Plot Hole Revelation

When/how will the plot holes be filled?

  • A whole new game (like the lost coast)

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • Aftermath

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • HL2 expansion after Aftermath

    Votes: 28 38.9%
  • HL3

    Votes: 29 40.3%
  • One of HL3's expansions

    Votes: 10 13.9%

  • Total voters
Samon said:
Image. Portrays menace.

Still gets it though, doesn't he? He couldn't dump Gordon in City 17 with the HEV suit, he needed to allow him to get to grasps with the world.

That, is a joke. A reference. Gordon had two crowbars in HL, actually. He isn't being literal.

Because we'd have continued to fight, and ultimately would have been wiped out. The Combine assimilate races, what good would eliminating us be? Breen secured a future, and in that, also promised local teleportation technology.

It was never mentioned that he was, people merely got that impression. The argument, in my mind, was probably Gman trying to delay or stop the experiment.

Very well put. The HL2 story arc ends with the eps. But Gabe said depending on how the eps do there is a very good chance there will be a HL3. Which in my opinion will probably end Half-Life.

Very interesting to read this thread.
About g-man and heis immortal thing, did u see in Opposing Force how he talked to the Security Guard, He probably has a authority, In HL1 he is bullet proof, i still say he has unkown powers and might be in a host body.
Please, he is not bullet proof. It whould realy suck to kill gman when he stands and watches you. YOur not meant to kill him plot wise.

Host body is a good possybility thou. Maybe he is Breen in a host bodey from the future :O
Anything to do with "lol hes from teh futuur!!!11" = Bullshit

No offence though mate :p
Barney got teleported to a room where he saw Gordon getting dragged off, right? Maybe the soldiers tossed the crowbar into the room and then Barney took it up, and... bah.
bigburpco said:
Barney got teleported to a room where he saw Gordon getting dragged off, right? Maybe the soldiers tossed the crowbar into the room and then Barney took it up, and... bah.
Actually, that's possible. I don't think the HL2 crowbar is the HL1 crowbar, but it is possible Barney saw Gordon drop the crowbar when bein' dragged and got a new one for him in C17. Cause I mean, who carries an old crowbar through 15 years of the apocalypse and alien invasion & occupation?
Rizzo89 said:
Please, he is not bullet proof. It whould realy suck to kill gman when he stands and watches you. YOur not meant to kill him plot wise.
Gamewise, he is in plot ofcourse not
AJ Rimmer said:
Actually, that's possible. I don't think the HL2 crowbar is the HL1 crowbar, but it is possible Barney saw Gordon drop the crowbar when bein' dragged and got a new one for him in C17. Cause I mean, who carries an old crowbar through 15 years of the apocalypse and alien invasion & occupation?

I say, someone's seriously gay
drunkymonkey said:
There are a few plot holes in the HL universe.

1. Civil Protection are humans, who need to wear gasmasks. WTF DUDE?
2. "You can keep your suit, you earned it," was said in the fianl moments of the last game. Yet in HL2, you start off without it...
3. "You left this at Black Mesa,' said Barney. No, you left it at Xen. I am of course referring to the crowbar.
4. Breen in charge of Earth's surrender? Why would the Combine care about negotiating with humans?
5. It was always thought that the G-Man was the administrator, especially considering he was caught having an argument with a scientist in Black Mesa...

But I think the rebel medic is talking about the plot being explained, not actual plot holes...

1. If you looked at a certain spraytag, it showed a section of a monkey's head (Brains etc.) a human's next and then a metrocops, the brain is totally replaced with machinary and the only thing left that's human is the ears.

4. They negotiated with humans so they woudn't kill any neccassary people, humans were going to be slaves afterall.

5. A sequel to Half-life 2 wasn't even planned when Half-life was first released, perhaps you're right? Or not? D:

The rest I can't explain though
Danimal said:
1. If you looked at a certain spraytag, it showed a section of a monkey's head (Brains etc.) a human's next and then a metrocops, the brain is totally replaced with machinary and the only thing left that's human is the ears.
I don't trust graffiti to explain much about the Combine to me rather than citizen's opinions.
I dont get you Azner. Your saying he is unkillable? God? Like can take a ton of bullets in the cheast and just smile? That whould suck beyond belif.
A really silly explination to everything thats happend. God.
Like someone already posted... Its like the simpson episode that Xena was in, "Wizards did it."
1. Civil Protection are humans, who need to wear gasmasks. WTF DUDE?

It looks evil.
2. "You can keep your suit, you earned it," was said in the fianl moments of
the last game. Yet in HL2, you start off without it...

It whould't look a tincy bit wired in a city full of blue suits and combine, and suddenly a guy in a hazardous suit show up?

3. "You left this at Black Mesa,' said Barney. No, you left it at Xen. I am of course referring to the crowbar.

He was joking.

4. Breen in charge of Earth's surrender? Why would the Combine care about negotiating with humans?

What Danimal said.

5. It was always thought that the G-Man was the administrator, especially considering he was caught having an argument with a scientist in Black Mesa...

Undercover? I mean, even if he where a administrator, it appears as if he is walking amongst Xen wildlife and puts you in staisis at the end. Thats not commun administrator stuff. Thats outworldly behavior.
These 'plot holes' have been addressed in past threads.

On another note, Valve said the episodes will wrap up the 'current story arc'. Does that leave room for a half-life 3? What do u guys think? I would prefer the HL saga ending on a kickass note with a final mind-blowing full sequel.
Re: The Gasmasks

When you start HL2 and walk out of the train station if you listen to Breen talking about the 'benifactors' he says something like "When will they shut down the Suppresion feild and let us breathe again?"
Whats do you think this means?
99.vikram said:
These 'plot holes' have been addressed in past threads.

On another note, Valve said the episodes will wrap up the 'current story arc'. Does that leave room for a half-life 3? What do u guys think? I would prefer the HL saga ending on a kickass note with a final mind-blowing full sequel.
The way I understood it, Doug said that the episodes and Valve's new flexible, updatable engine meant new content continuously rather than a big monolithic release once in 6 years.
Solaris said:
Re: The Gasmasks

When you start HL2 and walk out of the train station if you listen to Breen talking about the 'benifactors' he says something like "When will they shut down the Suppresion feild and let us breathe again?"
Whats do you think this means?


The G-man appears to be invulnerable to small-arms fire, simply because in HL1 IIRC you have the ability to kill anyone, at any point, except him.

As for what his methods are: I imagine he's like a more enigmatic version of The Doctor, with the requisite ability to make himself seem authoritative to anyone.
Kingreaper said:
The G-man appears to be invulnerable to small-arms fire, simply because in HL1 IIRC you have the ability to kill anyone, at any point, except him.

As for what his methods are: I imagine he's like a more enigmatic version of The Doctor, with the requisite ability to make himself seem authoritative to anyone.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ITS A BLOODY LINEAR GAME! w00t?!?!? I cant blow up any walls with my rockets? ZOMG blody hell it must be god!

It wasn't meant to HAPPEN! Gman dies=No half life!!!
War craft 3- surtain characters, who is quest related is invulnerable. God? i dont think so.

Half life 2- you cant kill anybodey that isn't your enemy!! God? NoooOo

giant citizen kabuto- It doesnt matter how much i shoot at these mecs... They just dont die! What are they, god?

I could go on.

I know you didn't mention god there king but heck, i got carried away.
Let's get back on topic, shall we? HL3 will come to pass. I can sense it.
I can't. Valve said that the Half life story will end in episodes right?
NOOO. They said the 'current story arc' will end with the episodes. As in there can be a HL3 in another timeframe (like HL -> HL2).
Rizzo89 said:
I could go on.

I know you didn't mention god there king but heck, i got carried away.
I seem to remember killing people in HL that you needed in order to continue, and thus losing.

But hey, maybe I'm confusing it with the expos.

In HL2 not being able to kill him isn't evidence, but in HL1 IIRC it would be, because you can kill other needed characters. (But as I said, I might be confusing it with the expos)
Each HL story will probably end up being able to be stand alone - with the plot from the previous linking majorly but only behind the scenes...
If valve had made Gman killable, wich he is btw, it whould have taken away all the mystery. Ahh Mr. Freeeeman... *BLAM* *Gman drops dead*
Gman IS killable! Opening cinematic, just type at the console:
ent_fire gman ignite
Till you've spawned a Kleiner and set him on fire, you ain't seen nothing.

I recently met up with a cousin of mine, a Halo fanboy. By the time I was done with him, he had become a Half-life fanboy. :bounce:
Hah! Yet another one falls to the subversive power of vikram! :p

I'm always pumped about the HL series- I'm sure episodes will be a great way to flesh out the experience between main games. Not just gameplay, but fleshing out the fuggin' awesome story too...
MuToiD_MaN said:
Gman IS killable! Opening cinematic, just type at the console:
ent_fire gman ignite

I was begining to belive i was alone in this.
MuToiD_MaN said:
Gman IS killable! Opening cinematic, just type at the console:
ent_fire gman ignite

Haha. Man that's funny...He kinda just plops over like he faints, and you can hear *SMACK* as he hits the ground...
There aren't really any plot holes... a lot is left to speculation but it's all purposefully done. That, of course, isn't what a plot hole is. That is writing for the intelligent and inciteful. Questions that can't be answered are draw for the next game. If every game ended with every single thing resolved... that's one less buying point for the game.
Glenn the Great said:
You did leave the crowbar at Black Mesa.... your first one, that is. In the chapter "Apprehension", you got ambushed by soldiers in that room, and you lost all of your weapons. Your crowbar was probably laying on the floor in that room, and Barney probably went in there looking for you and picked it up. The crowbar you left at Xen was the one you found after escaping the trash compactor.

Now, with the release of EP1, there is a huge swiss cheese like set of holes in your paragraph.


Because barney says "Here, I'm running out of these, so try not to lose it!"
When he's giving you a crowbar