Polar bears drown as ice shelf melts

It's going to get rather crowded when the waters start to rise... 6.5 billion people all heading for the higher ground...
Raziaar said:
The earth would be going through these changes very likely without us, just at a different point in history, and perhaps to a lesser severity, but the main reason we want to slow or stop the cycle, is because we're selfish, not because we have some deep, great respect for the earth.

The majority of people anyways.

Believe me, I'm no proponent of some deep respect for the earth, I just want generations to come not to get ****ed in the ass by the mess we made.
gh0st said:
oh wow this is ace material stern, i'd love to see your standup.

Actually, I have to agree with stern, you'd probably sink.
CptStern said:
so I posted it here which has less idiot trolls
Since when!?

kirovman said:
1. There's nothing wrong with saving the Earth for purely selfish reasons.

2. I postulate that every action that anyone does is selfish.

3. However, stopping global warming by reducing emissions is a lot less selfish than polluting the atmosphere to the point where everything dies out.
1. Yes. Almost any reason's good enough.
2. Noes. But that's a whole other debate.
3. Yes yes oh yay.

dream431ca said:
OH COME ON!! Everybody has to start panicing because polar bears died because of ice melting.

NEWSFLASH!!!! The earth is constantly changing. There are earthquakes everyday, Volcanic activity everyday...and ICE MELTING everyday.

Global warming is not caused by humans...but there is a theory...and let me be clear..THEORY!! that Humans are accelerating global warming.

But I believe it's too late to do anything. Even if you stopped all the emissions around the whole world right now, it would change NOTHING, because the emissions stay in the atmosphere for at least 100 years.

You have nothing to worry about until 4000 feet fire columns start shooting out of the bermuda triangle near Florida, (because of the high concentration of solid methane just underneath the ocean floor). Then you can make this a big deal.

No offense, mate but you've got it all wrong.
Earthquakes and volcanic activity is not attributable to our own wanton pillaging of the Earth's resources to the point where we start to do severe damage to the planet and everything in it.

Denying global Warming is a severely misguided stance to take. It is a scientifically observable process happening to the planet every day, and every day it is getting worse and every day people deny it in face of the facts. It is not some bizarre theory that has been plucked from the air. It's not a matter of scientists clutching at straws whilst claiming they've got bricks. There's a lot of evidence for it.
Yes it's a theory, but it's a theory with a lot more evidence than most and it stands up to so many counter-arguments.

Besides which, wouldn't it be better to err on the side of caution and say - maybe we are causing it, maybe we aren't, but better safe than sorry. Plus, if we keep going the way we are, we're depleting natural resources at a rate whereby seeking clean alternatives is not only sensible, but practically necessary.

And finally, saying there's no point bothering trying to stop it all now "because the emissions stay in the atmosphere for at least 100 years" is even more misguided. If we stop now, then it would get gradually better over that 100 year period, if we carry on, it gets increasingly worse. Your logic here is deeply flawed. It's not unlike saying:
"Well, this heroine's not going to do me much good, so I may as well take even more."
I didn't read the entire thread so what I'm saying may have already been covered but I'll try and put this to people gently

Humans have little to no effect at all on the planets functions we do kill other species on a regular basis but that doesn't change the planet global warming has happened at minimum 6 times prior to this time it's a constant cycle earth gets hot earth freezes earth gets hot again so on so forth whether humans exist or not it does this now for peoples arguements on humans causing it to accelerate... I don't know how to refute this because you probably won't listen but I'll try humans have done nothing at all until the last 200 years (industrial revolution) thats when we started producing noteable amounts of pollution and to be realistic we've only produced noteable amounts for about 100 years now in that time we have produced almost the amount of damage to the atmosphere that a average sized volcanic eruption produces in 1 second so... we've produced 1 seconds worth of damage to the atmosphere... how exactly does this vastly accelerate natural occurances? thats rhetorical because it doesn't... at all... in any way... the reason we think global warming has rapidly increased in the last 10 years is the same reason heated water does absolutely nothing until just before it starts to boil

I've decided to add a list of things you actually sholud be worrying about.

the east coast getting hit by a 500 foot wall of water because the volcanic islands off it's coast are having major landslides so if one were to erupt in the next 5 years you would have half an island falling into the ocean causing a 300-600 foot wall of water to hit the majority of the east coast

inland tsunamis caused by landslides turning lakes into 300-600 foot waves. (as witnessed in Alaska)

the magnetosphere is "dying" we don't know why most people don't even know what it is or does but we do know as the moon gets farther away from earth each year the magnetosphere gets weaker originally we thought the magnetosphere was solely controlled by the planets core which we think is made of iron the new theory is the magnetosphere is caused by the earths core and greatly strengthened by the earths underground water supply being pulled around the earth by the moon (anyone not aware water is magnetic)

humans are running out of resources, coal supplies will be gone within 200 years, oil supplies will be gone within 30 years, theres simply none of either left that we don't already know about, natural gas is still available but becoming harder to find no current estimates on when major amounts will run out but it's likely to become much more expensive world wide due to the shortage

we are researching mars... a dead planet that has always been dead and likely always will be dead we should be researching a planet with a magnetosphere or at least one with enough gravity to hold water on it's surface mars has neither of these... no magnetosphere + no water = no life ever
Ghost, Stern, why do you guys even bother posting in here anymore? We all know what you're gonna say. It always goes like this

CptStern: "America sucks eh"

Ghost: "You suck"

CptStern: "America still sucks eh"

Ghost: "Canada sucks"

Rinse and repeat, then try again tomorrow or until a new thread is started.

With that said, i hate Andrew Bolt. He's a columnist for the biggest paper down here in Australia and he's very right-wing and aggressive in his arguments. Always a good read though, even if he is slightly sociopathic

Oh yeah, and the human race is awesome at destroying everything we're given aren't we.
read it now! or else!!! /me shakes fist in general direction of Raziaar
CptStern said:
no one is forcing you to read it
Oh but its always entertaining. You know, like World of Warcraft, same thing over and over again but its always great.

I think its the meds i'm on.
ya probably ;)

just think of it as a battle between good and evil ..I'm good and gh0st is ..well ...the devil's cabana boy
CptStern said:
actually it's the opposite ..read it again, I'm advocating wiping out whitey not the other way around. I'm white and live in the 1st world I'm advocating killing myself/ourselves because we are the problem

I'm sure even if whitey was wiped off of the map so to speak, the 3rd world would rise up and create just as much problems. Without contest, these civilizations will start expanding as well.
Well, I'm up for wiping out all humans and letting the penguins rule. And they also look suave anyway.
Penguins rock, except they only have sex once a year (I think so, anyway). That has to be a little hard to bear.
CptStern said:
I'm advocating wiping out whitey

screw you stern!!!

*waves middle fingers at sterns post*

I don't give a crap if your white or not, Im offended by the post and I think this kind of bullshit should not be allowed to be posted on hl2.net. Of course if someone joked about the holocaust they would be banned or flamed. Im sick of this double standards BS

So you want to kill me because of my skin color? What a racist asshole. You sir may shove a tennis ball up your ass. Here

*hands stern a tennis ball*
yaddayaddayadda ..relax I'm entitled to make fun of myself quit being so anal
What the hell? This thread is more than half a year old :|
sorry for the bump but I just saw the post...and it just pissed me off so much I had to make a new post
"it's whitey" <softshoe tapdance> "just whitey" <more softshoe> "whitey Mcwhiiiiiite" <big finish> "yaaaaaaa!"

okay if this isnt going to be locked, prepare for a topic related hijack.

Our solutions are already on the table, its simply time to listen, learn for ourselves, and dethrone the present barons who purposefully and knowingly polute this planet to maintain the economic status quo when other viable replacement options are there to be had.

The very thing that may drown us, may save us.

This was aired in 1995 on a program called equinox on british TV, similar to horizon it was one of the most popular documentary series ever made. I would urge that people watch all of this.

dream431ca said:
Let me explain the natural reasons so we can close this argument.

Underneath the oceans there are these deposits of solid methane called methane hydroxide. When the ocean gets warm enough, these methane deposits turn into methane gas and rise to the surface of the ocean and head on into the atmosphere. Methane is a much more effective greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, about 300% more effecient keeping the heat in the atmosphere.

When some methane is released it heats up the earth a little bit, that heating up causes more methane to be released, and then more is released and so on, creating an effect that is similar to how an atomic bomb works (when one neutron strikes an atom the atom breaks and then 2 more neutrons are created which strike other atoms causing more neutrons to be released and so on).

When there is enough heat to heat up the ocean to a specific temprature, the methane starts to really come up and starts to warm up the earth tremendously. It gets so intense, and so much methane is release at once, that when all that methane hits the oxygen in the air, it bursts in the flames. Scientists believe, in the past, that there were 4000 feet columns of flames caused by the methane gas, shooting out of the ocean.

We are heading towards that point. Humans are releasing millions of tons of carbion dioxide into the atmosphere, the earth warms up a little bit, the methane starts to release, causing a reaction that cannot be stopped. It's already begun and will continue until the global warming effect peaks at it's maxium. Global warming does occur by itself...we humans are just helping it to arrive faster than it would otherwize...but it's still a natural thing.
And how does an Ice Age emerge from this exactly?
CptStern said:
"it's whitey" <softshoe tapdance> "just whitey" <more softshoe> "whitey Mcwhiiiiiite" <big finish> "yaaaaaaa!"


Arent you white aswell :smoking:
*looks at avatar*
I think all whites should be discriminated against. Oh wait!
If only resurrecting extinct species were this easy. :(
SAJ said:
If only resurrecting extinct species were this easy. :(

You've obviously not seen that documentary.........Jurassic Park. :thumbs:
CptStern said:
maybe you should offer up your body as a floatation device ..oh wait you're so full of shit you'd instantly sink :LOL:
LOL. Good lord that was a loud laugh, hope my neighbors didn't hear that.

On the other hand, we may have to resort feeding these polar bears lest they become endangered, which would cost us more in having to rehabilitate their numbers.
This threads....

Seriously, is zeus searching the forum for Author:Captian Stern Keyword: White ??

This is the secound thread he's said this. You're really just looking for a fight, being offended at a white person saying anti-white remarks is just stupid, you're trying to make yourself offended. Quit it.
I don't give a damn if he's white or not...a lot of people are racist to their own race, doesn't mean I want to hear it and that's basically what I told him. If it meant I had to dig for an old topic to do it in then that's what I had to do.
Zeus said:
I don't give a damn if he's white or not...a lot of people are racist to their own race, doesn't mean I want to hear it and that's basically what I told him. If it meant I had to dig for an old topic to do it in then that's what I had to do.
Why now?
And do you really think Stern is a racist? No, of course you don't. You're just looking for a fight.
Zeus said:
I don't give a damn if he's white or not...a lot of people are racist to their own race, doesn't mean I want to hear it and that's basically what I told him. If it meant I had to dig for an old topic to do it in then that's what I had to do.

I really dont have to justify myself to you so just give it a rest man ..it's really getting old

Javert: I'm glad someone found it funny :thumbs: (I had forgotten I had said that)
Zeus said:
I don't give a damn if he's white or not...a lot of people are racist to their own race, doesn't mean I want to hear it and that's basically what I told him. If it meant I had to dig for an old topic to do it in then that's what I had to do.
Did it occur to you that he was taking the piss?
Yes, like that. Taking a piss.

Taking a piss on the rights of law-abiding white Americans everywhere, that is!
Sulkdodds said:
Taking a piss on the rights of law-abiding white Americans everywhere, that is!

'You've just urinated on the part that forbids cruel and unusual punishment!'
Zeus said:
I don't give a damn if he's white or not...a lot of people are racist to their own race, doesn't mean I want to hear it and that's basically what I told him. If it meant I had to dig for an old topic to do it in then that's what I had to do.

Cracker please...:sleep:
Its not discrimination if its against the majority, only the minority. At least in sterns case. It would be if you had a shop that said "no white people", but not if you're saying, "oh, I'm a white guy"
theotherguy said:
Its not discrimination if its against the majority, only the minority. At least in sterns case. It would be if you had a shop that said "no white people", but not if you're saying, "oh, I'm a white guy"

Actually... prejudice against majority in an overtly negative way is just as much racist as it is against a minority. I don't see WHAT minority or majority has to do with defining it... racism isn't defined by such details.