Plea to people who are preloading HL2, and not buying the game...

I think there is 2 good points here.

[1] They shouldn't have let people download it with out buying a KEY.

[2] They let everyone download it in the chance people will just go ahead and buy it off steam.

I went for #2, I didn't think I would ever buy a game through steam but I think it was a nice jesture from valve to do this so they will get steam money instead of retail store money. I wish they would have given you the option to buy a key at this time.

I'm illiterate to the meaning of this 'preloading' for half-life 2. Can someone please explain to me what this means? Sorry for the sudden interuption. :|
Pre-load means you can download a portion of the game in advance, so if you were going to download the intire game and buy through Steam you wouldn't have to download the intire game like over 2GB of data, hince saving bandwidth & allowing more people to download it in sections.
Who cares if people download it, and use a store boughten key to open it. Are those of you that cynical that such a thing is unfair? Its their money, let them do as they chose. So when if they can get to a store, or have it shipped to them the day its released, and you cant. So what if vavle is wasting bandwith, its not yours, and its not costing you a damn thing.

Its not like these "evil people" who preload and buy the cd, (like me and the collectors edition i got at walmart for 60$), are costing you gameplay moments cuz of bandwith issues. You will have the game preloaded long before its out, relax, go out side and do something, and complain about things in the world that matter, and then be that change.
wonkers said:
I think I will download it again...It's fun to watch. I love watching that lil bar go across..I am going to delete what I downloaded and do it again...It's cool .

It's time to enfuriate the noobs after countless ignorant coments.
Bastion said:
Pre-load means you can download a portion of the game in advance, so if you were going to download the intire game and buy through Steam you wouldn't have to download the intire game like over 2GB of data, hince saving bandwidth & allowing more people to download it in sections.

I see. Thanks for the answer Bastion.

Questions. Why would it matter if anyone were to preload the game if you still need to pay for it? Would'nt it be rather better if you get more from what you can buy at a store? OR is it just that you'd rather have the game itself, forgeting the case, cds, manuals, etc.

I'm assuming this game will gold some time really soon, so when it does, you'll get the rest of the data from what I understood
Well, I'm downloading because then I don't have to install a gay german version that I have to buy in germany. That's also the reason why I don't buy many games, I just hate playing them in any other language than english. I also can't get one from the UK, since I don't have a credit card, so I'm glad I can preload HL2 in english.
It's Valve's bandwidth. If they want to make the preload available to everybody then that's their business. Nobody has any right to complain.
This preload is for everyone. Whether they want to buy it off steam or not. Not sure how you guys can impose authority over it. Bah.
Personally Im getting it useing steam, got the preload, took afew hours, I dont mind if people who are not useing steam to buy it get it really, even if its rather pointless as they will have cds.
even if i did buy it in store and not download it, ít'd still cut short on installation times =)
Heh, your all gettin worked up about nothing!

Seriously... I suspect there is plenty of time before HL2 is available to buy let alone buy. Just give it a few days. :)
i don't get how a useless and rethorical topic like this could grow so fast.... rethorical (pardon my dutch;)) because; why plea people not to download something that is meant for everyone?
Im buying the game retail, and I don't see any point whatsoever in preloading it.

So you get to play the game 5 minutes earlier. Does that really matter when we've been waiting nearly a year? Plus retail buyers (like me) will have to wait for the game to be shipped before we get a CD key. Steam buyers will get to play HL2 before us. Just accept it.

Is there anyone here who can say (honestly) that they can download a gigabyte of data faster than they can read it from their CD Drive? Because unless you can say that, you're just wasting your time.
[Matt] said:
come to IRC... they're having a bandwidth race ;(

And you want to win so you're asking everyone else not to dl? Yes, I see your very mature point.

The only reason not to Preload would be to save VALVe their already used bandwidth. There is no other point. I'll be preloading later when people stop hogging the bandwidth (In a week maybe?) and then just type in my CD-key, easy install.

jabberwock95 said:
Is there anyone here who can say (honestly) that they can download a gigabyte of data faster than they can read it from their CD Drive? Because unless you can say that, you're just wasting your time.

No, but I can certainly type in a CD-key and activate the *already downloaded when HL2 ships* data faster then I can install it from CDs swapping them like a retarded baboon. Why do you care anyway? You're buying it in the stores.
jabberwock95 said:
Im buying the game retail, and I don't see any point whatsoever in preloading it.

So you get to play the game 5 minutes earlier. Does that really matter when we've been waiting nearly a year? Plus retail buyers (like me) will have to wait for the game to be shipped before we get a CD key. Steam buyers will get to play HL2 before us. Just accept it.

Is there anyone here who can say (honestly) that they can download a gigabyte of data faster than they can read it from their CD Drive? Because unless you can say that, you're just wasting your time.

Well, I don't care if I have to wait 5 hours longer just to play, as long as I don't have to play it in german.
I paid for my copy of HL2 a long time ago ...I should get to download it before anyone else (same goes for all of those that are in the same boat as I'm in)

I still cant pre-load because of the massive scramble to pre-load something that wont work for god knows how long
Dead-Inside said:
I can certainly type in a CD-key and activate the *already downloaded when HL2 ships* data faster then I can install it from CDs swapping them like a retarded baboon. Why do you care anyway? You're buying it in the stores.

I don't really care, I just don't understand why people would want to tie up their connection for hours when they will be getting the data delivered to them on the proverbial silver platter.

I understand it may knock 10-15 minutes off the time it takes before you play HL2, but is it worth it? Much more time could be lost through shipping or walking to the shops than installing the game.

Plus I get to read the manual and look at the cool instally pictures. :p

Oh well, this is just like any other difference of opinions over the internet. All we can do is share our viewpoints and move on. I'm sure we'll both have a great time playing HL2 no matter what we do. :thumbs:
CptStern said:
I paid for my copy of HL2 a long time ago ...I should get to download it before anyone else (same goes for all of those that are in the same boat as I'm in)

I still cant pre-load because of the massive scramble to pre-load something that wont work for god knows how long

Help me out here. Please explain how you paid for your copy of Half Life 2? I can see you putting a deposit down for the game. Not the same as buying it. I can see you buying a video card that gives you a FREE game. Not the same as buying it.

So again how is it that some people THINK they have paid for this game?

You PAID FOR A VIDEO CARD and it happened to have a free game with it. Nothing more nothing less. Granted you bought that video card because of the free game. But you did not pay for the game. FREE means just that no charge.
If VALVe really cared at all that people were downloading the game when they were gonna buy it instores they would have forced you to input your CD Key right from the start. As you can see VALVe doesn't care at all, therefore we should not be worrying.
[Matt] said:
From moderating our irc channel its become clear that loads people are downloading the hl2 preload just for the sake of it even though they are not planning to buy the game via steam but by purchasing a CD instead. Whats the point? The data you're downloading cant be accessed unless you buy the game!

Take my advice... if your planning of buying the CD dont touch the preload for the sake of it! Your hogging bandwidth from genuine preloaders AND your costing valve cash....


Who cares if it's not coming out til November. Yo uhave over 2 months to download it. Do you need it in the first 24 hours?
whats with all you people saying your downloading it so you can punch in the cdkey right away. it will take 10 minutes to install wtf?
Aknot said:
Help me out here. Please explain how you paid for your copy of Half Life 2? I can see you putting a deposit down for the game. Not the same as buying it. I can see you buying a video card that gives you a FREE game. Not the same as buying it.

So again how is it that some people THINK they have paid for this game?

You PAID FOR A VIDEO CARD and it happened to have a free game with it. Nothing more nothing less. Granted you bought that video card because of the free game. But you did not pay for the game. FREE means just that no charge.

I could have easily bought a sapphire instead of an asus which was more expensive because it came with the game I did pay for it
Triggerhappy41 said:
look, everyone is going to get it sooner or later. its not a big deal.

Plus, i thought we could punch in the cd key from a store bought version and activate the game that way too.

Then what the hell is the point of buying the retail version?
CptStern said:
I could have easily bought a sapphire instead of an asus which was more expensive because it came with the game I did pay for it

No the stipulation is and most of the sites selling it say:

Free Half Life 2 Coupon. Just because you paid more (between two of the SAME brand of cards) makes no matter at all.

When you buy a box of ceral with a free toy inside you are paying No more then the box without the toy.

Now you show me where the EXACT same card is different in price because of the included FREE coupon then you have an argument............ With the people selling you the card.
Aknot said:
No the stipulation is and most of the sites selling it say:

Free Half Life 2 Coupon. Just because you paid more (between two of the SAME brand of cards) makes no matter at all.

When you buy a box of ceral with a free toy inside you are paying No more then the box without the toy.

Now you show me where the EXACT same card is different in price because of the included FREE coupon then you have an argument............ With the people selling you the card.

those deals are long gone, how am I supposed to show you the price difference?
Stop saying people are wasting Valve money by preloading the dang thing, because they arn't that is if Valve has any brains that is. Valve pays a set amount of money for there lines no matter how much bandwith is used. Do you think Valve would even have come up with Steam if it would cost them everytime some 1 reformats there computer and forgot to save a copy of there Half-Life+Mods caches, and had to d/l them all again.

Steam is the only way to install half-life+mods now and be able to play online, your half-life cd is worthless right now.
CptStern said:
those deals are long gone, how am I supposed to show you the price difference?

So it was a "deal" and now no one reflects a price difference on the EXACT same card with or w/o the coupon. Well Im really sorry if you paid more for a card with the coupon for the exact same card without the coupon. You were "cheated" because there was supposed to be no price difference. Sorry to hear that.
Aknot said:
So it was a "deal" and now no one reflects a price difference on the EXACT same card with or w/o the coupon. Well Im really sorry if you paid more for a card with the coupon for the exact same card without the coupon. You were "cheated" because there was supposed to be no price difference. Sorry to hear that.

stop splitting hairs

the card was better ...cuz it came with HL2 shaddup and give up your place in line
CptStern said:
stop splitting hairs

the card was better ...cuz it came with HL2 shaddup and give up your place in line
I was done 30 mins after the release.
ya but I wasnt sitting there with my finger on the proverbial button waiting for it to pre-load
stop the preload!! youre wasting valuable bandwith that must be freed for others
and i can still not start its been almost 2 day's....
oke its a preload. but if i'm not able to preload it tomorow then i wont being able to download the rest off the content when its realised so that makes me sick.

EDIT: it finaly started..... :bounce:
marko33 said:
stop the preload!! youre wasting valuable bandwith that must be freed for others

Hmm, I think I may just go ahead and preload it again just for the heck of it. :)
i would just like to say that i already preordered the CE. but i preloaded it to... it only took about 8 minuits for me to dl it... so whay do you care if it only takes 8 minuits of thire bandwidth
Basically if you dont drive, and you have a credit card, Order through steam. If you drive and have 55 bucks, Go get it at the store either way you will get the game, decide based on your current situation.
D@Linkwent said:
Basically if you dont drive, and you have a credit card, Order through steam. If you drive and have 55 bucks, Go get it at the store either way you will get the game, decide based on your current situation.


Do it anyway you want to. Do it as many times as you want to. what you should not do is tell other people how to do it.