Poll on meat-eating

What's your stance

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Actually...I kinda feel like eating a salad right about now.
Don't worry...I ate a nice big ass steak last night. I'm more of a meat eater then I am a veggie person.
Tr0n said:
Don't worry...I ate a nice big ass steak last night. I'm more of a meat eater then I am a veggie person.

was it a T-bone? caught from your own pasture? < jk on that part...
Angry Lawyer said:
That pisses me off, too. Vegetarians like these don't do it because they feel its wrong to eat meat, they just want to save what they consider "cute" animals. Fish aren't the most huggable things, while calves, bunnies, dolphins, and pigs are. Its the same sort that go "no, I don't eat meat" and then go "Eww! Big spider!" and proceed to stamp on it. Man, people like that piss me off so much that I have to run outside the house, pick up an annoyingly cute puppy, and swallow it whole.
Vegetarians that are willing to go the whole nine yards and cut suffering to animals completely out of their lives, instead of being selective, get my respect. But I still proceed to waft my great-tasting three-meat type sandwiches in front of their faces.

Reminds me of a children's story I once read. Some girl went around the woods and tried to "help" all the cute little animals and pretty much screwed the natural balance of things. Then she saved some cute rodent from being eaten by a mean ol' ugly snake. In the end, the rodent passes off some fatal disease onto her and she dies.

How that relates to vegetarians is now lost to me, but it was a pretty cool tale.
OCybrManO said:
Cellulose requires a lot of work to digest. The human body has a different use for cellulose. It adds bulk to the diet in order to clean the digestive tract and maintain proper peristaltic actions of the intestines. It's a major part of what people refer to as fiber. Without fiber in your diet you are at a significantly increased risk of problems such as colon cancer. Also, there are plenty of more digestable sources of the carbohydrates the human body requires. It could just be that it was just not effective/practical while still maintaining the same benefits that come with being human... or it could be that an organ in the human body used to produce cellulose-digesting bacteria (hey, the appendix is just sitting there doing nothing)... or, yes, we could be omnivores... I'll give you that.

I still say meat is just there as an option, at best, because our teeth and jaw designs are lacking in that deparment and mostly meat diets are scientifically proven to be unhealthy, while vegetarians are usually in great shape and have less health problems. What we can and should eat are very different. Just because I can eat fat and protein without any carbs for quite a while without notincing bad effects... it doesn't mean I should. Though, being exact with what you need to eat would be complex and time consuming. Our body stores reserves for just that reason. If it doesn't get enough of something it dips into the reserves until your diet balances out again. If it gets too much of something it tries to store or dispose of the excess. Sure, there are some safeguards, but in the long run, not having a healthy diet can be deadly.

Also, you're comparing the difficulty of breaking down large, complex carbohydrates with relatively simple proteins (which are not unique to animal meat). It would be almost like saying we were meant to be candyvores because we digest sugars like glucose easily and not a specific type of molecule in another food... even though following that diet we get fat, have a greater risk of diabetes, and other health problems.

EDIT: BTW, I still eat meat. I haven't been able to stop myself, yet. ;)

i think your trying to say that you are to lazy to go out and exercise...thats why you eat veggies! idiot...:dozey:

everyone knows that after a good intensive exercise (20km cycling, 1h of running,...) your stomach begs for protein enriched meat!!! :naughty:

i can't picture myselfe after 2 hours of continuos sparing (martial arts)...i come home and eat cucumbers, tommatoes,...!! heve you even tried soy cheese!??? :bonce: ... it's like EATING hardened water with almost non existant taste!!

Why people got many meat eating dieseases is another problem...it's called layzines!! if you want i can even link it with capitalism, marks and communism?!
jverne said:
i think your trying to say that you are to lazy to go out and exercise...thats why you eat veggies! idiot...:dozey:

everyone knows that after a good intensive exercise (20km cycling, 1h of running,...) your stomach begs for protein enriched meat!!! :naughty:

i can't picture myselfe after 2 hours of continuos sparing (martial arts)...i come home and eat cucumbers, tommatoes,...!! heve you even tried soy cheese!??? :bonce: ... it's like EATING hardened water with almost non existant taste!!

Why people got many meat eating dieseases is another problem...it's called layzines!! if you want i can even link it with capitalism, marks and communism?!
Could you retranslate your statements into a non-asshole dialect of English? If so, you'll find that you don't get ignored as often. Until then, goodbye.
OCybrManO said:
Could you retranslate your statements into a non-asshole dialect of English? If so, you'll find that you don't get ignored as often. Until then, goodbye.

you have high blood presure, right? so that's why you eat vegetables?! do you by any chanse exercise (running, cycling, swimming,...)?
if you don't then stop complaining that meat is unhealthy!

all of the vegetarians i know look like a dressed toothpick. all of their clothes are loose, their cheeks sucked in! being vegetarian is like being a hippie or goth...you want to go against society and it's norms!

if by any chanse you do exercise and still have a high blood preasure than you seriously must be doing something wrong!

BTW...i don't aprove the tortoure of animals...

edit: i may be ignored but nobody listens to you either! actualy, nobody here listens to anybody...you just like to think you are being listened to...i didn't see nobody actualy turn sides or anything...very few here take into account what anyone has to say, when they leave the forums!
Tr0n said:
Actually...I kinda feel like eating a salad right about now.

I'm pretty balanced on what I eat. If salad's on the cards, I'll eat it (the resteraunt/pub just outside my workplace does awesome salad), and the same with meat. hell, for convenience, I get salad with meat in it. Chicken Caesar. Yahh!

-Angry Lawyer
jverne said:
you have high blood presure, right? so that's why you eat vegetables?!
Hypertension runs in my family. My mother had it as long as she can remember. Usually it's caused by other problems like stress, clogged arteries, high cholesterol, etc... but, for some people, it just seems to be hereditary. I'm apparently one of them. Also, I'm not a vegetarian. I'm almost positive I said that already. Yes... yes, I did. I eat vegetables because they are an important part of a healthy diet. A diet without non-meat products is just asking for trouble. I'd like to at least try a vegetarian diet because of some of the reasons I've stated... but I haven't made any sort of commitment.
Angry Lawyer said:
I'm pretty balanced on what I eat. If salad's on the cards, I'll eat it (the resteraunt/pub just outside my workplace does awesome salad), and the same with meat. hell, for convenience, I get salad with meat in it. Chicken Caesar. Yahh!

-Angry Lawyer

salad has 0 nutritional value ..the dressings however are full of fats and calories
jverne said:
edit: i may be ignored but nobody listens to you either! actualy, nobody here listens to anybody...you just like to think you are being listened to...i didn't see nobody actualy turn sides or anything...very few here take into account what anyone has to say, when they leave the forums!

i would rather listen to his LOGICAL post than your unorthodox ones...plus his avatar is cooler :E
CptStern said:
salad has 0 nutritional value ..the dressings however are full of fats and calories
I remember hearing that the new McDonald's "salads" are almost as fatty as the rest of their stuff due to all their dressings, etc. And then I laughed. Muahahhaaa.

OCybrManO : Were you saying before that we weren't designed to eat meat? 'cause that's clearly not true - look at our incisors, for example. Look at how humans have always hunted other animals for food. I'm not having a go at your choice as a vegetairian, mind.
el Chi said:
OCybrManO : Were you saying before that we weren't designed to eat meat? 'cause that's clearly not true - look at our incisors, for example. Look at how humans have always hunted other animals for food. I'm not having a go at your choice as a vegetairian, mind.

OCybrManO said:
Incisors and canines are present in many herbivores...including horses. They aren't unique to carnivores and omnivores. There are hard non-meat foods that can't fit into our mouth (like apples, celery, carrots, etc) that need to be bitten off with the incisors and/or canines before being ground down with the molars.

I stand partially corrected, however I still maintain that man's track record of carnivorous behaviour heavily supports the idea of us being naturally omnivorous.
Uhh, I don't think it's a matter of are we 'supposed' to eat meat or not, we do, simple as that.
I was seeing if I could argue a more extreme view of it. It was going well for a while. Yeah, we're most likely omnivores. Although some evidence (moreso if you believe in evolution) suggests that we may have been able to digest cellulose at one point... but that our behavior and environmental situations, over time, could have caused us to lose that ability.

At the University of Toronto, David Popovich has been studying the micro-nutrient content of the wild vegetation consumed by gorillas. He has found that much of the energy and nutrient value that gorillas are able to derive from such a diet comes from colonic fermentation. Their studies on human subjects have shown that humans may also be able to rely on colonic fermentation. Thus, a diet consisting of substantial quantities of fruits, vegetables and nuts - no pasta or starches - will provide adequate protein, B-12 and amino acids (the building blocks of protein). Gorillas and chimpanzees have little trouble digesting cellulose thanks to the presence of the ciliate Troglodytella in their intestines. However, chimps and gorillas in captivity begin to lose their Troglodytella when they are fed cooked food. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that humans lost their intestinal cilia when they started cooking with fire.
CptStern said:
salad has 0 nutritional value ..the dressings however are full of fats and calories

*sticks an entire tub of mayo on the salad, to compensate. And also adds extra meat, just to spite people*

Its not about whether we're meant to eat something or not - its about the fact I'm going to eat it anyways.

-Angry Lawyer
Kamikazie said:
i would rather listen to his LOGICAL post than your unorthodox ones...plus his avatar is cooler :E

your's is VERY LOGICAL...BTW!

and by the way i know lots on human nutrition and the effects of sports...much more than you...no pun intended...it just pointles to go into details!
jverne said:
your's is VERY LOGICAL...BTW!

and by the way i know lots on human nutrition and the effects of sports...much more than you...no pun intended...it just pointles to go into details!

i didnt say that i was logical (i know im not sometimes) im saying that he is more logical than you are...
I've tasted human tounge since the day I was born. I don't mind the taste.
you have not lived unless you have sunken your teeth into the delicious crunchy/greasy skin of a pig that has been carefully marinated for an entire night in different sauces and cooked for an entire day in a makeshift grill over some hot coals. mmmmmmmm delicious skin.

I love the taste of heated animal corpse flesh. However i do not support uneccessary violence against the animals. If the anaimals are going to be made dinner, i'd at least like them to be fully utilized and not made to suffer violence beyond what is needed to kill them as painlessly as possible .
Cows are only tasty when beaten with a club and die a gruesome death.

-Some Retard
Pesmerga said:
I never considered you a retard, 15357

What the **** are you talkin-


I never said that, it was ona book! ON A BOOK! IM INNOCENT! I NEVA KILT NO ONE!
Saying its ok to eat meat because its our nature is like saying its ok to kill people you don't like because its our nature. Nature isn't right, nature just is. Thus the question of whether we should eat meat or not is a moral one, not a scientific one.

That being said, I would like to exentuate my hypocricy by saying: i feel like some juicy tender baby cow meat! YEAH!
however it is not necessarily our nature to kill other people. We are not born with machineguns for hands or secreting some deadly toxin that is lethal to fellow humans.

However we are born with canine teeth for tearing at meat as well as a digestive system that supports the injestions of most animal meats. We are born omnivores. Yes we can "technically" live a healthy life if we make sure to balance a vegan diet with certain forms of bean protein. But really, where the hell is the fun in that?

i demand strip steak and a side of pork plus a big ole pile of shrimp
go to a boxing match flying debris and then go and tell me that its not in our innate nature to kill other people. A fundamental aspect of human nature is the prevail over others in order to attain power. You kill or you die. Survival of the fittest. This is nature. And our violent and bloody history is a testament to this fact.

Yes we can "technically" live a healthy life if we make sure to balance a vegan diet with certain forms of bean protein. But really, where the hell is the fun in that?

well thats like saying, "Yes, we can 'technically' live a healthy life and solve our problems with others human beings who also seek power at the expence of others through discussion and compramise. But really, where the hell is the fun in that when you can kill the bastards?

The point is, I eat meat, and I know its wrong. So should everyone the hell else. Saying that eating meat is natures way isnt a valid point, because if we left everything to nature, then their would be chaos. Humanity is too intelligent and powerful to be irresponsible. You can't say dogs eat meat so why can't we?, because we aren't dogs. We are human beings with minds intelligent enough to distinguish right from wrong.
How in the ****ing name of baby Jesus is eating meat wrong?
You may find reading handy, as I just answered that question.

and by the way, every religion on earth to have ever existed adresses the issue of eating meat in some way or another. Usually by regarding the killing of animals as a sacrifice to god.
No, you did not.

You demonstrated how a comparison to animals is flawed and claimed that just because something is in our nature does not make it right. (By the way, I'd say that competition is in our nature and not necessarily violence)

At no point did you ever construct an argument how exactly eating meat is wrong. The most you did was say "I know its wrong" which means absolutely nothing.
CptStern said:
isnt the fact your taking a sentient life enough?

Sentient life is taken every day and is part of the food chain. To argue that the food chain is a monument of evil is absurd, even if it is exacted in a grisly fashion (which it is most of the time).
We, as humans, were developed as omnivores. If you're going to yell at us for eating a pig, then you might as well yell at any other omnivorous or carnivorous species that exists. Who are you to lambast me for doing something I am naturally inclined to do and is, in all seriousness, existent in nature itself?

Treating it as a moral issue doesn't go very far either. You don't think it's moral to eat sentient life forms. Okay, fine. I think it's moral so long as they aren't subjected to unnecessary pain and torture.