Possible HL2 release date

Shuzer said:
Well then! Maybe VALVe is going to be mean and say "no source game until HL2 is out! AHAHHA!"

Probably not, but who knows. Hey, maybe April is a possible date after all! :)

tbh, this might be in the contract...
ferd said:
tbh, this might be in the contract...

Perhaps, but when the hell did I post that? :O
Must've been awhile ago
Lethal8472 said:
I went to walmart's site just to see what they were pre-charging for the game:


And according to them it says the game should (emphasis on should) ship on 7-2-04. I have no idea where they came up with that date, and i really dont trust it.

never trust them or any retailer on game release dates! it isn't worth to speculate about it. they're pulling their dates out of their asses. it's about like playing lotto and write down any numbers.
What if he means summer in Australia or something like that.
Ill hope they will release HL 2 in may, but we problary just have to wait to at least august...............
E3 is coming are you ready????????

E3 will answer all of our questions and our hopes. I think they will say that the game is coming out this Sep. because its better for it to come out then and I think they will put some extra stuff with the game other than the SDK (Hammer 2.0). I don't know maybe something like "The making of Half-life 2 or Counter Strike stuff". I do know whenever it comes out I will buy it and enjoy it but it as too come out due late summer or early fall before games like Doom 3 or Halo 2. I think those game won't be out till next yr. the way things are going and people have to remember that these games are next gen. stuff and they want to make sure that the final copy of the games Have no bug and no holes in the softwear.

I don't want any of these games if they have Bugs or holes in the Multiplayer, where people can cheat all the way though an online game, which they do now but at least at first they won't be able too (I hope!). We also have to remember that the source code got stolen from them and they have to change everything around that piece of the code. Which is a lot I think right now just like Halo 2 team, the HL2 team are just finishing the game and fixing bugs and polishing the graphics. I think the game is going to be one of the best just like HL1.

So, I think at E3 HL2 is going to look a lot better and the final due date will be told Aug. or Sep. :thumbs: I mean think about it ATI is partnering with them, I think they also will package the game with their New next gen. ATI card at E3, which I heard is the Faster card then, the Nvida next gen, card. That's what I heard ;)
Half-life 2 and Halo 2 Coming out at the same time!!

I checked it out on EB Games and both games are coming out at the same time. I wonder which one will sell more? Halo 2 looks like a grate game and its has a lot of improvements. I can't wait for HL 2, just like you guys and play as Freeman again and I can't wait to play has the Master Chief . :bounce:

Its funny they both take place in the future and they both have to stop an ongoing alien invasion, lol. I think Gordon has it worst because it looks like that Earth has no real army its just him and a few people fight against a lot of aliens that look like they already took over the Erath and are just waiting to move on to the next planet. Where the Chief has a large army to back him and a lot of ammo to kill his enemies, lol. :laugh:

Who knows if these dates are right but they could be so get ready to pay to play, lol. :E

Halo 2 9/02/04 links: http://ebgames.com/ebx/product/231432.asp
Half-life 2 9/02/04 links: http://ebgames.com/ebx/product/235059.asp
HL2 Will be coming out this summer

The proof is this quote from PC Zone:

"On the evidence we've experienced first hand, Valve seems well on course to achieving its goals of providing an unparalleled cinematic shooting experience, one that's threatening to not oly knock A-List top dog shooter Far Cry off its perch, but potentially blow it away. And in just a few short months time, you'll be able to find out for yourself if Valve has pulled it off."

The game will come out this summer! :angel:
I can't wait I got my money and will make my order now, lol :borg:
I don't know the Release date for sure But......!

I don't know the Release date for sure! The game should be coming this June 15 but if they have to add more or fixes to the game, it will come out Aug 3 but I think they are aiming for June 29 for the release date. They should tell us in the Next two weeks.
btw does any one know if its being released in the UK at the same time as the US?
I don't know the Release date for sure! The game should be coming this June 15 but if they have to add more or fixes to the game, it will come out Aug 3 but I think they are aiming for June 29 for the release date. They should tell us in the Next two weeks.
Eh? Can you perhaps give a source instead of just dragging up a dead thread and saying random dates ....
pappy_dag said:
btw does any one know if its being released in the UK at the same time as the US?

Haven't you heard? It won't be released in the UK...

GOT YA! ...or did I?
Oh well, I remember reading somewhere that they'll make a universal releasedate...so don't worry, mate!
Or you could order it through Steam...
It'll be released in America in retail shops before anywhere else.
It'll be a worldwide release on Steam, obviously
Actually, I wonder if it'll go out to Canada at the same time as America.. do you guys usually get games at the same time as Americans do, Striker?
They were originally going for a worldwide retail release but they started retracting that statement prior to the delay last year. It'll be released in Europe a few days after. I'm guessing the US release date will be on a Wednesday and the UK release date (like they normally are) on a Friday.
But surely that can't work with the Steam method of getting HL2 ... that has to be a woldwide release date, so I would have thought HL2 boxed would have to follow this?
Won't Steam break down when everybody starts downloading?
Damnit, stop bumping threads PLEASE! It's really frustrating when you see a thread in the news section 'Possible HL2 release date' and it turns out to be months old!
I think it's time bumping old threads was disabled. The children are having a hard time coping with it.
On that subject - someone was making a good point to me earlier: we get annoyed when people start new threads on old stuff, we get annoyed when people continue old threads on old stuff. Is it actually possible for us to be happy? :P
I personally reckon to avoid flaming (hopefully those that bump will see this)
1. Search before posting a new thread
2. Check old threads thouroughly to make sure ur not going to add a comment made 5 time before
3. Don't bloody spam!
4. If ur a newbie, don't immediately start posting stuff just cos u want posts and to be famous - I read these forums for ages b4 I actually made an account. If u do wait, u'll see whats going on, and u won't get flamed.

I know these points seem obvious, but there should be a forum guidelines sticky somewhere to remind users of the rules - esp. in the HL2 forum!
HA,HA,HA Release date HA,HA,HA

I have posted many and I mean many dates in forums about this subject. So, I this point Im just waiting for Valve to tell us, I gave up for now on trying to guess the date, For Now ha ha ha :rolling:
Release date :rolling: I don't care I just want the game to come out! :borg:
I've heard about collectors edition... the most interesting thing about it i think is remaking of the first HL.(graphiks and phiziks and so on...)
It would be cool if you didn't dig this thread up every month. I hate reading "Possible HL2 Release date" and then finding out that it is 5 months old. This has been the second or third time... so please stop.
The Agent Smith said:
It would be cool if you didn't dig this thread up every month. I hate reading "Possible HL2 Release date" and then finding out that it is 5 months old. This has been the second or third time... so please stop.

I agree :|
80 bucks? wtf....i sure hope that's mexican money or something....Future SHop has it listed as 60 bucks Canadian.
The collectors edition does *NOT* come with HL1 with HL2 engine. That will be sold seperately.

on a side not.....DOOM 3 IS OUT!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!

lol, i was up at 11:59pm on mmonday on amazon and it said that "doom 3 will be released on august 3rd, we wil ship it to you when it arrives" or something like that, then, right when it turned 12:00am tuesday i refreshed the page and it said something like "shipping usually takes 2-3 days" that was awesome.

oh yeah. Now i have to do it with hl2.

Please, I request for a mod to lock it, I saw the title and was tricked AGAIN. Sorry for my capitals but this is getting truly obnoxious.