Post a Humorous Personal Fact!

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I can wear three socks at once without them falling off.
As a child, after having discovered Monty Python and the Holy Grail, I got cross in a swimming pool and called my mum a "watery tart".
Man this thread was made for me, I could endlessly recount humorous personal facts/incidents.

Actually they're generally embarassing for me, but everyone else laughs :hmph:

Like the time I got crushed by automatic sliding doors at the shopping mall. Automatic doors don't like me.

Oh and when I was very, very young, I heard someone say that 1 in 4 children were Chinese and I wondered who out of me and my 3 brothers was the Chinese one. (My god I was such an idiot!)
My dog died, I have cancer, I'm missing all four of my limbs (typing with my nose), and all my family members and friends recently commit suicide. It's silly, I know.
I was at camp for a week, and I got bacj just yesterday. I washed my hair with shampoo and everything for the first time in two years. The water was brown.

I also think I have a cold right now. I'm not sure, it may still be dirt from camp in my nose.
Did you give up hygene for Lent or something?

What kind of camp was it?
It was a boy-scout camp.

And no, I gave away my hygiene for christmas.
I just read this entire thread.

I intend to live forever. :flame:
My fact:

I am married to a member of this forum.

Bye now!
I always form acronyms in my mind out of every sentence I say or write
My little toes curl and tuck under my fourth toes.
I've never had a headache in my entire life.

I have no idea what one feels like, but I know I've never had my head or brain hurt unless I bashed it or something.
I've never had a headache in my entire life.

I have no idea what one feels like, but I know I've never had my head or brain hurt unless I bashed it or something.

that's really weird if you're not making it up. How is it even possible
that's really weird if you're not making it up. How is it even possible
Why is it weird? To me, having your head hurt by no cause of physical damage seems like the weird thing.
Why is it weird? To me, having your head hurt by no cause of physical damage seems like the weird thing.

do a lot of complicated maths whit anoying kids screaming around while listening to jojo
Fact: The boobies in my avatar are actually my very own manboobs.

Look at them now, you perverts! HA!

... just kidding.
Every girl I've ever been interested in always magically gets a boyfriend around the time I make my intentions known.

I was the only person in my German class that knew what a homemaker is today. :(
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