Possible IGN story 12am PST...

Subz said:
lmao ok now ure just trollin valve-ray. do you really need 1280 16xfsaa 16 af shots of hl2 leak to stop doing so?

PM me so I can regain my faith in Valve.. :p
eww i take back what i said a year ago. about doom 3 looking bad.

Shouldn't be hard, since you were an anti-hl2 pro-doom3 fanboy right from the very start.
Valved Ray, please f*ck off with the trolling, it's very obvious you're just trying to piss off people. Your posts are pointless and annoying. Don't do that anymore.
Subz said:
lmao ok now ure just trollin valve-ray. do you really need 1280 16xfsaa 16 af shots of hl2 leak to stop doing so?

Means one cannot form an opinion based on what is available right now?
Wow, I wonder how old Valved Ray actually is. I mean he signed up a long time ago now and hasnt got any more mature at all. :p
i'm not trying to piss anybody off, if you want to hear just the good things. then read the old half life previews over and over again. I'm not trying to put hl2 down. hl2 has already done that, i didn't make the game, don't blame me for it. I'm not saying half life 2 will be crap, it will just be another ok first person shotter
Thats fair enough. Your welcome to that opinion. But your recent posts have not been in that fassion. The way you post is just flamebait and asking for trouble.

Meh, maybe I am just reading it that way. But thats what it seems to be to me. (Not just this thread)
There are other reasons to be worried about the state of the game (MP, distribution, etc) , but I don't think graphics is one of them. As one dude earlier in the thread mentioned, if you've played the "unreleased demo" then you know there is no way these screenies can be representative of the actual gameplay graphics. I have a mediocre rig with none of the crazy dx9 things enabled, that I know of, and it looked fantastic. For some reason in action it looks even better than the videos. And I'm no slobbering fanboy. So don't worry.
Half Life 2 will be: "just be another ok first person shotter"

Roflmao, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day, thanks! :LOL:
Also, don't know if this has been mentioned yet, and probably everyone has seen it already, but Gamespy has a HL2 preview up. Reading it now...
Crusader said:
Half Life 2 will be: "just be another ok first person shotter"

Roflmao, that's the funniest thing I've heard all day, thanks! :LOL:
Yes, makes you wonder why a person with that viewpoint would even hang around a forum like this?

That's some whacked schnizzle mofos.
I think Valved Ray made some of the most stupid comments ive ever seen... :eek:

No really.. :eek::eek:

It's like he's saying 5+5=9
not at all, Do your homework.

Ray, you've been here since early on in the board's history, as have I. As I remember, you've been given several time outs for flaming and trolling and the like, banning on several different names, and then, apparently, charitable forgiveness allowing you to come back. I think I remember you, your history, and your attitudes pretty well.
he is forming an opinion from the worst screenshots i have seen yet of the game and they are obviously not how it looks.

its like me running farcry at 640 without dx9 effects and saying "OMG FARCRY IS TEH UGLAY"
ValVed RaY said:
i'm not trying to piss anybody off, if you want to hear just the good things. then read the old half life previews over and over again. I'm not trying to put hl2 down. hl2 has already done that, i didn't make the game, don't blame me for it. I'm not saying half life 2 will be crap, it will just be another ok first person shotter

Alright, we get the point. You're not impressed.

Now, you can kindly stop double posting messages like:
"I don likee Harf-lie 2 any more... :( :( :( :( "

Because we get your point.

Anyways, most of those pictures were leaked before, and the contrast was so messed that the buildings were glowing and the sea floor was bright green. I'm glad that that's not actually the case. These screens are entirely adequate to me.

-Some enemies and vehicles are hovering an inch off the ground.
Previous screenshots, several playtests, and the bink videos do not show this effect.
Therefore, the screens are only a small deviance from overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

-One area lacks details like debris and boxes.
We know for fact that most areas are loaded with debris to toss.
The zombie screen is out-of-the-ordinary in that respect.

-The details appear to be set to 'low'.
We know for a fact that these screens are the only evidence of bad graphics.
In contrast, 'beta' players, various official playtests, the videos and most prior screenshots all report/show excellent graphics.
Therefore, these screenshots are of anomalous poor quality.

So, the rational conclusion is that these screens do not show the game's actual graphical quality.
Either they were taken on a low end PC, from an earlier build, or both.

They are not what the game will look like.
ValVed RaY said:
That was the hardest lie of the day for you?
Not a single distortion, exaggeration or lie in there mate. Honestly I do not like a heavy CG-ish look with ostentatious over-use of plasticy normal mapping. I much prefer gritty-realism and Stalker is the only game which looks to have significantly better environments than HL2 in that department... As I pointed out Far Cry is prettier in a crayola kind of way but the models are ordinary, and you can certainly find ordinary shots of Stalker that don't put it in the best light either - like the one I posted above. I don't know why that should be so hard for you to believe. Do you really think everyone should share your taste in art ie. if it doesn't have seven kinds of gimmicky eye-candy then it is ugly?
you guys heard my opinion last night so ima stick to it and wait for the final game. (and not believe in 100% of what i see at e3)

may valve deliver us a great game, both gameplay and graphically :)
HAte to step in the way of a cock fight (really...i do...) but OK...whats going on with the IGN story?
Guys....newsflash....email was invented 15 somewhat years ago. Try it. I just emailed gabe i suggest u all do the same cuz theres a small chance he'll reply to me.