Portal 2 Speculation?


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
If they do make a sequil, where and when do you think it will take place?

I think it might take place during the Portal Storms/Xen invasion or during the 7 hour war?

I think that would be interesting.

Your guesses?
why is everything speculation here?

whats going to happen in ep3? what about portal2? maybe HL6? where was Gordon born? how many fingers am i holding up? whats the deal?
why is everything speculation here?

whats going to happen in ep3? what about portal2? maybe HL6? where was Gordon born? how many fingers am i holding up? whats the deal?

I am not sure if this is news to you but you've joined a Half-Life based forum.

People tend to you know, talk about Half-Life related things. About 70% of the HL related threads on here are speculation based because most of us lack the ability to read the minds working at Valve.

If your not a fan of speculation, you've joined the wrong forum, buddy.
I am not sure if this is news to you but you've joined a Half-Life based forum.

People tend to you know, talk about Half-Life related things. About 70% of the HL related threads on here are speculation based because most of us lack the ability to read the minds working at Valve.

If your not a fan of speculation, you've joined the wrong forum, buddy.

Portal 2 wouldn't be a good idea to make any time soon. I think, if they make it too quickly, it will come out badly. I say give it a few years.
Portal 2 wouldn't be a good idea to make any time soon. I think, if they make it too quickly, it will come out badly. I say give it a few years.

Meh, with the amount of time it will take for ep.3's release they could have one team work on portal 2 and another on ep 3.

Isn't that pretty much what they did with ep2 and portal?

But never the less, am I the only one who is interested in some sequil at some point?
There will be outside areas. Doug L said that
*creams pants* I am excited. But there will be a lot lacking without the humor.
Surweet! Weve got a lot of custom maps to look forward to in the mean time no doubt :D
I am not sure if this is news to you but you've joined a Half-Life based forum.

People tend to you know, talk about Half-Life related things. About 70% of the HL related threads on here are speculation based because most of us lack the ability to read the minds working at Valve.

If your not a fan of speculation, you've joined the wrong forum, buddy.

yes thats right half life related things, but not to speculate on what the next game might be or how it might look. i dunno its almost silly. we will find out when we find out. fantasizing about it isnt going to do a damn thing.
yes thats right half life related things, but not to speculate on what the next game might be or how it might look. i dunno its almost silly. we will find out when we find out. fantasizing about it isnt going to do a damn thing.

No shit? Do you expect us to think it does?

Go away.
Answer: No.

Like antlions :)

If I were to make a Portal 2... I wouldn't make it...
I'm not sure there will be a sequel. It woulnd't make sense, since the facilty, y'know, assploded.
No shit? Do you expect us to think it does?

Go away.

no you go away.

im not trying to be a jerk but it seems a little childish. im not even sure why its important. it was a question as to why this is the going trend in most threads. its only a game, its an extremely cool game, but why should we speculate about things and sound so silly?
no you go away.

im not trying to be a jerk but it seems a little childish. im not even sure why its important. it was a question as to why this is the going trend in most threads. its only a game, its an extremely cool game, but why should we speculate about things and sound so silly?

O_O Welcome to Halflife2.net, get used to Half-Life related speculation.
Moonraker; said:
no you go away.

im not trying to be a jerk but it seems a little childish. im not even sure why its important. it was a question as to why this is the going trend in most threads. its only a game, its an extremely cool game, but why should we speculate about things and sound so silly?

Yes, if you are not a fan of speculation...... Than don't read threads that are about speculation in a forum that has a lot of speculation.

It is called an opinion and everyone has one but part of having an opinion is knowing when to keep it to oneself.

Just because you don't happen to like speculation and you think its childish doesn't mean that everyone should stop speculating.
Furthermore, just because an idea is unimportant to you doesn't make it automatically illogical or silly.

I hope portal 2 does happen. I hope it happens in a very rocky mountainous area because I can see an opportunity for some good puzzles, and if done properly the player can be controlled in that sort of environment.
You should play as an aperture science employee, before GLaDOS went crazy and killed everyone. You have to escape using the portal gun.

I'm not sure there will be a sequel. It woulnd't make sense, since the facilty, y'know, assploded.

There could be a second layer of tests, the backup of GlaDOS coming after you in some fashion, coming back to the facility to seek some vital info, etc. There are tons of possibilities for a sequel, although the first game set the rim so high that I wonder if it can still be crossed. Still, they implied Portal 2 in the commentary and I doubt that they'll leave the franchise alone now it's become immensly popular phenomenon.
I don't want another visit to the Aperture Science Enrichment Centre. Portal tech in a new setting with new gameplay would be nice. Perhaps different sort of puzzles. Portal is really made up of a string of small puzzles, maybe we can see some larger puzzles in another game. Not in terms of scale.

I don't mean things like the bridge puzzle in EP2, which was quite simple, but puzzles that are more complex and need allot of trial and error and thought before you can solve it. Sort of like the puzzle before the first hunter fight in EP2. You realise that you did it wrong the first time and then make revisions. But more complex.

Or perhaps they could go for a combat-based game based around the portal gun. With an emphasis on out-manoeuvring enemies, like you do with the turrets in Portal.
Yes, if you are not a fan of speculation...... Than don't read threads that are about speculation in a forum that has a lot of speculation.

It is called an opinion and everyone has one but part of having an opinion is knowing when to keep it to oneself.

Just because you don't happen to like speculation and you think its childish doesn't mean that everyone should stop speculating.
Furthermore, just because an idea is unimportant to you doesn't make it automatically illogical or silly.

I hope portal 2 does happen. I hope it happens in a very rocky mountainous area because I can see an opportunity for some good puzzles, and if done properly the player can be controlled in that sort of environment.

yadda yadda yadda, maybe read my posts next time.
yadda yadda yadda, maybe read my posts next time.

As in:
im not trying to be a jerk but it seems a little childish. im not even sure why its important. it was a question as to why this is the going trend in most threads. its only a game, its an extremely cool game, but why should we speculate about things and sound so silly?

You don't like, you don't stay. Not that difficult concept, is it? No-one forces you to take part in a conversation that you deem childish. People speculate for the fun of it. Are you trying to stop what other people like to do because you don't like it? In psychological circles that is called narcism.
i loved the 'still alive' song at the end of Portal.. was cute. If they do have a P2 then i want another funky song!
As in:

You don't like, you don't stay. Not that difficult concept, is it? No-one forces you to take part in a conversation that you deem childish. People speculate for the fun of it. Are you trying to stop what other people like to do because you don't like it? In psychological circles that is called narcism.

Not to be a douche but it's narcissism. Just FYI. :D

I'd love to see a Portal2 continuing Chell's journey or maybe even a prequel that starts on the first BYDTWD when GLaDOS first floods the place with neurotoxins.
As in:

You don't like, you don't stay. Not that difficult concept, is it? No-one forces you to take part in a conversation that you deem childish. People speculate for the fun of it. Are you trying to stop what other people like to do because you don't like it? In psychological circles that is called narcism.

im not read what it says, it was just a question ok??? get over it. i didnt deem anything, i said this 'seems'. im looking for an answer as to WHY its being done so much. i didnt say it was wrong and i dont like it so stop. i said 'hey these are my feelings on it, what am i missing?' if i must sum it up for you. look at the topic of the thread... i only asked why.

you all should ctfd. basically i gave my opinion and now you are all jumping down my throat. i didnt ask you to stop and i didnt call anyone anything. i asked for the answer to something i obviously missed. thanks for clearing it up by showing how you act here.
You're asking why most of the forum is blind speculation? Because we have nothing better to do, and Valve is being unusually tight-lipped at the moment.
Portal After Dark

Chell: Oh yeah Baby! do me! come on! harder! *moan*!

Weighted companion cube:...

I'd buy that
Game developers *do* read message boards, to take the temperature of the fan base. They even hire people to do that. I've had a job like that. That doesn't mean that any given suggestion will materialize, or even attract the developers' attention. But, if they look at a couple of major fan forums, and notice that there's a lot of animated discussion about possible sequels to Portal, that's likely to play a role in a decision about whether they will create a sequel. So, speculation isn't pointless.

Besides, speculating is fun. Haven't you ever had conversations with friends about what you'd do if you won the lottery?

My idea for a Portal sequel:

Chell explores an abandoned city, trying to find where everyone's gone. This is some time after the Seven Hour War and the Combine conquest of the world, and the Combine's efforts to corral surviving humans in a handful of cities, so there should be lots of cities with little besides aliens invading via portal storms, and the occasional Combine patrol. Meanwhile, somehow GLaDOS is talking to Chell -- a cybernetic implant, perhaps -- and trying to manipulate Chell into recovering some Aperture Science resources.
Chell explores an abandoned city, trying to find where everyone's gone. This is some time after the Seven Hour War and the Combine conquest of the world, and the Combine's efforts to corral surviving humans in a handful of cities, so there should be lots of cities with little besides aliens invading via portal storms, and the occasional Combine patrol. Meanwhile, somehow GLaDOS is talking to Chell -- a cybernetic implant, perhaps -- and trying to manipulate Chell into recovering some Aperture Science resources.

thats actually pretty interesting. How else would she sing you "still alive" :p
Chell explores an abandoned city, trying to find where everyone's gone. This is some time after the Seven Hour War and the Combine conquest of the world, and the Combine's efforts to corral surviving humans in a handful of cities, so there should be lots of cities with little besides aliens invading via portal storms, and the occasional Combine patrol. Meanwhile, somehow GLaDOS is talking to Chell -- a cybernetic implant, perhaps -- and trying to manipulate Chell into recovering some Aperture Science resources.

thats actually pretty interesting. How else would she sing you "still alive" :p
By doubleposting, possibly.

Weren't they saying something about a possible map pack? That seems more likely to me than a sequel at this point.
What the hell is portal 2?

Supposed conclusions for the lose.
Ok, maybe Portal: Opposing force.

You play as Sergeant W.C. Cube and get pushed around by a woman with weird looking high heels all the time. The game is about depressions and social isolation and should be considered a critical reaction to our modern artificial society. Also, you meet Nietzsche and Kant and have tea with them. In the end you get syphilis and die in a fire.
What the hell is portal 2?

Supposed conclusions for the lose.

You are just jealous because you are uncreative and can't come up with anything to contribute to speculation.
You should probably just go eat poop.
Yeah, I said it, eat poop. How does it feel? Hurts doesn't it? Thought so, poop eater.

So I assume all the people who laugh at the idea of Portal 2 will be upset and cranky spanky if it is actually made?
You are just jealous because you are uncreative and can't come up with anything to contribute to speculation.
You should probably just go eat poop.
Yeah, I said it, eat poop. How does it feel? Hurts doesn't it? Thought so, poop eater.

So I assume all the people who laugh at the idea of Portal 2 will be upset and cranky spanky if it is actually made?
