Point of Veiw, POV


Didn't Get Temp-Banned
Dec 15, 2004
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No-one's mentioned expressly from what view Aftermath will be from? I hope to hell its not from Gordon's veiw. That would be bad, and in any case they need to save it for HL3.
"[Aftermath] deals with the events and issues set in motion during Half-Life 2. You've done critical damage to the Citadel. The whole place is going to go up, taking out City 17 and what's in its immediate radius. You and Alyx are leading the flight from the city getting up close and personal with some of the creatures and sights from the end of the game."
It doesn't say anywhere in there that you play as Gordon though :|
Barney would make sence. He had plenty of time to leave the inner city, then he meets Alyx somehow, and they fight together...
Come on its clearly gordon you play as, read that quote,

"You've done critical damage to the Citadel"

Ok thats clearly gordon being referred to as "you"

"You and Alyx are leading the flight"

And in the sentence after, it is the same "you" who you are playing as, with Alyx.
ye, in my opinion, if its going to be continuing from HL2 its gotta be gordon, however i would of prefered an expansion to be at the same time period, or before, from another POV
W4E said:
Come on its clearly gordon you play as, read that quote,

"You've done critical damage to the Citadel"

Ok thats clearly gordon being referred to as "you"

"You and Alyx are leading the flight"

And in the sentence after, it is the same "you" who you are playing as, with Alyx.

"You" refers to the gamer. Playing as Gordon is Valve's trump card, they'd only let you play as him when HL3 comes.
It's either gordon, a random rebel, or some new character.
They're most certainly not going to give up the model work and voice acting for Barnard by making him the player, and none of the other non-Alyx characters fit the 'player' profile.
Did not the PC Gamer UK person say in another thread that you do play as Gordon...
Yeh, those muppets also called the Antlion Guard the Antlion Mother in there preview. ANTLION MOTHER!!

Methinks 'you' means the rebels in general, incl. gordon. Thus, 'you' might be barney.
i dont understand why some people are dissapointed with playing as gordon. aftermath will not be the only expansion released. valve seems to be excited to periodically release episodic content, i wouldnt be suprised if they release 2 more episodes after this one. that will give us some time to play as another character, possibly at a different time (hopefully one before gordon arrives at city 17).
Gordon wouldn't be good in an expansion. Seeing the same story from different POVs is part of what made the HL universe legendary in the first place. It's how the expansions should be kept. Save Gordon for HL3. The GMan has taken him out of time again, anyway.
I'm pretty sure you won't be playing as Gordon, otherwise why would the Gman have said what he did? He'd have said something more like 'oh no, you're not dying just yet, we have plans for you blah blah blah'. He didn't just save you from the explosion, he basically said you were finished here, that you'd done your job and that your now heading to your next assignment.

I think you'll be swopping between Alyx and another rebel.
CMEast said:
I think you'll be swopping between Alyx and another rebel.

But if that's the case, I (as Gordon) would be screaming: She's mine, damnit! Because the whole I'm Gordon thing got to me :).
I read the article in PC Gamer UK, so I know for a fact that you play as Gordon. Who else would escape the Citadel with Alyx? Use common sense. This thread should be locked.
No you don't. You know that PC Gamer says you play as Gordon, which really isn't enough.
also in that eurogamer article about it, it said that valve had said that they were going to concentrate on building your relationship with Alyx, now whats the point of that with a random rebel?
so my vote-gordon
Solver said:
No you don't. You know that PC Gamer says you play as Gordon, which really isn't enough.
I trust my common sense, which you seem to lack.
No, thank you very much, my intellectual capabilities are quite normal. I will still maintain that there's a possibility of Gordon not being the Xpack character until we see Valve say otherwise directly. The evidence for Gordon, so far, is quite inconclusive.
Laidlaw said:
[Aftermath] deals with the events and issues set in motion during Half-Life 2. You've done critical damage to the Citadel. The whole place is going to go up, taking out City 17 and what's in its immediate radius. You and Alyx are leading the flight from the city getting up close and personal with some of the creatures and sights from the end of the game.

That doesn't say Gordon, that says 'you'. As in you the player, as in you the rebels. Until it say's Gordon it isn't very specific.

Eurogamer.net said:
Interestingly, the assumption that you continue to play as Gordon isn't justified anywhere in the text; it's possible - and perhaps more likely given the game's ending - that you play as someone else instead.

M4d: As you've read the article and we obviously haven't (although I will tomorrow :D) could you please quote the exact part which says you will be playing Gordon?

Of course they want us to speculate, of course they are going to make these things open to interpretation. They don't want to tell us, it's supposed to be a surprise. Using my common sense I asked why they would take the story in one direction and then ignore it just to insert Gordon in to an expansion pack, something they haven't done in any of the others before.

They also mentioned in early interviews (before hl2 release) when asked expansions that they might have one based on Alex. So far in each expansion pack they have taken a brand new character (before Barney was that one guard he was just a nickname for all the guards just as the original scientist was walter... I think).
playing as Gordon will be awesome, but meh... for the sake of the expansion, I thought Gordon was put in storage, why VALVE!! why must you play with my head!!
I apologize to Solver for the accusation. That was very rude of me to do.

I just hold very strong suspicion that 'you' = Gordon Freeman since 'you' equaled Gordon Freeman, and that this is happening, to my belief, right after the cataclysmic explosion in the Citadel. This quote makes me further believe that you are Gordon Freeman, "You've done critical damage to the Citadel. The whole place is going to go up, taking out City 17 and what's in its immediate radius. You and Alyx are leading the flight from the city getting up close and personal with some of the creatures and sights from the end of the game." I don't remember seeing anyone other than myself (as Gordon Freeman) doing critical damage to the Citadel. The Citadel seems quite impervious from the outside, so I assume it is only from the inside that the damage can really be done; otherwise, what would be the purpose of getting inside the Citadel other than to save Eli and Alyx and foil Dr. Breen's plans (which would go in hand with striking a major blow to the Citadel)?

These "creatures and sights from the end of the game" must be the Stalkers, Crab synths, etc. that were seen in the Citadel. The only protagonist that was with Alyx in the Citadel was Gordon. It would make sense that it would be Gordon who is with Alyx since it is stated, "We really want Alyx to grow as a character," he insists in the Gamer piece. "There was the promise of that in the first game, but we spent so much of our time introducing her as a character, we didn't really get a chance to spend time with her for an entire section. She would flit in and out. Since she's with you quite a lot, we're working on ways to make her a lot more interesting to be around, a lot more interesting to interact with." She has gotten to know Gordon, as Gordon has gotten to know her, wouldn't it make sense that Aftermath would make this relationship deeper since it has already started?

I'm pretty sure Eurogamer.net mentioned that this expansion pack is not following the orthodoxy of the previous expansion packs, possibly meaning that you won't be viewing City 17 from a different perspective.

I could go on making justifications, but honestly, I don't want to waste my time anymore; I have far more important things to be doing.

One thing that I do know for sure is that you don't play as Alyx, because I have seen pictures from the expansion that has Alyx in them.
I really hope that we will not be playing as Gordon- not because I oppose his return in an expansion, but merely because the dramatic conclusion of HL2 led me to believe he was being prepared for his next epic assignment- not to be "unthawed" moments later to flee the Citadel.

Captain M4d said:
I apologize to Solver for the accusation. That was very rude of me to do. I just hold very strong suspicion that 'you' = Gordon Freeman since 'you' equaled Gordon Freeman, and that this is happening, to my belief, right after the cataclysmic explosion in the Citadel. This quote makes me further believe that you are Gordon Freeman, "You've done critical damage to the Citadel. The whole place is going to go up, taking out City 17 and what's in its immediate radius. You and Alyx are leading the flight from the city getting up close and personal with some of the creatures and sights from the end of the game." I don't remember seeing anyone other than myself (as Gordon Freeman) doing critical damage to the Citadel. The Citadel seems quite impervious from the outside, so I assume it is only from the inside that the damage can really be done; otherwise, what would be the purpose of getting inside the Citadel other than to save Eli and Alyx and foil Dr. Breen's plans (which would go in hand with striking a major blow to the Citadel)? These "creatures and sights from the end of the game" must be the Stalkers, Crab synths, etc. that were seen in the Citadel. The only protagonist that was with Alyx in the Citadel was Gordon. It would make sense that it would be Gordon who is with Alyx since it is stated, "We really want Alyx to grow as a character," he insists in the Gamer piece. "There was the promise of that in the first game, but we spent so much of our time introducing her as a character, we didn't really get a chance to spend time with her for an entire section. She would flit in and out. Since she's with you quite a lot, we're working on ways to make her a lot more interesting to be around, a lot more interesting to interact with." She has gotten to know Gordon, as Gordon has gotten to know her, wouldn't it make sense that Aftermath would make this relationship deeper since it has already started? I'm pretty sure Eurogamer.net mentioned that this expansion pack is not following the orthodoxy of the previous expansion packs, possibly meaning that you won't be viewing City 17 from a different perspective. I could go on making justifications, but honestly, I don't want to waste my time anymore; I have far more important things to be doing.
One thing that I do know for sure is that you don't play as Alyx, because I have seen pictures from the expansion that has Alyx in them.

The enter key is your friend.......this is hard to read
Edcrab said:
I really hope that we will not be playing as Gordon- not because I oppose his return in an expansion, but merely because the dramatic conclusion of HL2 led me to believe he was being prepared for his next epic assignment- not to be "unthawed" moments later to flee the Citadel.


I agree with Edcrab. What's the point of the G-man removing him if he's just going to put him back milliseconds later?
MiccyNarc said:
I agree with Edcrab. What's the point of the G-man removing him if he's just going to put him back milliseconds later?
What if the G-man realized he made a mistake? The storyline has never been finalized, so this could be a possibility.
Edcrab said:
I really hope that we will not be playing as Gordon- not because I oppose his return in an expansion, but merely because the dramatic conclusion of HL2 led me to believe he was being prepared for his next epic assignment- not to be "unthawed" moments later to flee the Citadel.


Completely agree. If we're playing as Gordon, It'll be a serious knock to immersiveness for me. Why? Because all the time I'm playing I'll be thinking about how Valve just casually knocked out an expansion with Gordon in it, and steamrollered over the implication of their own ending.

What if the G-man realized he made a mistake? The storyline has never been finalized, so this could be a possibility.

It's possible but how likely does it seem. Does the GMan wear odd socks and forget his car keys too? The ending to HL2 was cool, lots of people think so...so the idea that this is kind of a "patch" to the ending is irritating to me.

I don't want to be Gordon in this game!
I have a feeling that Valve is designing this in a way that the story can be told from Gordon's POV, yet not be required to understand Half-Life 3.

If anything, take Marathon for an example. It was an old series made by Bungie. You needed to play the first game to understand the second, but so much stuff happened in the third game that it didn't really matter, unless you wanted to work everything out.
The plot of hl2 seemed like it was building up for the first half.. but then the second half was rushed. I think playing as gordon would be da PWN!! Save the other povs for another time valve.. :)
Sigh, I guess it's Gordon then... well that's one way to completely screw up the storyline they were building up to.

G-Man: You've done so well in fact that I've received some interesting offers for your services. Ordinarily I wouldn't contemplate them but these are extra_ordinary times hmm

Gordon: ...

G-Man:Rather than offer you the illusion of free choice I will take the liberty of choooosing for you, if and when your time comes round again.

Gordon: ...

G-Man: I do apologise to you for what may seem an arbitrary imposition Doctor Freeman. I trust it will all make sense to you in the course of... well, I'm really not at liberty to say. In the mean time, this is where I get off.

** G-Man opens up a door in the blackness and walks through.**

Aftermath starts.

**G-Man walks back in**

G-Man: On second thoughts, I can't be bothered. I'm retiring as of now so I'm just going to put you back where you were.

Gordon: ... !
Captain M4d said:
I read the article in PC Gamer UK, so I know for a fact that you play as Gordon. Who else would escape the Citadel with Alyx? Use common sense. This thread should be locked.

*takes thread should be locked comment as insult on personal integrity*

Uh... yeah.

*crowbars M4d in head*

Nah, I still don't think i'd be good to play as Gordon. You've done express damage to the citadel, You've got to escape with Alyx - then why have the whole damn Gman come into it? He's not going to just pick you and Alyx up and drop you outside the Citadel, not with that wacko speech. And remember, Magazines can be wrong.

Just because YOU've done it, it dosn't mean that YOU were GORDON. (well... sure, Gordon did make a big thing explode... but did you ever see how big the explosion was? How do you know the rebel's weren't planting C4 everywhere across the Citadel? Well, besides the security. And what sort of stupid structure design puts the Nuclear Reactor as the critcal structural point? For highly advanced beings the Combine are freaking Morons. You NEVER have one gigantic artifact or reactor that, when destroyed or removed, blows up your ENTIRE base. I mean, Jeebus, it's common sense.
Jintor said:
No-one's mentioned expressly from what view Aftermath will be from? I hope to hell its not from Gordon's veiw. That would be bad, and in any case they need to save it for HL3.

I agree it would be best if they saved the gordon view for hl3.
It would of been interesting to see the POV from Colenal Odessa. He has a prized Sten MKII that he has for safe keeping
Jintor said:
*takes thread should be locked comment as insult on personal integrity*

Uh... yeah.

*crowbars M4d in head*

Nah, I still don't think i'd be good to play as Gordon. You've done express damage to the citadel, You've got to escape with Alyx - then why have the whole damn Gman come into it? He's not going to just pick you and Alyx up and drop you outside the Citadel, not with that wacko speech. And remember, Magazines can be wrong.

Just because YOU've done it, it dosn't mean that YOU were GORDON. (well... sure, Gordon did make a big thing explode... but did you ever see how big the explosion was? How do you know the rebel's weren't planting C4 everywhere across the Citadel? Well, besides the security. And what sort of stupid structure design puts the Nuclear Reactor as the critcal structural point? For highly advanced beings the Combine are freaking Morons. You NEVER have one gigantic artifact or reactor that, when destroyed or removed, blows up your ENTIRE base. I mean, Jeebus, it's common sense.
Thanks for not reading my post made after the one you responded to, jerk.
How about seeing things from a femail pov? Like valve originally planned..