Planethalflife: The countdown is on! HUH??

Me thinks Pratt is screwing around with something..... I doubt it has anything to do with HL2s release...but it is odd.
I saw that too, no idea what he is talking about. It makes me sad he doesn't elaborate. :(
Organizer said:
Son of a bitch. Give info now!

Yeah! *psycho voice* It is time to wake up and smell the ashes Mr. Pratt. Give info, or piss the whole HL2 community off...
Who knows what it is. It could be a count down to a mod being released or a count down to his birthday. I doubt its HL2. I mean, if there was a confermed date from Valve, all the news servers in the would would crash due to the huge amount of fan boys(including me) trying to get info.
I think he means the magazine that said HL2 is done and will be out on the 22nd.
ChosenKen said:
Who knows what it is. It could be a count down to a mod being released or a count down to his birthday. I doubt its HL2. I mean, if there was a confermed date from Valve, all the news servers in the would would crash due to the huge amount of fan boys(including me) trying to get info.

Or he may just have received word that he will be getting a gold announcement and just hasn't received it yet. This is all mindless speculation anyways. We'll just have to be patient.
Valve: Half-Life 2 has gone gold...
Pratt: HOORAY *quickly changes the geiger counter*
Valve: But don't tell anyone.
Pratt: Oops.
"Nothing to see here, Citizens. Move along, move along."

What exactly did it say before he changed it guys?
lotsa people know stuff they can't say =p
or they sayw hat they don't know in order to get hits
or lotsa people are saying the wrong stuff at the wrong time lately.

Either way sooner rather than later hl2 has to come out =p
...It would seem people are getting the gold word. I think Valve may be telling everyone it's going gold a certain date. So they can get all their Articles and "IT'S GOLD MOTHER F**KERS" ready. It takes time to make elaborate displays of @#*$@#$*^@!#$* GOLD.

But that's being hopefull
Yeah It seemed as tho with many of the new mag articles and web posting lately that something is gonna happen, but ill put money on it that the game isnt coming out till oct. early nov is more realistic thinking.
Wouldn't it be terrible to have such secret knowledge, and be unable to share it, no matter how much you wanted to?

Pi Mu Rho said:
Wouldn't it be terrible to have such secret knowledge, and be unable to share it, no matter how much you wanted to?

:) know something we don't!?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Wouldn't it be terrible to have such secret knowledge, and be unable to share it, no matter how much you wanted to?


OMG...You know something?!?!?!?!?!?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Wouldn't it be terrible to have such secret knowledge, and be unable to share it, no matter how much you wanted to?


That is definitely a hint. Okay. Something's going on.

Hook us up.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Wouldn't it be terrible to have such secret knowledge, and be unable to share it, no matter how much you wanted to?

OK everyone at the same time...

Pi Mu Rho said:
Wouldn't it be terrible to have such secret knowledge, and be unable to share it, no matter how much you wanted to?


You're such a bastard :p
3 posts withing seconds of eachother all with something in the sentence. TELL US WHAT YOU SOMETHING.
Of course he knows something. That or he's just ****ing with our minds. I'm praying for the latter.
I've got a rope!

Lets jump Pi Mu Roh, tie him up and begin an interogation.


EDIT: But since he has moderating power I think I will just sit back and watch while you guys do the work. :p
Pi Mu Rho said:
Wouldn't it be terrible to have such secret knowledge, and be unable to share it, no matter how much you wanted to?

Yeah that sucks :S Especially when the subject is about something your friends would even pay to know about or something ;p

edit: err I am so slow
Pi Mu Rho said:
Wouldn't it be terrible to have such secret knowledge, and be unable to share it, no matter how much you wanted to?


You need a shit too?

/me goes to wave mr brown off at the coast
Why the latter. If he knows "something", steam gets 2x the bandwidth and there is a mysterious message at PHL, WE WANT TO KNOW.

I smell something fishy, & halflifey.