Platinum Games' VANQUISH

**** God Hand.

looks neat :)

looks better than bayonetta aswell imo (yeah i just didnot get the hype for that game :|)
Besides typical japanese mannequin people and cheese out the asshole (OH GOD WE NEED A STEREOTYPICAL ARMY COMMANDER GUY SOMEONE CALL STEVE BLUM), looks neat. I like the level of movement your character has, allays any fears this was going to be just another cover shooter.
yeah the dialogue was pretty bad :laugh:

"we need to stop this from happening so lets go stop this from happening"
well it seems to have shinji mikami's touch on that
not that interesed honestly,gameplay looked like a gears of wars trying to be a armored core
But unlike Gears and all the other stick to cover games this looks fast and fluid rather than clunky and measured. I have faith.
still I am tired that everytime I see gameplay of a interesting game it ends looking similiar to the tipical famous games
Gameplay looks somewhat intriguing, but I'm still not very interested in this.

Dude, you just killed my enthusiasm with that. A few posts back i'm defending Vanquish as not being a clunky Gears clone and you find a vid that makes it look like Gears, but even more slow and dull. Ok, punching was cool, and my faith in Platinum verges on the fanatical (have you experienced the beauty of Bayonetta yet?), but that's taken me from stonking hardon to half mast.
Ah, fair enough. Still - the resemblance to Gears in that is uncanny. If I find myself stuck behind a wall and popping up and down to try and take out bad guys doing the same thing I won't be happy.
off course it looks too dam similiar to gears, jesus its like a mod of gears

seriously whats happening,first that other japanese game that looks similiar to gears and now this?
More slow and dull? Looks smooth, quick and responsive to me.
I am so underwhelmed I can't even finish typ
Winback and Kill.switch, man. Winback and Kill.switch.

Cliffy even said Kill.Switch inspired him for Gears.
Forgot all about Winback. I saw a lot of ads in it for magazines years ago but never got to play it.
Listen to you guys getting your knickers in a twist. Who said Gears invented the cover system? That vid looks little like Kill Switch and even less like Winback. It looks very similar to Gears tho.

I'm still very hyped for the game, but more high speed rushes and missile dodging and less popping up and down behind cover pls.
Willie said:
Forgot all about Winback. I saw a lot of ads in it for magazines years ago but never got to play it.
Pretty cool game.

But you know, people even cried "IT LOOKS JUST LIKE <insert game here>" for Winback. People used to call it a copy of Metal Gear/Syphon Filter.

Warbie said:
Who said Gears invented the cover system? That vid looks little like Kill Switch and even less like Winback. It looks very similar to Gears tho.
doesn't look like Kill.Switch
looks similar to Gears

Also, it's just that's what you sound like, man. You sound like the kid on GameFAQs forums crying about how this game is suuuuuuuuuuuuuch a rip off of Gears, it's like so totally obvious. I'm not saying you believe it, but that's what you sound like.
Well, you should know me better :p Not far back in this thread I was going on about how different this looks from Gears.
hey I remnber that game winback,it was one of the first ps2 games right?

see I knew that whole thing of covering and shotoing wasnt invented by gears
hey I remnber that game winback,it was one of the first ps2 games right?
It was originally on N64. It came out a year after MGS, I believe, so everyone was like, "Winback is the MGS killer!"

Yes, people used to say "_____ killer" back then, too.
The video of a guy shooting over a wall and then diving from a laser shooting robot a few times and then kicking the laser shooting robot?
The more mech stuff you're able to do with your mech suit (beating up robots is a good start), the more I'll like this game I think. Kind of tired of games giving you all this advanced future tech and then all it really boils down to is "run and shoot."
Eurogamer hands on

'Comparisons feel slightly redundant, though; Vanquish looks as entirely idiosyncratic as any of Platinum's other games. Suspicions that it's a re-skinned, Japanese Gears of War fade to nothing as soon as you slide-kick a barrier into a crowd of robots before chucking a cigarette onto the debris.'

That's what I wanted to hear :)

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