Portal Video

I seriously don't get why people keep talking about how Valve "ripped it off" from Prey. Even if Prey's portals were a more complete implementation than anyone elses before, that's just a natural evolution of the technology - and portals themselves are old news. Shooting your own portals around is a radical new use of them - in the same way, shooting barrels around with a gravity gun is not ripping off whoever came up with barrels first.
Omg Portal is ripped from prey!!

omg VALVe made an FPS! they ripped off ID Software!!
and portals themselves are old news.
I was thinking, do the little doorways in Unreal 1's DM-Radikus count as "portals"? (shame I can't find a screenshot of it). 8 years is V old news, as old as Prey's dev cycle in fact :p

edit: found a tutorial for its implementation in UT2 at least. The feature was broken by then as epic had let the feature slide mind you.
I seriously don't get why people keep talking about how Valve "ripped it off" from Prey. Even if Prey's portals were a more complete implementation than anyone elses before, that's just a natural evolution of the technology - and portals themselves are old news. Shooting your own portals around is a radical new use of them - in the same way, shooting barrels around with a gravity gun is not ripping off whoever came up with barrels first.

Quoted for some good ole-fashioned truth.
I don't know what to say.

On one hand it was very intresting on the other hand I am not impressed at all.
I seriously don't get why people keep talking about how Valve "ripped it off" from Prey. Even if Prey's portals were a more complete implementation than anyone elses before, that's just a natural evolution of the technology - and portals themselves are old news. Shooting your own portals around is a radical new use of them - in the same way, shooting barrels around with a gravity gun is not ripping off whoever came up with barrels first.

Well said. I was trying to think what was the first FPS game to feature physics of any kind was (might of been trespasser?), because clearly Valve must of 'ripped off' their ideas as well. :rolleyes:
What else could eclipse another Valve game, except another successful game formula Valve bought out and rebranded?!

That said, it was a very good buy. Valve are definitely onto a winner, and hopefully it will get the Source mapping scene going since you only need some basic skills to start mapping for portal and it actually teaches you to apply some design principles rather than just reacreating your local neighbourhood.

Imo Portal eclipses both Ep2 and TF2 put together. While TF2 and Ep2 bring a few new impressive visual effects to the engine, Portal brings something that allows for an insane amount of scope that really ties in with the physics engine, as the video shows. I fully expect to see Portal experience a similar success in its mapping scene as there was with Trackmania, as it will be far easier for beginners to take their first steps in Hammer and make a simple Portal map. If Valve don't release the Portal cfg with the game they are insane!

If this smiley had a HUGE grin on its face it woul describe -perfectly- how I feel about Portal: :bounce:
I look forward to lots of absymal Portal maps :)
TF2 is not horrible.

Be banned and die. :D

Yeah it is. This is close to the same thing that happend to The legend of Zelda when it went on the GameCube. Nintendo Cell-shaded the game after showing the cool realistic 3D video at E3 2000. That made me not buy the game. And i havent really ever baught another zelda game. Same with TF2, it looks like a cartoon now. I was really looking foward to playing it with better graphics. But Portal totaly makes up for it.
Cool, we don't get to play with another graphics whore! I'm certainly pleased.

No whining about "noobs and crappy reg" while I'm playing my nice fun game.
Yeah it is. This is close to the same thing that happend to The legend of Zelda when it went on the GameCube. Nintendo Cell-shaded the game after showing the cool realistic 3D video at E3 2000. That made me not buy the game. And i havent really ever baught another zelda game. Same with TF2, it looks like a cartoon now. I was really looking foward to playing it with better graphics. But Portal totaly makes up for it.

Wait, you just like Portal because the graphics are nice? LOL :D
Portal looks very impressive, I think the fact that you create the portals and use them as ways of progressing and also use them to solve puzzles is revolutionary.

Incredible stuff!

I was thinking, do the little doorways in Unreal 1's DM-Radikus count as "portals"? (shame I can't find a screenshot of it). 8 years is V old news, as old as Prey's dev cycle in fact :p

edit: found a tutorial for its implementation in UT2 at least. The feature was broken by then as epic had let the feature slide mind you.

They're pretty close to the idea of portal, yeah - certainly more than I've been able to create in any Half Life game so far (I tried and failed to make a decent portal for HL2 ;( )

I meant the idea of portals, outside of computer games though - probably dating back quite a way in literature, but certainly predating computer games as we know them.
Yeah it is. This is close to the same thing that happend to The legend of Zelda when it went on the GameCube. Nintendo Cell-shaded the game after showing the cool realistic 3D video at E3 2000. That made me not buy the game. And i havent really ever baught another zelda game. Same with TF2, it looks like a cartoon now. I was really looking foward to playing it with better graphics. But Portal totaly makes up for it.
Personally, I like that style, it's different and it's new which for me is better than a million polygons that look just like the million polygons in millions of other first person shooters.

To everyone flaming AgentXen, however: for me, the graphics of Portal are a big factor in how awesome it is, to me - the visual style is really, really cool and that's a big win, I'd be less likely to play it if it looked crap. Of course, with gameplay that awesome I'm going to play it anyway - but I wouldn't really want to spend hours staring at something that's visually unattractive (insert Davo's girlfriend joke here)! The graphics for TF2 are very different so I'm not surprised it's become a bit of a love / hate thing with them, and I sympathise strongly with anyone who's disappointed in that respect.

Edit: Sorry for double posting, I suck.
I'm sure it has been said but well Prey and 3D Realms just got Valve-pwned. Player created portals zomg!
Amazing... this just opens whole new possibilities for gameplay and puzzles and what not. Personal creativity and intelligence become more and more intergral parts of your playing skills... as does spacial insights...
I saw this today and I have one thing to say. The facility doesn't look Combine at all.
Agreed. All that is reminiscent of the combine are the Dark Energy balls flying around in one or two segments. Not sure if they're placeholders or of any significance...
And the turret (in function, not design) and for some reason those boxes made me think of rollermines. The only place the levels bear a resembelence to is Nova Prospekt (the tiled walls) which was a Human Prison. I didn't spot any blue-ish metal walls in the trailer :p
Well to be honest I'd have to design a labrat maze for the Combine I'd make it white since all "advanced" stuff is by default white with red highlights in Combine color scale while normal stuff is dark grey with blue highlights. And since the Portal environment is white with red highlights...

What also supports the Combine-ness is the entirely industrial and cold look of texturing and structures similar to the Core Room texturing and structures. If I had to bet, I'd say it's 100% Combine.
I didn't see much red in the video at all and why would the Combine declare themselves as 'Aperture Science'?
I watched the video, I thought it was cool but made my head hurt. Then I thought "Hey, what happens if I fire a portal into a portal?" Then my head really started to hurt...
I didn't see much red in the video at all and why would the Combine declare themselves as 'Aperture Science'?

The same reason NASA doesn't break up to "United States Space Agency", there's no need since everyone knows where it is coming from.

And yes, there wasn't a lot of red in Portal trailer at all. I guess I could doublecheck and find some but I can't be assed to do that since I was just writing about the general Combine color schemes, not exactly Portal's color scheme (which does match with the elite color scheme though).
Did anyone notice the music for first in game footage was similar to the Episode 1 music right after you kill the antlion guard?

Anyway, I hope this doesn't boost the price of Episode 2. I would imagine Episode 2 is the meat and bones, and portal is Valve's little experiment. Quite frankly I don't care about TF2. Valve said episodic content was just stringing out the game instead of waiting an eon. All I hope is that the bottom line is the same. All three episodes = full $60 game = $20 per episode. Not 20 for episode 1, $40 for episode 2 and $30 for episode 3. Before Pi or Samon comes and gets me, I'm not questioning episodic, and questioning bundling and price. :p

Portal still looks absolutely awesome. It just better be singleplayer. All the evidence suggests this though. Which makes me one happy bunny! :imu: Finally a game which requires a brain! :D
I watched the video, I thought it was cool but made my head hurt. Then I thought "Hey, what happens if I fire a portal into a portal?" Then my head really started to hurt...
You can in Narcabular Drop. It can be Q_onfuzeling but it's really cool and it's how you beat the second last level properly.
I agree with the person who said the character is G-Man... lol

G Man escaped from this place with the portal gun or something and learned how to manipulate it to portal through time and disappear and reappear where ever he wanted to go ;)
This has got to be one of the most unique and original titles I've seen in a long time. I wonder if the the whole game will be set in those simple box like levels, or if that was merely a tech demo / training level for the use of the portal gun. After all, it did say it was set in the HL universe ... maybe the portal gun will be used in more realistic environments? Then again, that might be rather difficult to pull off properly.

The audio voice mentions at one point during the video that "If at first you don't succeed, you fail, and the simulation will be terminated". I wonder if by simulation they merely mean you simulating the player in that situation, or if it reffers to something more. Given the "blandness" of the levels, they almost give off a "virtual reality" feel.
I watched the video, I thought it was cool but made my head hurt. Then I thought "Hey, what happens if I fire a portal into a portal?" Then my head really started to hurt...

You can't.
Unfortunately, this is true.

It's for gameplay reasons, so people wouldn't be able to skip hard puzzles with portal jumping.
Aw... I loved doing that in ND :(

The audio voice mentions at one point during the video that "If at first you don't succeed, you fail, and the simulation will be terminated". I wonder if by simulation they merely mean you simulating the player in that situation, or if it reffers to something more. Given the "blandness" of the levels, they almost give off a "virtual reality" feel.
It says "test" not "simulation", doesn't it?

*goes and checks*

Yeah, "test".