Possible HL2 release date

According to this web site, the new ATI R420 AND the nVidia NV40 should both be released around the April/May time. Both cards supposedly supporting the new PCI Express format which some say will double existing framerates.

To help clear up any misconceptions, the PCI Express is only the connection between the video card and the motherboard. While AGP 8x is significantly "slower" in terms of bandwidth than PCI Express is, you have to realize that there isn't a single card out right now that comes near filling up the pipe that AGP 8x is supplying. The only way you're going to see "double frame rates" is if the video card itself is extraordinarily better, not just the slot it plugs in to.
I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but in that article it says that the troika vampire game is delayed until 2005 right? Well I beleive the developers or publisher confirmed that it isn't true in their forums.

If I find the link again I'll post it.
(like anyone I could be wrong, so don't take this too seriously)
hiln said:
I don't know if anyone has said this yet, but in that article it says that the troika vampire game is delayed until 2005 right? Well I beleive the developers or publisher confirmed that it isn't true in their forums.

If I find the link again I'll post it.
(like anyone I could be wrong, so don't take this too seriously)

well, here it is.


So how reliable is that cnn money crap now?
just pointless speculation.
I just ordered the computer guts below and pre-ordered HL2 from ebgames. It better come out at some point before this vid card is out of date!
I'd suggest taking that siggy down to four lines... even though the mods seem to have given up on warning people...
flycrusher said:

Who ever said that HL2 would be released the 30 september 2003. I've seen everywhere that it sould be the 30 september but nothing about the year.

So i feel much better about Valve, they never lied about the release date!!! We were only stupid enough to believe that it would be in 2003.

You must be one of the most stupid son of a ...... in the howle galaxie, dude
Not Again...

I am doubtful, I think he originally meant September 2005 or something.
I doubt that. He never corrected the Sept 30th 2003 date that was everywhere. If he meant 2005, I think he'd have said something.
Keen_swe said:
As for other Source games, Activision is contractually obligated to not release Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines before HL2 comes out, according to this:


So I'm assuming that goes for all Source licensees.
that sounds logical. but hl2 will hopefully be released quite some time before vampire, anyway! otherwise.. damnit.. ;)

btw.: this one is pretty interesting. i can't believe so many geforce4 mx users. and over 500.000 got polled.. wow, not bad.
I pose what I think to be an entirely innocent question about the multiplayer mode, which to my surprise elicits only a lot of sideways looks from everyone and a slightly stammered response about not being able to show the multiplayer mode yet. Quite what the big mystery is isn’t even hinted at and I can’t even get anyone to suggest when the big revelations will be made, which is very odd indeed.

Hmm... looks like the mystery behind HL2's multiplayer isn't just a new playmode, as some people have thought.
Wow...according to the last few posts, the months are really flying by....it is now June?
look if halflife dousent come this year i give up on it... im just guna kick back and draink soda...

valve sould think about this saying...

"if at first you dont sucseed... screw the world and smoke some weed..."
TrinityXero said:
look if halflife dousent come this year i give up on it... im just guna kick back and draink soda...

valve sould think about this saying...

"if at first you dont sucseed... screw the world and smoke some weed..."

Wow, so if HL2 doesn't come out this year, you'll resort to drinking yourself dead with soda? :laugh:
does any body have a vague idea when it might come out for xbox?
HL is a pure PC game, the incarnations on consoles was just a leeching, money grabbing ploy that bore no impact on what has made HL great. So i reckon the PC version might be better...just a feeling
HL2 is coming to stores in 08/03/2004

Hey, I can wait and I hope they let out the SDK for HL2. :thumbs:
Dose anyone know how much the new Nivida cards are going to cost I think the new Nivida GeForce 6800 is $499 wow :O

I know they have more cards coming out and microsoft's DirectX is coming out with some new drivers for HL2 and these new gen. cards from ATI and Nivida, which is kool thing for all of us who can't even buy these cards until the price goes way down. :borg:

At ebgames is where I got the date for the game coming out it went from June to August which I think is a grate time for it to come out.

Check it out for your self link: http://ebgames.com/ebx/product/235059.asp
Nivida link: http://www.nvidia.com/page/geforce_6800.html

I think it will come out at a time when they are going to make the most money to be honest :/. All ive seen so far, is bs, a company bent on making every penny it can from the hype of a previous game, forgetting, prehaps even ignoring the very old, experienced and dedicated half life community.

They have taken a long while to make this game (4/5 years) yet we have not seen anything near a final product, you all saw in one way or another, the leaked stuff, how much of the game do u really think was completed there? As i recall they were very few maps, each one consisting of very little action in only one or two places/rooms. Did you notice that the maps we saw released by the leaker, are the very same ones that have been used time and again for advertising campaigns? And becasue these are prehaps the biggest, coolest and most impressive scenes, do they not take the longest to make? Wouldn't you therefore, start on those first?


| |
| Well, I forgot to update you with the freshest stuff from |
| Valvesoftware. |
| |
| Detonator-52.13-ANON got leaked today, its the new NVidia |
| drivers for HL2, though i have no fancy video card to test the |
| driver on. |
| |
| Btw., for those of you still thinking -ANON is a group, i have |
| to say it isnt. Its just Anonymous. |
| |
| To all those saying HL2 was delayed because of the hacking |
| action, ill just remind you that what was leaked is what Valve |
| has, nothing more and nothing less, so its pretty good to |
| understand it wasnt finished yet. |
| |
| Also I'd like to point out the E3 was one big fake by Valve. |
| Ever tried to kill that soldier in physicstown ? Notice the |
| door will still get kicked ? No scripted sequences ? |
| |
| To everyone saying this is no Beta: I'd like to point out that |
| THIS is what you wanted Valve to release on 9/30/03, theres no |
| such thing as a much better release in Valves network!
| |
| To Valve: I suggest you stop lying to your customers about how |
| much was stolen/compromised, or I'll have to release everything |
| just to prove my point. And you know what you got, as I do.
| |
| - Anonymous leaker |
| |

Valve have lied all along, they needed another 10 months to actually make it first.

In one way this leaker has been a very good insight into valve, and the way the company works, we have seen what liars they are. On the other hand, the leaker gave valve something to blame the lack of any product on. To most of the world valve seem to be the honest victims of hackers, to me they are simply victims of thier own sucess.

So if the've only finished that much what have they been doing for 5 years? Good question.. two options
a) prehaps they were still desciding on content? Map design and plot etc. But still this is awfully slow work. To be honest i feel that the alpha we saw had taken them so long to make, that they realised they would need to update the technology significantly to challenge games like Doom III, they realised this some time arround the time it was leaked.

b) They acctually designed the game as it will be released but simply didn't have enough time to make it?

Leaked versions minimum specification(s):

| Minimum system requirements: |
| + Windows98/2000/Me/XP |
| + 700 MHz CPU |
| + 128 MB RAM |
| + DX6 compatible video card |
| + ~3 GB free hdd space |
| |
| Recommended system requirements: |
| + Windows98/2000/Me/XP |
| + 2 GHz CPU |
| + 256 MB RAM |
| + DX9 compatible video card |
| + ~4 GB free hdd space

Now i presume that the new ones are going to go up , but i dont know how much, if its significant then a) and not then b)

Its also interesting to not that gabe newell has been rather busy in the last few years..


In this brief rant, you might say what i have said is complete bs and speculation, but u only have to look arround the web and add all the things that have happened up to get the same conclusion. Valve it seems to me have turned into a small, but extrmely talented company into a huge multi million dollar pile of s*i*.

Half life will sell well whatever happens, its been so hyped up, and just look at the pre orders. We may or may not end up with a great game, the communnity may or may not revive when the game comes out but at least you can see how badly valve have treated us.



Well you're in your little room
and you're working on something good
but if it's really good
you're gonna need a bigger room
and when you're in the bigger room
you might not know what to do
you might have to think of
how you got started in sitting in your little room
It's funny to trust a hacker over VALVe.
What got stolen is not all VALVe had. I've gone over this (and have others) a thousand times, the E3 presentation was FAR better than the stolen build.

People go into "WELL THE DATE ON THE ENGINE INGAME IS ADGIASD," but guess what? The hacker had to compile the build.. which, you guessed it, changed the build date.

Anyhow, if that's *ALL* that VALVe had, how is it that there are screenshots from maps we've NEVER seen? A few that come to mind.. the one with the people stranded on the boat, the bit with the old models running from a strider in C17, the prison maps, the coast shot with the antlion guard, antlion and gunship.. etc?

Anyway, HL2 will be in our hands soon enough, and all the whiners will disappear.. actually, they'll crop back up and announce to everyone their hate for the game they waited so long for..
I think that half life 2 will come for christmas 2004.

They´ll get more money and they can´t resist it :|
I think that Havoc is too good to be true

The door-trick must be fake :frown:
Nah, it's easy. Every object has a mass with Havok and it isn't too hard to put in place a figure for the maximum mass a character can push around. The combine who can't knock over the table is a bit of a wimp though. ;)
Varsity said:
Nah, it's easy. Every object has a mass with Havok and it isn't too hard to put in place a figure for the maximum mass a character can push around. The combine who can't knock over the table is a bit of a wimp though. ;)

so you can have house blown away by the wind, and tables being heavy like a car :p :bounce:
Ok OK the game is coming out in sep.

I got the "insider" word from a person who told me it will come out 09/01/2004 :P Trust me this is real shit here and the XSI came out when the "insider" told me it would I was like ok maybe the "insider" is real.

Well, any way the Half-Life 2 SDK is coming out right after E3 some time in May and late June. The gold announcement won't be out until late August like the 17 or 23. One more thing when the game comes out it will be the best performance game ever which means it will work well on any system that fit the requirements. you can even run it on a lower system like a 700MHz system. I know its hard to believe but it is true. :thumbs:

"this game will surpass all expectation" -- "Insider"

This is for real trust me, man! :borg:
PLEASE let this mean July...early Mid july...by then I'll have my new sound card and 6.1 sound. :D
well i hope half life 2 doesn't come out before i get my radeon 9800pro, or i will be innoyed... i sold my gf4mx so now i hav a 2mb matrox millenium for now, lol i can only play diablo1 and liero :|
skull24 said:
I got the "insider" word from a person who told me it will come out 09/01/2004 :P Trust me this is real shit here and the XSI came out when the "insider" told me it would I was like ok maybe the "insider" is real.

And if you buy him another pint he'll tell you when DKF is coming out too huh? :p

which means it will work well on any system that fit the requirements.

Well err thats kinda a no brainer, games generally work on the required setup for that game ;)
well, new cards are coming out in like, a month, so the 9800 Pro should become cheaper
The new ATI cards are out on Monday the 26th. (AGP only) So, yeah the 9800 series should drop in price quite a bit.
The HL2 Web Site will be up soon!

Yes, my friends the HL2 Web Site will be up soon. The "insider" :cool: told me that the web site for HL2 will be up sometime in the near future. LOL, I don't know when but sometime in the near future.
Ha,ha,ha near future :borg: