Playing HL1 again.


May 22, 2003
Reaction score
It's been ages since HL1 has been on my computer, but with all this hype and hysteria around I just have to play it all the way through just one last time before HL2 comes out, I have forgotten quite alot of what went on in the later parts of Half-Life and to be honest I don't remember completing it..

Maybe I didn't? Nah impossible!

Anyone else going to play HL1 through again?
Yeah I been playing through it again since the other day, just got past Residue Processing! :)
Heh, nice one.

I wonder if Valve will bring out a patch this time that lets people play without the CD? 5 years ago warez was much less free flowing and just starting to blossom.

No doubt there will be a no-cd crack out within 3 days anyway :)
I still don't get that huge baby, whoever thought of that needs to see someone, and fast. Although it's probably too late ;(
yeah...I was trying to play thru it again after the hype of HL2...

but unfortunately I encountered a rather nasty glitch in one of the levels so I can't complete it :-/

the levle where you have to get power on the rail so that you can ride one of those "trains" through some concrete barricade....for some reason even though I have turned the generator on...there's no power on the rail :-/

pretty annoying....and that big alien guy that u usually blow up by luring him into the high voltage for some reason cut off...there's this huge fence that I don't remeber being there so I can't even get in there...think that might have something to do with the power generator aswell...don't anycase I have to play that level over I think....just hope I have a proper save...
Hey! It's better to play it with the CD, you get all the awesome music which adds loads of atmosphere to the game! :)
bah...I might as well play it through Ive got a week off, lol....but I think its time to tell me secreat :(, Ive never completed HL1 without cheats!! :o :o :o
looser! :P

although as long as it's SP I don't care...but looser anyway! :P there a noclip cheat so that I can get pass that glitch without having to replay the damn level?
Originally posted by simmo2k3
bah...I might as well play it through Ive got a week off, lol....but I think its time to tell me secreat :(, Ive never completed HL1 without cheats!! :o :o :o

You don't belong here :P

j/k :)
Im playing it to.. Im in the Office Complex.
I cant wait unil I get to "We got hostiles", I love that level !

Originally posted by Laguna
Im playing it to.. In Office Complex.. :bounce:

Darn I loved that level! I played it like yesterday and i'm missing it already!

Methinks im gonna replay it again after I completed it this time on Medium without quicksave :)
well i'm gonna complete it without cheats, gonna be sooooo easy
Yup, me too! I've just entered the Lambda Core. I forgot how challenging this game is on the hardest level.....arrrggghhh.
that nutsack creature(boss on xen) is pretty hard even on just sucks up all of your ammo for all the bloody annoying!
i'm playing through it again.. i haven't jumped through the teleporter yet.. i'm just past the part where you exit the black mesa compound through the front doors.
Oh my God! It's like a whole new game on hard, I love it!

Noone should be playing it on easy if you are replaying it, it's just no fun! When you know something can easily kill you, you get scared and jumpy more so than on easy where you know that anything that messes with you will end up in a heap on the floor.

Whilst in the test chamber with things farking up around me I was thinking @This is where it all started@ woo, brings a tear to my eye! :D
Its that better on hard...I guessed that....i'm so cool
You can make it even harder by custom editing the skill.cfg file ;)

Headcrabs that do 50 damage, anyone? :E

It's also pretty interesting to just read through it.. On easy and medium bullsquids have 40 HP, on hard they get 120!
Originally posted by Bilko
Heh, nice one.

I wonder if Valve will bring out a patch this time that lets people play without the CD? 5 years ago warez was much less free flowing and just starting to blossom.

No doubt there will be a no-cd crack out within 3 days anyway :)

*gasp* you can play HL without the CD. never encountered a single problem. and no I didn't download my copy.
hmm...never played through HL :/
But I got the gun :afro: :cheers:
the only thing yer missing is cd music..I think

I can play HL over and over with out getting bored. HL is jus that good
iv recently beat it but i had a wierd glitch at nahil where i would kill the bastard and he would just float up to the top and stay there forever just shooting lightning and green balls out of his head. what i ended up doin was shooting him with everyting i had and saved the backpack thing for last. i jumped up with the jumpin thing and nailed him on head and finally warped to see g-man.oh and i never used any cheats, u gotta be sad to use it on sp and even moreso for mp.
LOL look at this pic....

It happen a few days ago when I played.....
Really strange...

Its not a "real" (XXX) gangbang... But almost :cheese: :cheese:

See it now. So freaking wierd !!
heh cockroaches...eww btw is that weapon used in counter-life?:dozey:
Yesterday i played through Opposing force, and today i played through HL..well they are both even better now than when i played them the first time. Opposing force is really cool...more cool weapons..Just blueshift left, well i completed it one time...i remember that it was short...well i dont own a copy of blueshift so...
Blue Shift is merely okay, in my opinion. I got it mainly for the High-Definition pack, or whatever they call it. High resolution, high definition, whatever. Op4 is cool for the plot furthering, but I thought most of the extra weapons were kinda lame. And the Race-X thing?'s not a bad game, but nothing even close to the caliber of HL, I thought.

I'm playing HL and OpFor through again too -- up to the slaves' grunt-producing factory on Xen and have just defused the nuke in OpFor.

The disappointing thing is the combat now: it might just be me but after 5 years online multiplayer experience the SP ingame Blastable Nasties just don't offer any challenge at all. I spent ages replaying the battles first time around in 1998 in order to try and get through with as much health and HEV power intact -- but now I can kill them all within a couple of seconds of contact: knowing where to shoot, quickly swapping guns for best advantage (alien guns for marines/energy weapons to kill the aliens/double blast of shottie for close-up work), etc. I can dodge their attacks, find cover before they fire, indirectly return fire with nades and bombs to kill without seeing them get fragged.

The gonarch and gargs gave me huge problems that first go, now I just dodge, dance and weave indefinitely while blazing away and it's just not a problem at all. I'm making it a mission to try and nail the gonarch with crowbar alone now.

Multiplayer -- "it's just got to be good for you". So I now give thanks to those online years of HLDM, TFC, CS, DOD, NS -- undoubtably harsh schools to learn from, but the lessons of constant movement and the development of great hand-eye-mouse-crosshair coordination are worth it when none can stand before me regards computer AI...
If you've played HL1 thru again and still want more, I recommend Svencoop. You can even use it to play the singleplayer game thru as multiplayer with your friends. :)
I bought cs retail before i bought HL, so im a master at killing all the guys, infact, i just beat it for my first time on normal, it took me about 8-16 hours(i cant keep track) of playing. Its probably closer to 16.
I dont understand how you people can use or even need cheats. holy shit.:afro:
I only used cheats for nihilanth, and ashamed of myself to this day :(
Originally posted by Laguna
LOL look at this pic....

It happen a few days ago when I played.....
Really strange...

Its not a "real" (XXX) gangbang... But almost :cheese: :cheese:

See it now. So freaking wierd !!

You naughty boy :D
Originally posted by Bilko
It's been ages since HL1 has been on my computer, but with all this hype and hysteria around I just have to play it all the way through just one last time before HL2 comes out, I have forgotten quite alot of what went on in the later parts of Half-Life and to be honest I don't remember completing it..

Maybe I didn't? Nah impossible!

Anyone else going to play HL1 through again?

I am also playing Half-Life again. I just got the full game with both addons. I've never played the addons before, so beat them, and now I'm thinking of playing the original game again. :D