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Sep 29, 2003
Reaction score
Early Release on Steam

I would just like to inform everyone that the game will not be released earlier on Steam, it has been stated several times that this is the case and it has been know for a faily long time, many of you will already know this but i still see see threads and posts which speculate about a possible earlier release on steam. Just to let those of you who are still oblivious to this information know.
and its likely for a worldwide release.
You could have used a better title too :p
It's already common knowledge, but thanks for the officious announcement.
things can change. things aren't as they were a year ago, so valve might adapt to the situation and do something different.
i believe its part of their contract to VUG not to release the game on Steam until it hits the shops.
renegotiation of contracts can happen. who knows whats going to happen after their time in court. vivendi and valve may come to a new agreement, we just dont know at this time.
i can imagine huge retail losses if valve are allowed to release it early.

EDIT: but i very much doubt that will happen.
Yeah, VUG would never allow it tos hip early, thats financial suicide