Please discuss NEW HL2 Media HERE (when time come)

Originally posted by Xtasy0
Seattle Washington USA.
Yup, the Valve crew are mostly ex-Micro$oft, so they set up shop in their backyard (Redmond or Kirkland, can't remember which. They're all pretty boring office-park suburbs).
gabe is an ex microsoft dude.. he left it to create valvesoftware if I am correct
Originally posted by EVIL
gabe is an ex microsoft dude.. he left it to create valvesoftware if I am correct

yeah.. thats what I have heard too. And Gabe did a right choice in that i say.. :cool:
Aw come on, ill bet we are gonna see some vids in the next 2-3 hours ......
damn, got me too :D
cant wait any more

going to hack valve for new movies ;)
thats scary bonanza :D lets just be patient.. videos will come soon. :bounce:
So, to get this video will it be just a case of leaving steam open and it will just start automatically?
leave it closed and wwhen it comes out launch it
are u guys defintaly shore that the videos will come out today?
As stated by valve: Yes its the official date.. if they don't give them today.. well.. you have a 2 hour permission slip to bitch and moan
:bonce: <---what I look like right now...

I just woke up hoping for some videos to please me... But no..

its 11:43 AM central time.. ALMOST 12:00 PM! bah.. whats going on!

Another question: who is Erik Johnson on steam? he keeps signing on and off...
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
:bonce: <---what I look like right now...

I just woke up hoping for some videos to please me... But no..

its 11:43 AM central time.. ALMOST 12:00 PM! bah.. whats going on!

Another question: who is Erik Johnson on steam? he keeps signing on and off...

its 07:46 PM in here :P so I can leave my comp. downloading the video and then go to sleep.. :P
My bet is that videos will come out evening..on central time
Man, im tired waiting for this videos !
its 8:35PM here
I woke up at 10:00AM just for the videos.......But there was no movies, nothing there :(

GIVE ME MY VIDEO!........SPAM ERIK Or ill go back to sleep
NO! dont spam, when the videos come we wake u up

oh my god maybe he crashed anthoer car and DIED !!!1!
or a car crashed him and he DIED !!
F**k gabe and his promises..i am tired of this sh*t..all those fat bosses never do sh*t on time.
Im gona go play some diablo on bnet:x
Then when you come back, hopefully it will have had arrived!
Bah those ****ers .... no movies no respect gabe looks like a h0mo anyway
jhero calms down erverybody who thinks that videos doesnt arrive.

good job :afro:
HA HA HA HL2 fire fighting???????? ok why is everyone starting thier mods now?? wait till HL2 comes out and you will know more about it. Evryone starts modding before they get a chance to acctually play it through...or get bored of it

@Digital you stupid babyface. You talk like this just because they didnt released new stuff now? Ouh boy, grow up, just grow up.