Possible new MOD Story

None that YOU have heard of, listen to the news, you might come across possible targets for terrorists. Because you don't enjoy realism, CS is arcade style gaming, the only thing real about it is the CT teams and the weaponry. I thought story meant a lot to you people.
Sheesh, obviously it isn't going to the first game to use a terrorist theme to it. But you can't just allow CS to monopolize a whole genre of terrorist on counter-terrorst action. Half-Life 2 is going to open up a whole new World of possibilities for MODs and if you want to stick around with CS in Half-Life 2 be my guest, but a whole lot of people give games a horrible review because of the story behind it. All I want to do is create a story about current-day terrorist plots and possible threats that come to life and I want to find out who would play a game with relevent terror teams, situations, counter-terror teams and new gadgets and MODs of play that will be discussed in the story.
From my impression people enjoy games with a lot of background story. Singeplayer? Why does it have to be singe-player, because of the MODs of play? This is one of my points, Half-Life 2 will allow for more unique mods of play. I think the possibilites are endless with the new engine from what I'm assuming.
People complain that there isn't enough modern warfare in gaming, World War 2 shooters are over-done, not the CT/Terror genre. Mostlly because Modern warfare is way too politically correct, I've not seen a game with actual terrorist groups, it might "offend" people, but thats BS.
Hmm. Pendragon has jacked this thread. Let me join in, you gits! :cheers:
Anyway. I've never heard anyone complaining about mods not being realistic enough...but anyway.

Why does it have to be singe-player, because of the MODs of play?

I'll tell you. What was the last mp game you saw with a decent story? Not even Sven co-op, which at least attempted some kind of narrative, it didn't really work (although I have not played the steam version yet...). Stories don't exist in multiplayer. A single-player mod based around this kind of plot could have a lot of potential, but I would not play this sort of multiplayer mod from just hearing the story, whereas if you told me you had a mod where modern-day pirates fought eachother, I'd jump on it like an owl on an unsuspecting mouse. Unless the actual mod is any good, I'm not particularly interested, since the plot is nothing new and nothing exciting.
That said, you haven't said anything about the actual plot. You've said it will be a modern-day plot full of miltary geo-politics, but nothing else. If you manage to come up with something interesting, like Splinter Cell for example, then my interest may be piqued.
Ignore us. Write a plot, then we'll say if it's crap or not. ;-)

Oh yes. Don't accuse Pendragon of attacking you out of spite (for what, anyway?). His points are good ones.
the PLOT is going to be vastly different than CS. I've heard many a people complain of the lack of realism because of unrealistic kills. As I said, plot and all comes along with the creation of the story. I'll figure something out and I'll let you know.
"Even if you do manage to write a good story, it's still going to be another CS game, one that I won't be playing." Its assuming and already placing judgement on something that doesn't even exist, I label that spite.
'scuse me.

Advertising for a 'quality team' to pick you up as a writer, with no evidence to back up your statements, now you see, that betrays a sort of immaturity, expecting someone to pick you up, despite showing nothing of your work, and a slight arrogance.

When people point these things out, and the cliche of your subject material, instead of making rational statements explaining things, you go defensive, and still fail to produce. Plus you insult members and staff too.

Now this wasn't intended as a personal attack, but just saying, look, prove it.
All true. Look, write a story, then we'll give judgement. What are you waiting for? Get busy!
mrBadger, I suggest you point the finger at your self for a prime example of arrogance. You all like to assume, yet you miss the basic point of this whole discussion, to find out whether its even a possibility.

"Do you guys think that if I write up a modern story for a possible MOD some team will pick it up and use it? I'm tired of all these MODs that seem very unrealistic and unplausible."

Thats the intended point of this topic. All I suggested was that terrorism is a prime example of something I would base the story on. There are many World War 2 games, yet many are excellent. I just feel that newer modern day war games are not coming out in force and that if I write a good story maybe some team will pick it up and work from there.

Advertising? Who the hell is advertising here? Did I ask to join a team? Its clearly there in my first post that if the story turns out to be good is there a possiblity some professional guys will band together and make something happen.

Stop implying that I'm advertising, and be more mature and teach my immature self how to read messages more clearly.
Not a personal attack? You just called me immature, how doesn't that fit under a personal attack? You people aren't supportive and you merely come here to bash me for wanted my vision of a game through a story implimented in a MOD. I would have expected, "sure try it out, lets see what you have to offer." Not, "I haven't even seen your complete vision yet, but I definitely won't play it, anyway it goes."
I meant that I didn't mean it as a personal attack. Sorry if you took it that way. I didn't say you were arrogant either, just slightly so. I can understand if you took offence, and I apologise.

Anyway. I'm not bashing you, I'm just saying:

Do you guys think that if I write up a modern story for a possible MOD some team will pick it up and use it? I'm tired of all these MODs that seem very unrealistic and unplausible

No. For the reasons that Ficticous Will stated. Imagination is not in short supply...
OFFMason said:
Not a personal attack? You just called me immature, how doesn't that fit under a personal attack? You people aren't supportive and you merely come here to bash me for wanted my vision of a game through a story implimented in a MOD. I would have expected, "sure try it out, lets see what you have to offer." Not, "I haven't even seen your complete vision yet, but I definitely won't play it, anyway it goes."

Well OFFMason, your idea might not work out simply because the entire joy of making mods comes from seeing you own ideas brought to life. If you were to write out the whole design doc (which is MUCH more than just story) you would strip the fun out of the mod for the modders, and they probably wouldn't take to it. Now a better idea would be to join a team as a writer and revise and expand upon the work they already have. Better yet, start your own mod, and bring your ideas to life on your own terms.
Of course immagination is something everyone has, but what I see is a lack of current day issues presented in games. Although Desert Combat is very appealing to me, sci-fi games and games that depict situations that never happend or in the near future aren't possible of taking place, turns me off. I want to create a story for a game that will encompass the current global crisis against religious extremists in unique situations.
Don't you feel that use of a crisis such as the current War on Terror is a little bit insensitive?
OFFMason said:
Of course immagination is something everyone has, but what I see is a lack of current day issues presented in games. Although Desert Combat is very appealing to me, sci-fi games and games that depict situations that never happend or in the near future aren't possible of taking place, turns me off. I want to create a story for a game that will encompass the current global crisis against religious extremists in unique situations.

Sorry for interjecting, but are you the same OFFMason from clan GC of BF1942? If not, apologies, and ignore this message.
Desert Combat portrays both current Desert Storm II and the last Desert Storm, haven't heard of any people having problems with that game. Why not allow people the ability to take turns killing terrorists from real terrorist groups without leaving the comfort of their own homes? Oh and let me tell you again, I want to create a mod idea with a realistic theme, something that can happen, real places, real people, real guns, it doesn't have to be terrorism, its just my favorite area of realism in gaming. Could be an uprising in a huge American prison, where the prisoners have gained control of various weapons depos and SWAT tries to regrain control through out various multi-player maps, that could happen.
Hey buddy I remember you! I knew it was you! Great seeing you again! PM me with AIM, ICQ or MSN.
OFFMason said:
Desert Combat portrays both current Desert Storm II and the last Desert Storm, haven't heard of any people having problems with that game. Why not allow people the ability to take turns killing terrorists from real terrorist groups without leaving the comfort of their own homes? Oh and let me tell you again, I want to create a mod idea with a realistic theme, something that can happen, real places, real people, real guns, it doesn't have to be terrorism, its just my favorite area of realism in gaming. Could be an uprising in a huge American prison, where the prisoners have gained control of various weapons depos and SWAT tries to regrain control through out various multi-player maps, that could happen.

Well best of luck to you mate :)
OI! Stop playing devil's advocate Badgy :E
And as for you, OFFMason, I'm afraid that you've missed the point simply by posting this thread. As many others have said, if you have to consult us to ask us whether you should write stories for people's games, then are you really enthusiastic enough about it? All I'm saying is...why ask us? I think that if you were to write a story, yes, it might be picked up by a development team. But you'd have more chance by impressing people with your writing and then people might approach you

Also, I wouldn't take Badger's comments so seriously. The best way to deal with critisizm is to take it into consideration. ;-)
Wow... are you kidding me? All I asked was whether its a possibility. I am asking you guys to find out whether or not its possible that a good story could be picked up by a group of people seeking to make a MOD for hl2. Thats if its a good story. Do you understand now?
In response to that question: It's doubtful. Not many mod teams 'pick up stories'... they like things to be their work and their visions..
He's right I'm afraid. You'd be better off if you said "I'm going to make this mod, with a story I've written myself, and I need men. Who's with me?"
And sorry if I came off overly cold and nasty...I wish you all the best of luck if you plan to do er...do something.