Possible hijacking of Voyager2 spacecraft by aliens

If it is true, it is indeed so so awesome. Sadly, I highly doubt that will be the case. Probably due to some glitch or some boring bs like that.
Message decoded
They'll probably figure out it's some kind of video file, and then they'll zoom out and rotate it, and it'll be Hitler at the 1936 Olympics.

Soon thereafter we'll get plans teaching us how to travel through wormholes.
This news gave me butterflies...hope they decode it soon.
I bet it's just sending out those messages because it's screwed up.
They're going to decode it, and it'll turn out to be a friendly alien greeting along with a codex on basic alien linguistics facilitating further communications.

Soon after, the probe will drift out of transmission range.
Office prank payload many years later.
We could send another probe out but the next one could be faster and could help interpret more data. IMO we should send out many more probes, they seem to find out more macro data about our solar system.
We could send another probe out but the next one could be faster and could help interpret more data. IMO we should send out many more probes, they seem to find out more macro data about our solar system.

"Dear humans,

What the **** is this shit? There's like a billion of these flying probe things speeding through at least 8 different sectors of the gallaxy. What gall you worthless bipedal ****s have, thinking you can just shit space trash wherever you please. Do these ****ing things even do anything? It took me like an hour to figure out how to boot up windows, and then two more trying to figure out why I was getting a BSOD every time I tried to close iTunes. NO, I DO NOT WANT YOUR CAPITALIST SHIT OPENING UP EVERY TIME I PLUG IN MY iPOD.

Cut this shit out or we're going to divide by zero. You assholes couldn't even fathom, so don't even try."
"Dear humans,

What the **** is this shit? There's like a billion of these flying probe things speeding through at least 8 different sectors of the gallaxy. What gall you worthless bipedal ****s have, thinking you can just shit space trash wherever you please. Do these ****ing things even do anything? It took me like an hour to figure out how to boot up windows, and then two more trying to figure out why I was getting a BSOD every time I tried to close iTunes. NO, I DO NOT WANT YOUR CAPITALIST SHIT OPENING UP EVERY TIME I PLUG IN MY iPOD.

Cut this shit out or we're going to divide by zero. You assholes couldn't even fathom, so don't even try."

or they could be like

"Dear Humans,

Thank you so much for the newest probe. We have sent back the probe with modifications and you should receive some nice gifts in the new cargo bay"

Alpha Centauri Prime Supreme Dictator"

and then our world dies by Massive Sonic Speakers because they don't understand we have sensitive ears
and then our world dies by Massive Sonic Speakers because they don't understand we have sensitive ears

"turn the volume up on number 12. I played that on my 8 track while my junior prom date stole my virginity on the outskirts of the milky way. Such a good song"
I thought the signals were due to the Probe ****ing up and sending the bit's back in the wrong order. Also if aliens managed to get from their planet to the edge of our solar system why not put in the extra effort to come to our planet rather than screwing around with our probes
I thought the signals were due to the Probe ****ing up and sending the bit's back in the wrong order. Also if aliens managed to get from their planet to the edge of our solar system why not put in the extra effort to come to our planet rather than screwing around with our probes

I thought the signals were due to the Probe ****ing up and sending the bit's back in the wrong order.
Alien hax.
Also if aliens managed to get from their planet to the edge of our solar system why not put in the extra effort to come to our planet rather than screwing around with our probes
The aliens are vulnerable to our heliosphere. It's all that protects us from all out invasion.
Probably just a malfunction in the 33 year old piece of equipment
It's actually us from the future
They'll probably figure out it's some kind of video file, and then they'll zoom out and rotate it, and it'll be Hitler at the 1936 Olympics.

Soon thereafter we'll get plans teaching us how to travel through wormholes.

You've just made me want to watch that movie again.
"We're working on it" -NASA

translates to "you can either shit your pants now or later, but we just broadcasted to the galaxy we're alive"
I really want to think that it's aliens but it just doesn't seem likely at all. I mean this probe isn't even out of our own solar system if aliens are residing within or just outside our solar system wouldn't they have come into contact with us earlier? Are they planning something? Bored?
They will turn our tech against us. This is the begining. We need to broadcast the emergency signal to the Empire before it's too late!

The Empire is our only hope.
Fascinating, a really interesting phenomenon. But it is still possible to be just a malfunction. I hope NASA speaks soon about this.

They will turn our tech against us. This is the begining. We need to broadcast the emergency signal to the Empire before it's too late!

The Empire is our only hope.

We better start throwing junk into space and form a lovely trash belt around our planet. Polution - It's always an option!
They'll probably figure out it's some kind of video file, and then they'll zoom out and rotate it, and it'll be Hitler at the 1936 Olympics.

Soon thereafter we'll get plans teaching us how to travel through wormholes.

You've just made me want to watch that movie again.

Just one person in this entire thread so far has got this awesome reference? You guys suck.
Signals in an unknown data format? What a fancy way to say the data is corrupt.
Just one person in this entire thread so far has got this awesome reference? You guys suck.

Someone tell me what this movie is.

Also, I'd be only concerned if the spacecraft was now heading towards us.
Anyone watch that show 'Defying Gravity"?? i just got the 1st season. it has the guy from Office Space who also appeared on Band of Brothers
