Plot Hole Revelation

When/how will the plot holes be filled?

  • A whole new game (like the lost coast)

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • Aftermath

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • HL2 expansion after Aftermath

    Votes: 28 38.9%
  • HL3

    Votes: 29 40.3%
  • One of HL3's expansions

    Votes: 10 13.9%

  • Total voters
Apr 29, 2005
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Well, as is obvious, the half-life series is full of plot holes, twists and turns, and gore. But mostly plot holes, my question is, how do you think valve will clear them up?
I am fear that Valve corporation will be finished before the plot is finished.
The HL series is almost certain to end with the episodes.
bigburpco said:
The HL series is almost certain to end with the episodes.
"...and I base this on absolutely nothing at all."

Sorry, but I'm really not sure that's the case. I sort of see where you're coming from - if for the fourth one they want to do a standalone plot, does this mean they've abandoned Gordon?
But to be honest, I get the impression that the episodes are there partly to test out episodic content (you'll need more than just Sin to test out the commercial viability, and what better franchise than HL?), and partly to wrap up the section of the story that HL2 set in motion.

However, I base this on very little also, so I could be wrong.
Samon said:
What plot holes?

ignorance is bliss ;)

But seriously, it really depends on how you look at it. I guess for people with "no fantasy", the HL story is pretty much swiss cheese :p
If you mean how the game will end? I belive they will end it with Half life 3. Coming after a bunch of episodes.

Oh and btw, what plot holes? Things they havent told us yet like the missing week? I whouldnt call that a plot hole.

Edit: And i didnt realy get the, A whole new game (like the lost coast), option. If we get Half life 3, that whould be a new game?
Samon said:
What plot holes?
I'm as puzzled as you Samon. there are no 'plot holes' just information that dangles just out of our reach
what would we talk about if the story stupidly answered all our questions, in fact it wouldnt be half the game if it did

to compound it all I don't think the thread starter understands what a plot hole means
I love this site. I cant enter one thread without someone linking to wiki.
Not that its bad.
There are a few plot holes in the HL universe.

1. Civil Protection are humans, who need to wear gasmasks. WTF DUDE?
2. "You can keep your suit, you earned it," was said in the fianl moments of the last game. Yet in HL2, you start off without it...
3. "You left this at Black Mesa,' said Barney. No, you left it at Xen. I am of course referring to the crowbar.
4. Breen in charge of Earth's surrender? Why would the Combine care about negotiating with humans?
5. It was always thought that the G-Man was the administrator, especially considering he was caught having an argument with a scientist in Black Mesa...

But I think the rebel medic is talking about the plot being explained, not actual plot holes...
drunkymonkey said:
There are a few plot holes in the HL universe.
1. Civil Protection are humans, who need to wear gasmasks. WTF DUDE?

Image. Portrays menace.

drunkymonkey said:
2. "You can keep your suit, you earned it," was said in the fianl moments of the last game. Yet in HL2, you start off without it...

Still gets it though, doesn't he? He couldn't dump Gordon in City 17 with the HEV suit, he needed to allow him to get to grasps with the world.

drunkymonkey said:
3. "You left this at Black Mesa,' said Barney. No, you left it at Xen. I am of course referring to the crowbar.

That, is a joke. A reference. Gordon had two crowbars in HL, actually. He isn't being literal.

drunkymonkey said:
4. Breen in charge of Earth's surrender? Why would the Combine care about negotiating with humans?

Because we'd have continued to fight, and ultimately would have been wiped out. The Combine assimilate races, what good would eliminating us be? Breen secured a future, and in that, also promised local teleportation technology.

drunkymonkey said:
5. It was always thought that the G-Man was the administrator, especially considering he was caught having an argument with a scientist in Black Mesa...

It was never mentioned that he was, people merely got that impression. The argument, in my mind, was probably Gman trying to delay or stop the experiment.
Why would the G-Man try to stop the experiment when he could stop time?
Because he cannot stop time. In HL2, he altered Gordons perception of it, not time itself. It would be ridiculous if he could.
Yeah, the G-Man can't stop time. What he can do is do all sort of weird temporal things to people. Such as put people into a stasis where they do not age.

Also, there's the small chance that the G-Man didn't do anything at all with time at the end of HL2. Maybe the slowdown was the effect of the explosion itself, with the dark energy and gravity being released in such a way to create a very strong time dilation effect, although that's not really probable.
It's possible, but if that were the case then the G-Man would be moving very slowly as well.

I'm with you and Samon that he didn't stop/slow time, just Gordon's perception of it, before taking him back into stasis. He couldn't just put him into stasis without showing off like that - it's obvious the G-Man has something of a penchant for the dramatic.

Quite how Gordon is removed from stasis early, as Valve have said, without the G-Man's permission is another matter entirely.
Roll on May 31st. In theory.
drunkymonkey said:
Why would the G-Man try to stop the experiment when he could stop time?
After the first flash in that sequence look behind you. Do think that the g-man has teleported the top of the citadel away?
ríomhaire said:
After the first flash in that sequence look behind you. Do think that the g-man has teleported the top of the citadel away?
Or that he brought Gordon to the middle of the citadel in the intro speech?
Why would he simply drop Gordon off at the station and put him through all that gubbins if he could so easily take him into the Citadel?
probably because the combine are more powerful than the Gman - he could only appear in the citadel after the reactor went into meltdown
ríomhaire said:
After the first flash in that sequence look behind you. Do think that the g-man has teleported the top of the citadel away?
What are you referring to?

I don't think the Combine is more powerful than the G-Man (the guy is apparently invincible for crying out loud), but I do think that he cannot do anything directly to stop teh Combine.
drunkymonkey said:
What are you referring to?

I don't think the Combine is more powerful than the G-Man (the guy is apparently invincible for crying out loud), but I do think that he cannot do anything directly to stop teh Combine.

I don't think so. There is no evidence to say he is invincible. He merely seems that way because he never directly interacts, or stands in the way - only steps in when he feels fit.

He is cryptic, somewhat cold at times, and he doesn't seem too human. But I don't think he can stop time, and I don't think he is that powerful himself. Its merely an illusion held over Gordon. All he does, is control Gordon and his actions because Gordon accepted it. Would be no good if he showed Gordon he was vulnerable.
He's certainly not invincible as in immortal, but he certainly does have some technology/abilities to protect him.

First, there was that forcefield effect in HL1 if you tried to shoot him. And I don't think it was just a requirement of the game. They could always put the G-Man where you can't shoot him (behind glass, etc., like most sightings), but at least a couple were such that you could shoot at him.

Second, the G-Man was seen among or near Xen aliens in HL1, and these aliens ignored him.

Finally, in HL2 the G-Man appears among or near both Combine soldiers and wildlife, but again, no one seems to attack him.

One possibility is that one of the G-Man's abilities is rendering himself invisible to people or aliens. If so, he would simply make himself invisible to the Combine and the aliens and thus stay alive. If not that, I'm hard pressed to think of something. There are definitely other reasons why humans/Combine might not attack him, but thinking of a reason for the non-intelligent aliens not to attack is much harder.

The most impressive G-Man moment in this sense is, IMO, his appearance in Nova Prospekt. It's a Combine stronghold that is damn hard to get into, but he's there. Moreover, it's being invaded by antlions (who you can see right behind G-Man but ignoring him), and there's a ton of Combine soldiers around, fending the antlions off. The G-Man appears in the middle of all that, though, not really fussed.

Interestingly, if the G-Man is somehow anti-Combine (an agent of an anti-Combine race or alliance or whatever), then one would assume the Combine would attack him on sight. Heck, City17 soldiers attack anyone on sight that isn't a uniformed citizen or another Combine. And the Nova Prospekt guards shoot at everything that moves, but the G-Man, again, is left alone.
Yes, great. Lets go kill Gman! Of course he can be killed. It just wasnt meant to happen. The same goes for Alyx. When she gets shoot, she doesnt realy get shoot. I dont realy know how to explain it. But as for the gman, if you could blast him away in half life 1, how cool whould that be. Oh who the hell is that nerd? Lets blast him! The end. No sir. Gman is a very important charecter.

Gordon appears in the combine citadel. Well Breens cares but still... He got in there.
Gordon appears in front of bullsquids and Vorts who does nothing to him. Simply looks at him.
And when gman was in Nova prospect, no combine actualy saw him.

And gman doesnt slow time, he has a slow teleport thou. Kliener worked with it after you left him in his lab and then when Gman put you in stassis Kliener messed it up.
Uhm, Rizzo, Alyx can be killed. It made me lose once. It sucked. And G-Man can be killed as well. Boot up construct, spawn him and a strider then back away quickly and prepare to laugh at G-Man.
In the opening sequence when he's talking at you all 50% transparent-like, if you bind a key to "ignite whatever you're looking at" you can light the G-Man on fire! That shuts him up REAL quick! Stops mid-sentence and ka-thumps backward on the ground.
i don't think the gman makes himself invisible. I think its more along the lines of "whereever he is, he looks official and like he belongs there"
Flyingdebris said:
i don't think the gman makes himself invisible. I think its more along the lines of "whereever he is, he looks official and like he belongs there"
Even to houndeyes and dying security guards?
Well, he does have a "looks like he belongs there" quality in HL1 often, but that certainly wouldn't be enough to help him. Not vs. houndeyes, not vs. antlions or Combine soldiers.
Maybe he has a device in his breifcase that supresses any hositillty towards him, though thats only a theory of mine though.
Most of the time he is out of reach of enemies in HL1 and HL2. Houndeyes and Bullsquids may not attack G-Man because they see him as a friendly, or something like that. I mean, you hardly seem him walk past Antguards unscathed do you? :D
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Most of the time he is out of reach of enemies in HL1 and HL2. Houndeyes and Bullsquids may not attack G-Man because they see him as a friendly, or something like that. I mean, you hardly seem him walk past Antguards unscathed do you? :D
In a Nova Prospekt moniter it's possible to see a pack of antlions running past him.
Yes, but they didnt see him.

And you missunderstod my post. Im not saying he can be killed in game, but if you where able to kill him that whould ruin the game. As go for Alyx he doesnt get "shot" She onely lose her hp till she dies and you lose, but its not meant for her to get shot. Nor was Gman meant to get shot. Its not that he is some imortal badass who cant die, becouse then he whouldnt give a rats ass about you and do all the work himself. you just wasn't meant to kill him there plot wise.
I don't think gman really exists as a human body, rather he's more of a projection of a being that would otherwise be unfathomable or imperceptible by human beings, therefore he is not "killable."
Rizzo89 said:
Yes, but they didnt see him.

And you missunderstod my post. Im not saying he can be killed in game, but if you where able to kill him that whould ruin the game. As go for Alyx he doesnt get "shot" She onely lose her hp till she dies and you lose, but its not meant for her to get shot. Nor was Gman meant to get shot. Its not that he is some imortal badass who cant die, becouse then he whouldnt give a rats ass about you and do all the work himself. you just wasn't meant to kill him there plot wise.
I disagree. I think the G-Man is entirely unkillable by anyone. The man is immortal. Notice now he didn't age, or how he can stop time and how he can teleport places.
He can't stop time, he merely alters Gordons perception of it.