Plot Hole Revelation

When/how will the plot holes be filled?

  • A whole new game (like the lost coast)

    Votes: 4 5.6%
  • Aftermath

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • HL2 expansion after Aftermath

    Votes: 28 38.9%
  • HL3

    Votes: 29 40.3%
  • One of HL3's expansions

    Votes: 10 13.9%

  • Total voters
The crowbar is a different one in EVERY point where you recieve it. So far you've recieved at least 4 different crowbars from HL1 -> EP1.

Barney even says himself "I'm running out of these." when he hands you a crowbar at one point.
gman is arguing with the scientist because he wants to buy out the company for the teleportation technology, i think anyway, but he finally gets it after the disaster, plus u never see him teleport until after the disaster! and he cant be shot either because he can freeze or slow down time and just stop the bullet or he has a forcefield type thing around him, THATS wats probably in the suitcase, *spoiler* cause when the vorts capture him in a forcefield, HE HASNT GOT THE SUITCASE!
I think Gordon is crazy and the G-man is something only he sees!
Ridge said:
I think Gordon is crazy and the G-man is something only he sees!

I disagree how come you see the Gman obviously being able to talk or communicate with other people aka, scientists (HL1) Breen (Maybe) All the people in HL1 expansion packs it just doesn't seem possible.
Picture the rioting that would occur if valve never finished this....

My thoughts on the g-man......The fact that he talks like an idiot suggests to me that maybe he's not human....and try ruling that out when you have 6 foot one-eyed aliens running around zapping stuff.....
Tyguy said:
Picture the rioting that would occur if valve never finished this....

Picture the rioting if Halo 3 ended with a massive explosion, then...cut to the master chief tap dancing! :p

EDIT: D'oh, I forgot - the Arbiter gives Cortana a lapdance :O
eh, Half Life's story is much better IMO.
Tyguy said:
Picture the rioting that would occur if valve never finished this....

My thoughts on the g-man......The fact that he talks like an idiot suggests to me that maybe he's not human....and try ruling that out when you have 6 foot one-eyed aliens running around zapping stuff.....

The official Episode 1 site calls the G-man an intergalactic beureaucrat, I believe.
So, yeah, he ain't human.
A character's characteristics are extremely important in storytelling. The G-man has always both worn a buisness suit and carried a briefcase; a buisnessman. Buisnessmen pay and persuade people to do things rather than do them themselves, and this is exactly what the G-man has done with Gordon. Gordon is a pawn during the events of Half-life 2, and it is only with the Vortigaunt's tampering that the G-man's dominion appears to end (At least temporarily. I don't think the G-man intends to leave Gordon alone). Remember, the G-man had used Gordon's life as a bargaining chip before, so it is likely he would use it again. If it weren't for the Vortigaunts, that is.

It is reasonable to believe that the G-man is interested in personal profit of some kind. "International Beureaucrat" is a great way to describe him. We are dealing with a very powerful interdeminsional corporate entity here; The Combine (Universal Union), and the G-man could easily represent another similar, competing faction. He definately is not omnipotent and Gordon could probably rebel against him if he wanted to, but Gordon is just as confused as the player is.
Who knows, maybe it will end with Gordons mom waking him up and telling him to get ready for school?
I hope that the story moves beyond the episodes seeing that they only surround hl2 and city 17. I mean its a good story but 17 is only one city on earth and the story of Half-Life cover Earth and Xen. That would leave so much unsaid. Besides the citidel is destroyed and they cant stop anyfurther invasions from benefactors unless they move on. I really think that the episode were made to buy time for HL3 and also a market thing to keep money flowing while they work. Im not saying im right but I really dont think that 17's Destruction is the end of the story. How could they end a great story that way and I also dont see the G-Man being stopped or having a change of heart within 18 hours of gameplay at the most I see The episodes as a staging platform for HL3 and hopefully its episodes. as for valve going out of business or being bought I have no idea of their financial standing however by this game being so successfull and and being titled game of the year so many times I cant concieve the franchise going down hill, maybe it will go to another developer but not being around to make another. Thats like saying there wont be another Mario Game...Ever. (not happening)
As far as the G-Man, A while back I was given information stating that he was a representative from the future and that he is using Gordon to Move events along for the well being of humanity. This informant of mine also stated that the G-Man May not be human and that there was a book being made from the games creator. I really dont know how relyable this info is how ever seeing that movement in time is a factor(The G-Man can slow time and Gordon and Alyx traveled a week into the future) The possiblility that this may have some truth cant be ruled out. All I know is I dont trust him do to puting Gordon on ice for years for no reason Gordon could have taken care of himself Just like ELI and ISSAC did until his time of need had come again. Besides The Guy is just plain CREEPY