Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
more evidence we're ****ing this planet

SCIENTISTS have for the first time found evidence that polar bears are drowning because climate change is melting the Arctic ice shelf.
The researchers were startled to find bears having to swim up to 60 miles across open sea to find food. They are being forced into the long voyages because the ice floes from which they feed are melting, becoming smaller and drifting farther apart.


if dwindling land mass and scarcity of food doesnt kill them high concentrations of mercury, zinc, cadmium, and selenium will

btw, this could have been posted in the off-topic section but there's too many idiots trolls there ..so I posted it here which has less idiot trolls
LOL! sorry, it's a funny image

on a serious note, the pollutants certainly are a problem, but there's not a whole lot that can be done about gloabal warming, since it seems to be part of a natural trend

don;t worry, the polar bears will be alright when the next ice age comes around
^if there's any left
the problem is while global warming is a natural process, we are accelerating faster than even we can adapt to
that's the problem
john3571000 said:
^if there's any left
the problem is while global warming is a natural process, we are accelerating faster than even we can adapt to
that's the problem

Indeed. That seems to be what many people cant grasp about the topic. Whilst we didnt cause it, we are not free from blame as we are accelerating the process to a speed at which little can adapt.
maybe peta should give them swimming lessons.
maybe you should offer up your body as a floatation device ..oh wait you're so full of shit you'd instantly sink :LOL:
Bob_Marley said:
Indeed. That seems to be what many people cant grasp about the topic. Whilst we didnt cause it, we are not free from blame as we are accelerating the process to a speed at which little can adapt.
But I've never seen anything conclusive to say we could stop it if we were to stop releasing any greenhouse gases or other pollution, so, while we may have accelerated it, I dunno if it's possible to stop it now, or even slow it down
CptStern said:
btw, this could have been posted in the off-topic section but there's too many idiots trolls there ..so I posted it here which has less idiot trolls

CptStern said:
maybe you should offer up your body as a floatation device ..oh wait you're so full of shit you'd instantly sink :LOL:

One troll so far stern;)
CptStern said:
maybe you should offer up your body as a floatation device ..oh wait you're so full of shit you'd instantly sink :LOL:
oh wow this is ace material stern, i'd love to see your standup.
gh0st said:
oh wow this is ace material stern, i'd love to see your standup.

It was no less funny than yours.
Pi Mu Rho said:
It was no less funny than yours.
hey awesome pi mu rho has something to say. i dont remember putting a stupid laughing smilie at the end of mine or making any attempt to be funny. but apparently that transcends your understanding, so we'll leave it at that.
oooh acerbic wit! how will he ever recover from such a stinging blow ...I wasnt trying to be funny ...ok maybe the floatation device thingy ..that was funny
I love how a ( should be) mild discussion about polar bears/global warming, can turn into a giant bitchfest in 4 posts.
on a serious note, the pollutants certainly are a problem, but there's not a whole lot that can be done about gloabal warming, since it seems to be part of a natural trend
the problem is while global warming is a natural process, we are accelerating faster than even we can adapt to
that's the problem
Whilst we didnt cause it, we are not free from blame as we are accelerating the process to a speed at which little can adapt
Wow theres a lot of global warming sceptics in here tonight.
Tell me, do you think that its all just a coincidence that global temperatures are rising during the only industrial period of human civilisation?

How would the global warming sceptics explain this:
...........Researchers who have recently returned from the region found that an area of permafrost spanning a million square kilometres - the size of France and Germany combined - has started to melt for the first time since it formed 11,000 years ago at the end of the last ice age. .............Western Siberia is heating up faster than anywhere else in the world, having experienced a rise of some 3C in the past 40 years. Scientists are particularly concerned about the permafrost, because as it thaws, it reveals bare ground which warms up more quickly than ice and snow, and so accelerates the rate at which the permafrost thaws.

Not trolling here, I would just like to hear the supposed science that people are relying on for their opinions.

Oh, and Stern, just walk away mate, `e aint worth it.
ya I know, fun but untimately not worthit

good points btw
Jesus Christ, that only took less than a page to go from enviromentalists to troll catching. :)

Anyway, Its a problem, and not one of the first of its kind. Kind of like how sea turtle populations are depleting because of expanded construction near the sea shores, which causes the hatched baby sea turtles to get confused by the starlight and artificial light and thus wonder off course and get eaten.

But whats the solution?
We don't have the data from thousands of years ago on what the temperatures were...so you can't say that the earth warming up has just started. How do you suppose we got out of the ice age without all of these green house gasses we have made to trap heat in the atmosphere? Do you suppose that it was the earths natural path that heats up then freezes and does it all over again?
Glirk Dient said:
We don't have the data from thousands of years ago on what the temperatures were...so you can't say that the earth warming up has just started. How do you suppose we got out of the ice age without all of these green house gasses we have made to trap heat in the atmosphere? Do you suppose that it was the earths natural path that heats up then freezes and does it all over again?
It doesn't matter what the temperature was thousands of years ago, if you read the article it says the ice-shelf has been receding more and more over the past two decades.
This calls for some old school evolution!
CptStern said:
maybe you should offer up your body as a floatation device ..oh wait you're so full of shit you'd instantly sink :LOL:

If you eat a certain diet... you'll float in that scenario.

But on topic... polar bears drowning. Sad. Why can't the penguins save them like in the cocoa cola commercials? Oh wait...

Ohhh... and in a somewhat serious, someone not way... earth has a natural response to melting ice caps. Ice ages! Snow cones half cost.

Also... people are up in a fit about losing these chunks of glaciers and stuff, right? Well here's a news flash... we've lost a hell of alot more than that coming out of the ice age. Wasn't all of north america covered in a big glacier?

The fact is... people are so concerned about maintaining the status quo, especially where humanity is concerned, like the homes of costal dewelling people, etc. I think thats foolish, cause the earth is going to go through changes like these with or without us, and people need to learn to adapt, not expect to somehow magically stem the tides of change.
Raziaar said:
Ice ages! Snow cones half cost.

You'd be better off not being facetious about a problem that could **** us all up in less than a century. The public opinion battle hasn't even been won yet, and only after that happens (most likely when the shit hits the fan) will people sit up and do something
jondy said:
You'd be better off not being facetious about a problem that could **** us all up in less than a century. The public opinion battle hasn't even been won yet, and only after that happens (most likely when the shit hits the fan) will people sit up and do something

Kill us all? I don't think so. Temperatures will fluctuate, ocean levels will rise. Even without man, changes like this have happened to the earth, so why do you feel the need to exercise even MORE dominance over earth to change whatever cycle's its going through to correct itself? It'd be akin to stunting the growth of a child just so he doesn't get big enough to beat you up some day. <chuckles>
CptStern said:
more evidence we're ****ing this planet

SCIENTISTS have for the first time found evidence that polar bears are drowning because climate change is melting the Arctic ice shelf.
The researchers were startled to find bears having to swim up to 60 miles across open sea to find food. They are being forced into the long voyages because the ice floes from which they feed are melting, becoming smaller and drifting farther apart.


if dwindling land mass and scarcity of food doesnt kill them high concentrations of mercury, zinc, cadmium, and selenium will

btw, this could have been posted in the off-topic section but there's too many idiots trolls there ..so I posted it here which has less idiot trolls

Yeah, we're screwing the planet and will continue to do so as we breed and expand and everyone wants their own mercedes/yank SUV with v8 engine, house with all the latest entertainment using more and more energy and ****ing it up....fruit flown in from israel etc, burning 100ml of keresone for like a ****ing melon.

Even if we stopped now it would be the equivalent of stopping an oil tanker, it would continue to cause damage for 100's of years, and the only way we would stop is if a virus wiped most of us out.
Infact a virus that took out the weaker 75% of the population would be quite a nice gift :LOL:
Its called cancer... and its taking its sweet time.

Although... cancer is a very touchy subject with me ;(
ة الأسئلة الشائع said:
Yeh, If you have seen the movie ''The Day After Tomarow'' That is a good ex.
of what is going to happen

Except that the events in the day after tomorrow have just about no linking to actual scientific fact.

As someone put, I can't remember who...

"Good movie, bad science"
Very true but that was the first thing that I could think of, I wish they would know more about that so when it happens people know what to do. Instead of just freezing to death by walking outside.
Teta_Bonita said:
It doesn't matter what the temperature was thousands of years ago, if you read the article it says the ice-shelf has been receding more and more over the past two decades.

Well...if the temperature has been raising at an exponential rate and it is finally getting to be concern then the heating up generally would melt ice. Heat does that. So it is logial that a natural heating up earth would melt ice since it is...well warmer!
short recoil said:
Yeah, we're screwing the planet and will continue to do so as we breed and expand and everyone wants their own mercedes/yank SUV with v8 engine, house with all the latest entertainment using more and more energy and ****ing it up....fruit flown in from israel etc, burning 100ml of keresone for like a ****ing melon.

Even if we stopped now it would be the equivalent of stopping an oil tanker, it would continue to cause damage for 100's of years, and the only way we would stop is if a virus wiped most of us out.
Infact a virus that took out the weaker 75% of the population would be quite a nice gift :LOL:

yes but that 75% will represent the 3rd world ...who will do the manual labor once they're gone? I'm sure some white collar oil exec is all the sudden going to pick berries for a living ..no the solution isnt to wipe out the weak ..the opposite is true ..the strong are the ones that created the problem in the first place ..the strong should die for the greater good
If you are noticing every year there are more and more hurrcains, snow storm, rain, and colder and hotter weather, This will get so bad that one day the whole world will be one big hurrcaine with un seen winds and weather, Hail the size of baseballs, tornados left and right. and extreme COLD temps. In some areas, Causing you to freeze to death in less than a second. Of course none of this has happend yet so they can not predict it but we can look at the last ice age and make a modle thing a ma gigger.
ة الأسئلة الشائع said:
If you are noticing every year there are more and more hurrcains, snow storm, rain, and colder and hotter weather, This will get so bad that one day the whole world will be one big hurrcaine with un seen winds and weather, Hail the size of baseballs, tornados left and right. and extreme COLD temps. In some areas, Causing you to freeze to death in less than a second. Of course none of this has happend yet so they can not predict it but we can look at the last ice age and make a modle thing a ma gigger.

Yeah...better tell those volcanoes to back off.
CptStern said:
yes but that 75% will represent the 3rd world ...who will do the manual labor once they're gone? I'm sure some white collar oil exec is all the sudden going to pick berries for a living ..no the solution isnt to wipe out the weak ..the opposite is true ..the strong are the ones that created the problem in the first place ..the strong should die for the greater good
It's a self supplying problem.
As i said before each person wants a house/car/family.
If you remove the weaker 75% the pattern shifts so in the 25% left you still have people working labour and people owning business etc.
And i'm mainly talking about strength of genetics/survival ability (wether "natural" or "modern world" style survival)
An instant solution to overpopulation and pollution.

I'm pretty sure nature will come up with something soon anyway, exagerrated by the way humans live these days.
yes but without a 3rd world workforce we couldnt sustain ourselves at our current level we'd be forced to either revert to older technologies or come up with new ones ..which again would be limited due to a shortage of workers ..both skilled and unskilled
yes but that 75% will represent the 3rd world ...who will do the manual labor once they're gone?
I'm sure some white collar oil exec is all the sudden going to pick berries for a living
Err.....Stern, are you ok man?
..the strong are the ones that created the problem in the first place ..the strong should die for the greater good
Has someone hijacked your account or something? I mean I would expect something like this from Ghost or Seinfeld, but c`mon .

Anyway, out of character and vaguely white supremecist posts aside, I dont think we need to wipe out 75% of the population. If you want to cull people to save the planet then you need go no further than about ten percent or so.
Just make sure you get rid of the ten percent that contribute 75% of the greenhouse gases.

You know who I`m on about .
SAJ said:
Err.....Stern, are you ok man?
Has someone hijacked your account or something? I mean I would expect something like this from Ghost or Seinfeld, but c`mon .

yes but dont look it at that way, that's not what I'm saying SAJ ..it's unforetunately the harsh reality ..the 3rd world picks the cotton, weaves the textile, the first world makes the clothes to sell to the 1st world the 3rd world reaps none of the benefits

SAJ said:
Anyway, out of character and vaguely white supremecist posts aside, I dont think we need to wipe out 75% of the population.

actually it's the opposite ..read it again, I'm advocating wiping out whitey not the other way around. I'm white and live in the 1st world I'm advocating killing myself/ourselves because we are the problem