. Anyway to get back on topic i was going for a jog late at night the other...night when this man walking a little fluffy dog came hurtling at me at a million miles an hour barking it's stupid little head off. Naturally i outran it, but infuriated with it's owned not leashing the mutt i yelled "if it's not on a leash next time i'm going to kick the little ****er". It's not the first time i've encountered that white furry ball of fury. It is my arch nemesis and i hope to one day end the life of that dog. But unfortunately the owner may sue me. I will simply say in court "The dog ran into my knife". That will certainly hold up.
Mr-Fusion said:
Paragraphs are an interesting topic of discussion. A paragraph here and there can mean the difference between someone reading your post and someone totally disregarding it as they cannot be assed to read through this big ugly chunk of text. To achieve my goal of not wanting people to read my insanely stupid and spammy posts i've decided not to use these things commonly referred to as paragraphs. Instead i've jammed the spam into a dense chunk of idiocy that no-one in their right mind would actually read. It proves 2 things, reading sux and spam is accepted. When one approches the topic of idiocy you must really open your mind. Just type without even thinking. For example my pet cat who is appropriately named kitty caught a bird once but didn't kill it. It was a pidgeon, rats of the sky, so i walked up to it and could clearly see lots of feathers had been torn off by my cat named kitty. I fetched a rake, the prime poking device, and nudged the bird. To my utter disbelief the stupid pidgeon spamed on the ground like an insane mother****er then took to the air heading straight at me. Naturall, with the adrenailine flowing from the shock i bolted in the other direction straigh into a chair and fell flat on my my face. That was extremely retarded but i achieve one important goal. I got out of the way of that stupid stupid pidgeon. It flew away over the trees an into the horizon as i lay there clutching my bleeding knee and cursing that stupid pidgeon. Fight, fright, or flight? Well that piece of shit pidgeon froze from the fright of being caught by my cat. Then it took flight and fight me. Consequently i flote (that's not even a word) due to the pidgeon flying at me! What a strange turn of events.
i didn't read any of that.
epmode said:
i didn't read any of that.

I did, and very enjoyable it was too.

In response to Omni - yes I have and yes I did.
By the time PHL posts this "news" I think I'll be locked in my room torturing Combine, so the guy better hurry up.
Cool Stuff only read like 2 posts so................any news yet?
Raziel-Jcd said:
Cool Stuff only read like 2 posts so................any news yet?

Nope, no news yet...Or actually there is, just posted at wait, no there isn't
I think Valve is not yet ready for the information to be released.
Raziel-Jcd said:
Cool Stuff only read like 2 posts so................any news yet?

Would you stop posting that again and again?

"any news yet?" - a mod will lock this if you carry that on .Trust me, even a slightest scrap of new HL2 news there is,and it shall be posted on this forum FIRST, before anyother. Mark my words, this is the most active and biggest HL2 community.

So quit spamming.
Cool Stuff only read like 2 posts so................any news yet?
lans said:
Would you stop posting that again and again?

"any news yet?" - a mod will lock this if you carry that on .Trust me, even a slightest scrap of new HL2 news there is,and it shall be posted on this forum FIRST, before anyother. Mark my words, this is the most active and biggest HL2 community.

So quit spamming.

He says its a joke but I'm having a very hard time finding the humor in this joke.
PLanet-halflife is a FRIGGEN JOKE.

just like
Why not try to make a use of this topic. For example.. what new news do you think will be posted?

I cant think of anything but what hl2's multiplayer will be, something I dont much care about, long as DM and TDM are in, Im going to be happy. Maybe there will be new news about what kind of stuff you can drive in hl2? Or maybe the news is even a release date? Heh.

Whos know, maybe PlanetHL wants some traffic so there bullshitting? We wont know for awhile anyways. :dozey:
The Mistress said:
Whos know, maybe PlanetHL wants some traffic so there bullshitting? We wont know for awhile anyways. :dozey:

I would have disagreed earlier - bit I couldn't have agreed more.

There probably isn't going to be any article or screenshots, just a method of increasing PHL's traffic. :dozey:
Well, anyone with half a brain knows they told people afew days before GETTING the news on there, just so people will spam there site to get more traffic.

There will be news im sure, I dont think even planetHL are stupid enough to lie like that, they would lose alot of readers. I think the "new news" might be something alot less impacting then we all think, something like "HL2's box is orange!" or something we really dont care about that much.
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