Portal: ApertureScience.com (Possible Spoilers)

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i doubt that the picture [about falken] is real, why would he remove the taskbar?
Anyone tried using Falken as login or password with different combination?
Same here too, which was the point of it all i think. The atmosphere of portal is fantastic.

Oh yes, that site made me think Portal as a scarier game than I thought before. Favourite question was "If you disappeared tomorrow would anyone miss you?"

Doesn't portal remind you the movie "Cube"?
Oh yes, that site made me think Portal as a scarier game than I thought before. Favourite question was "If you disappeared tomorrow would anyone miss you?"

Doesn't portal remind you the movie "Cube"?

I wouldn't know, I haven't played Portal :p
Anyone tried using Falken as login or password with different combination?
According to the code inside the SWF, that screenshot's fake since the only two passwords it will ever accept are PORTAL and PORTALS. BTW, the external .as file imported in the first frame of the .fla is called "c2A.as." Maybe, just maybe there's a bit more that can be deciphered according to the ames of the external files. I mean we already ApertureScience16.swf, c2A.as, and security02.flv. Then we have 50 questions, a certain amount of choices per question, etc. Maybe I'm obsessessing a bit.
Woot Woot

Valve is great...Love the mood...Copied from Lost???

No idea when or how this ties in with the HL-storyline.
We'll see...

I also think detention-room is the start-point of the game.

Kraken-base??? Could be...

Will Gordon have the portal-gun in Ep3. Because portal is also a gameplay-test, just like Loast-Coast was for graphical updates...

Makes me anxcious ;)

I tried username "Gabe newell" password "gaben", but to no avail :(
Type Valve when login and she says "good bye" and links u to steam :D

EDIT: anyone know why the the letter T in the first question is flashing slowly? Maybe its a hint?

EDIT: guys, try doing this:

Write down all blinking letters you see, then put them as the code! I think it will work (gona try now)
EDIT: got the first word: "the"
Oh, I'm going for my second nomination of the most ironic post award but, please people, please read before you post!
LOL sry guys just so exited

Anyway, you can see where this is going. Anyone seen the movie "the cube" where they trap people in an endless maze of cubes? Portal is kinda like that, and the reactions you would get is pretty much a give away in the questions. Like "if you where gone tomorrow, would anyone miss you" or "how much pain can you withstand" etc, typical things you would like to know if you where stuck in a cube for the rest of your life.
Type Valve when login and she says "good bye" and links u to steam :D

EDIT: anyone know why the the letter T in the first question is flashing slowly? Maybe its a hint?

EDIT: guys, try doing this:

Write down all blinking letters you see, then put them as the code! I think it will work (gona try now)
EDIT: got the first word: "the"

I god damn hope this is a joke post.
LOL sry guys just so exited

Anyway, you can see where this is going. Anyone seen the movie "the cube" where they trap people in an endless maze of cubes? Portal is kinda like that, and the reactions you would get is pretty much a give away in the questions. Like "if you where gone tomorrow, would anyone miss you" or "how much pain can you withstand" etc, typical things you would like to know if you where stuck in a cube for the rest of your life.

yes, portal reminds me The Cube. I hope Valve explains about "the test" more then The Cube. The ending was annoying :)
The site is legit.
Typing HELP at the first screen gives an interesting message.
The password is PORTAL. Any username will do.
The UID changes each time it blinks.
Some of the letters in the questions blink. When you add them all together, you get THECAKEISALIE.
A big ASCII cake flashes subliminally on some of the questions.
Typing THECAKEISALIE when it askes for your UID takes you to a slightly altered end-screen.
When you hit enter at the end-screen, it takes you to a shopping list.
The site is legit.
Typing HELP at the first screen gives an interesting message.
The password is PORTAL. Any username will do.
The UID changes each time it blinks.
Some of the letters in the questions blink. When you add them all together, you get THECAKEISALIE.
A big ASCII cake flashes subliminally on some of the questions.
Typing THECAKEISALIE when it askes for your UID takes you to a slightly altered end-screen.
When you hit enter at the end-screen, it takes you to a shopping list.

OR MISSED! :thumbs:
Actually by decompiling the flash we know every command and every trick and hidden files there is to know about the flash. By tracking the IP we know that Valve put it up and added the link to it to wikipedia. There's barely anything left to know about this flash file. Thank you.
HL1 is set in 200-, possibly 2003 from a note that's in Raising the Bar. 1982 computers being refered to as 20 year old tech does not nessisarly mean 2002. If you had to work on 21 or 18 year old computers would you say to someone "We have to use 18 year old computers!"? You would probably refer to them as 20 year old computers wouldn't you?

Operational said:
Read the question its asks you to choose somebody's favourite letter which isn't 's'.
Try reading again. The letter is mentioned once and has nothing to do with the guy being asked about.
Sally, Dwayne, Anthony, David, and Franklin are, collectively, exactly 10 years apart in age. Sally's is two years older than David. David's favorite letter is 'g'. Anthony's favorite letter is also 'g', but Dwayne has no preference, insisting that he likes all the letters equally except for 's'. What is Franklin's favorite letter?
Although that is nit-picking an already non-sense question.
Eric Wolpaw?

Incidentally, the IP that added that link to Wikipedia has only ever made one other edit on Wikipedia, done 7 minutes earlier the same day as the Portal update: it editted the article "Marc Laidlaw" (Valve's fiction writer), updating who he currently shares an office with.

That IP is provided by the ISP Comcast, and traces back to Minneapolis, MN.

12:34:37 August 31, 2006 - The flash file was last modified
13:08:?? September 1, 2006 - Wikipedia was updated to have a link to that site
04:43:07 September 2, 2006 - Google crawled the site

So whoever put it on Wikipedia put it up fast and is close enough to Valve to know who shares Laidlaw's office. I wasn't able to find a reason for a Valve employee to be in Minneapolis.

I think it is Eric Wolpaw's doing. I read in some interview that he was going to write the plot for Portal. (Also the update on Marc Laidlaw is about him and Chet Faliszek...)

Eric Wolpaw (from www.oldmanmurray.com) also worked on psychonauts.
I just got a lot more info on Portal, some screens too, I believe the gun your carrying is maybe another gravity gun, just looks nicer, or it could be a grapple gun, this explains a bit about the "relaxation rooms." Read the whole first post and check the screens. I dunno if there are more screens or even a trailer vid and I have no idea on a release date but I'm sure someone has. Anyway, links away!


EDIT:I think the "Gravity gun" is the only weapon you get, because thats the only weapon shown. BTW there are more screens, I just wasn't looking hard enough =D. If anyone can send a vid or release date that would be brilliant. It looks like you get some allies since you see at least the one person, I'm not sure if he's the same one though. Your ally also seems to be armed with a "Gravity Gun" which leads me to assume that is the only weapon you get. Notice there seems to be what looks like a Combine symbol on the back of your ally's orange jumpsuit. I'd find it quite cool if it actually was a facility to train troops for The Employers, (Gman's bosses). Anyway scan thrugh the thread and screens and let me know if you find anything of particular interest, (can't be arsed doing it myself =D).
I just got a lot more info on Portal, some screens too, I believe the gun your carrying is maybe another gravity gun, just looks nicer, or it could be a grapple gun, this explains a bit about the "relaxation rooms." Read the whole first post and check the screens. I dunno if there are more screens or even a trailer vid and I have no idea on a release date but I'm sure someone has. Anyway, links away!


I'm afraid you're a bit late mate, those screens are old, they are from the trailer released about a month ago, the gun is a portal gun wich opens up a portal you can wander through. This thread is about a website related to the game

Yaaay 3000 posts!
EDIT:I think the "Gravity gun" is the only weapon you get, because thats the only weapon shown. BTW there are more screens, I just wasn't looking hard enough =D. If anyone can send a vid or release date that would be brilliant. It looks like you get some allies since you see at least the one person, I'm not sure if he's the same one though. Your ally also seems to be armed with a "Gravity Gun" which leads me to assume that is the only weapon you get. Notice there seems to be what looks like a Combine symbol on the back of your ally's orange jumpsuit. I'd find it quite cool if it actually was a facility to train troops for The Employers, (Gman's bosses). Anyway scan thrugh the thread and screens and let me know if you find anything of particular interest, (can't be arsed doing it myself =D).
In addition to what AJ Rimmer said, the other guy you see is yourself through a portal. That's not a combine symbol, it's the Aperture Laboratores logo. And it's an Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device that he is holding.
Perhaps the lockdown at Apeture Science is because of the world situation i.e. the Portal storms of the noughties in the HL Universe. That would make some kind of continuity between Portal and the HL2 Episodes. The lab could be a emergency programme designed to train individuals into soldiers with the ability to survive in the harshest of conditions, and thereafter unleash them upon the combine (unless of course, it is a combine programme.)
i got some new info on portal! apparently theres some sort of science facility involved and you're kind of like a "lab rat" in one of their experiments. you get some sort of weapon, i havent found out which one yet, but i suspect it involves portals... yea i know it sounds crazy but thats what i heard...

...lol just teasing, Mesz
Oh.......well, stfu =D

Ermmmm... no.

Incidentally; "The cake is a lie" rhymes with the Aparture Science Labratories motto: "There's a hole in the sky, through which things can fly."
There is a hole in the sky, through which things can fly.
The cake is a lie, for it is a pie!

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