Poll on meat-eating

What's your stance

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For every animal you choose not to eat, I will eat three.
Animals eat animals, why can't we? I know Humans are not animals, but it's like natural to eat meat, or something.
Teta_Bonita said:
Animals eat animals, why can't we? I know Humans are not animals, but it's like natural to eat meat, or something.

Teta_Bonita said:
Animals eat animals, why can't we? I know Humans are not animals, but it's like natural to eat meat, or something.

Humans aren't animals?

LoL, what are biology teachers putting into the minds of our young these days.
Yum animals.

Silly girlfriend, not eating them.

I only eat cows, chicken, turkey and piggies. I would rather not eat piggies because they are smart. But that's society and I don't feel like going out of my way to not eaterize them, because it wouldn't change shit. There are a few meats that I will not eat, but most I probably would. Would never eat Veal. Ugh.
Oh yeah there a few meats that I don't eat just because I don't like them myself, but other people eating them I really don't care. I don't flip out at someone eating broccoli because I don't like the taste.
Teta_Bonita said:
Animals eat animals, why can't we?
It doesnt seem like its a matter of whats natural or not, its a question of ethics
Animals aren't exactly capable of ethics, we are, we can't base our behavior on theirs

If animals were capable of saying "Don't eat me"; we would stop
And it seems pretty obvious to me that animals dont want to die
So shouldn't we follow the same course of action?
(This is far from an arguement for veganism, just a thought)
Ikerous said:
It doesnt seem like its a matter of whats natural or not, its a question of ethics
Animals aren't exactly capable of ethics, we are, we can't base our behavior on theirs

If animals were capable of saying "Don't eat me"; we would stop
And it seems pretty obvious to me that animals dont want to die
So shouldn't we follow the same course of action?
(This is far from an arguement for veganism, just a thought)
I don't care what an animal wants.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I don't care what an animal wants.
I don't care what my ex-gf wants.. doesn't make it any less ethical to eat her :/
Ikerous said:
I don't care what my ex-gf wants.. doesn't make it any less ethical to eat her :/
That's a lot different, and it doesn't even need to be explained why. I'm going to eat a lot of meat now tomorrow because of this thread.
RakuraiTenjin said:
That's a lot different, and it doesn't even need to be explained why.
... but for the discussion's sake... please do.
XD Explain for my sake too :|
I fail to see any difference between the two that'd make one more ethical than the other
(Plus i don't have any concrete opinion on the subject and have been trying to form one)
I'm not even joking when I say this thread makes me start salivating at the thought of spicy chicken wings, barbeque ribs, marinated steak, and all other varied tasties.
Well, killing and eating a human being would be rather harmful to our society wouldn't it? That's why we have rules in place that prevent us from killing one another, right? On the lowest level, after all the morality bullshit is bypassed, it's really just a device that holds our society together. We wouldn't get much done if we ran around clubbing each other to death, and humans wouldn't last very long without a social structure. Killing animals on the other hand is not harmful to our society in any way that I can see.
except for the obvious controversy that arises over it, and controversy isn't necessarily good for a society (though it isn't always bad either)
qckbeam said:
Well, killing and eating a human being would be rather harmful to our society wouldn't it? That's why we have rules in place that prevent us from killing one another, right? On the lowest level, after all the morality bullshit is bypassed, it's really just a device that holds our society together. We wouldn't get much done if we ran around clubbing each other to death, and humans wouldn't last very long without a social structure. Killing animals on the other hand is not harmful to our society in any way that I can see.
So morality is soley based on what is or isnt harmful to society?
Hmm.. thats an interesting approach to morality

And i thought you were against the death penalty?
Wouldn't that, if anything, be good for society?
(Hmm.. thats off topic.. and doesnt fully make sense... but do you get what i'm saying?)
Just because something isn't social detramental doesnt seem like enough to make it moral to me :/
I'm not sure if he meant all morality, or if he meant morality as it relates to eating animals.
Ennui said:
I'm not sure if he meant all morality, or if he meant morality as it relates to eating animals.
Hmm.. good point, maybe i was reading it wrong XD
But since when was morality so.. situational :/
It's all dependent on your philosophical viewpoint, whether you think morality is subjective or objective.
Isn't a person’s moral code all dependent upon their viewpoint anyways? Morality is subjective. There are no rules written in stone for us all to follow. The rules which most people think of as imprinted in all humans from birth are actually the result of subtle yet constant training. I always believed that situation and circumstance play very heavily into determining the “morality” of any given action. I don’t believe any action can ever be classified as always right or always wrong.

Ikerous said:
And i thought you were against the death penalty?
Wouldn't that, if anything, be good for society?

As for my opposing the death penalty, I oppose it for very pragmatic reasons. We have an imperfect system which produces imperfect verdicts which are used to deliver permanent, fatal sentences. The loss of even one innocent man to this process is a serious blow to the credibility of the judicial system- a system which happens to be the major backbone of our society. I don’t have such a problem with executing those who truly committed a heinous crime against society. I just don’t think we can afford to be wrong.

I’m sorry if I’m not being clear. I’m truly exhausted, and heading off to bed right now. I’ll try to clear up anything in the morning. Goodnight.
Nighty night qckles.

I happen to be completely against the death penalty in all cases.
If we all became vegetarians and let all the animals out of farms they would almost all die out.
ríomhaire said:
If we all became vegetarians and let all the animals out of farms they would almost all die out.
So the noble thing to do is eat 'em :LOL:

@ qck: Yea -_- i knew the death penalty was flawed logic right after i wrote it
I still can't quite accept that outlook though
I mean, i cant think of a single way in which me going up to my cat and kicking him harms society, but thats obviously immmoral
And yea, morality should be subjective, i'm just really bad at expressing my thoughts tonight XD
I was really wondering how could define morality different in different instances
(i.e have it based on society in some cases, and based on something else in others)
Although i don't think thats what you're doing.. i was just replying to ennui's post

And i wonder outta the five ppl that voted for options 4/5 actually don't eat meat
In some countries they skin the minks alive. Appearently that makes the fur better.
ríomhaire said:
If we all became vegetarians and let all the animals out of farms they would almost all die out.

in some cases yes ..but that's not what the goal is ...if no one buys mink then there's no need to trap them or breed them

there's never a simple solution ..it's all about awareness. If people walked into a slaughterhouse, not country bob joe's farm but corporate slaughterhouses, and saw how an animal makes its way to your table ..I'm convinced most people wouldnt eat meat
CptStern said:
If people walked into a slaughterhouse, not country bob joe's farm but corporate slaughterhouses, and saw how an animal makes its way to your table ..I'm convinced most people wouldnt eat meat
But that has nothing to do with morals.

CptStern said:
in some cases yes ..but that's not what the goal is ...if no one buys mink then there's no need to trap them or breed them
But I was talking about farms not trapping.
ríomhaire said:
But that has nothing to do with morals.

sure it does ...if they just saw what the animals endure

ríomhaire said:
But I was talking about farms not trapping.

same thing ...if no one bought minks there wouldnt be a need for farms ..and yes if you released them right this minute many would die ...see living your entire life in a box measuring one foot by one foot doesnt teach you how to survive in the wild ...but regardless it doesnt make it right
CptStern said:
sure it does ...if they just saw what the animals endure
Really, what happens? I was under the impression they were killed, organs thrown out and meat processed in ways that are not too friendly to they eye.
well lets see ..many aimals die onthe way to the slaughter house or are too sick to make it off the truck/train ...it is against the law to serve humans meat that "didnt make it's into the slaughterhouse on it's own" ...I've seen videos on diseased dying cattle being dragged into the slaughterhouse

another example ..in many corporate owned farms baby chicks have the tips of their beaks cut off by a machine that looks like a wine press ...it also cauterises the beak (burns it so it wont get infected) ...the reason this is done is because on some farms hundreds of chicken are put into a large pen for part of the day ..they will often fight each other for food ...usually pecking each other to death ..the carcass lies there for days further contaminating the chickens

in some farms chickens spend their entire lives in a very small cage..they often grow too big for their cages and their bones break to fit within the cage ..they are also stacked on top of each ..often their shit falls between cages further contaminating the other chickens ..things like avian flu spread fast in those sort of enviroments

the bottom line is that it all comes down to money ..it's not that they're cruel (although with some of their methods it's hard to see how they're not) ..it's that it's just cheaper to do things that way
Caged chickens taste better.

No one cares how the meat gets to their plate, all they care about is eating it.

Vegetarians still aren't helping much anything by not eating meat. The more wheat products they eat the more animals die by a combine, and whats worse is the meat on them isn't even used. It just a murdered animal.
ComradeBadger said:
Which is why I only eat Organic :)

that sorta solves the cruelty problem ...but every single fast food chain uses these farms ..your eggs could come from there

glirk: so nice to see you actually took the time to think things through :upstare:

oh and the combine thing is a joke ..that link you posted is a joke as well ..not one of his sources works ..oh and did you stop to think that the farms also cater to non-vegetarians? ..or did you somehow think that there were special "vegetarian farms" ..it's called "organic" ...meaning no pesticides and the majority is farmed by hand
i dont see how the chinse eat cats and dogs...ITS YOUR FUUKIN PET! WHY WOULD YOU EAT A HOUSE PET
Kamikazie said:
i dont see how the chinse eat cats and dogs...ITS YOUR FUUKIN PET! WHY WOULD YOU EAT A HOUSE PET
Because they have no other food. You'd eat a cat too if you were as hungry as them.

Edit: OK Cpt, when I'm buying my own food I'll get free-range/organic as much as posible.
CptStern said:
that sorta solves the cruelty problem ...but every single fast food chain uses these farms ..your eggs could come from there

glirk: so nice to see you actually took the time to think things through :upstare:

oh and the combine thing is a joke ..that link you posted is a joke as well ..not one of his sources works ..oh and did you stop to think that the farms also cater to non-vegetarians? ..or did you somehow think that there were special "vegetarian farms" ..it's called "organic" ...meaning no pesticides and the majority is farmed by hand
CptStern I don't eat fast food, and you can get organic eggs too :) [Tip riomhaire.. Free-range is cheaper than Organic, but often it's just as good]
good for you :thumbs: ...glad to see someone else who's conscious of what they eat
CptStern said:
good for you :thumbs: ...glad to see someone else who's conscious of what they eat
Yes, but that won't be for another 3 years. And then still not the whole time.
I personally don't eat fast food...ever. It's disgusting for a huge number of reasons. The meat I eat most often actually comes directly from people we know. For example, I have some uncles who hunt deer and supply us with an unbelieveable amount of natural, incredibly tasty venison.