Post a pic of your first model!


Jan 21, 2004
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Hey, what I thought we could do is post our first models we have made so we can all point and laugh (I think that any model I put up whether it was my first OR last I will still get laughed at). Just post the link to the picture or 56 k'ers will accidently click on this and meet their doom.

Well anyways, here's my first model.
this is my first proper model, i just finished it a few minutes ago



lol, another_asswipe your gun is waaay better than mine.

And giller yours is actually pretty good for a first model.
Okay, here's mine. First serious model I ever made:


  • DisGun1.jpg
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That gun looks awesome, Brain!

Here's mine.


  • Sword3.png
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Mine was the mace from one of the Gmax tutorials :)
first proper model, lol looks naf now.


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Im working on this at the moment, the first real rifle other than an AK that im doing, more used to pistols, plus they seem to have a way where i can smooth them to whatever, have around 30,000 triangles and not lag the game up (mainly tested on Max Payne 2 and HL1)


Smoothed out, no features added yet. Stock needs smoothing.


Temp texture from the reference pic which is there:


Still needs quite a bit of work, wish i had the pic of an AK from abour 5 years ago when i first tried modeling, i was using the ms3d block tool to create the thing :rolleyes: Heres the link to the pic: Thats one i would really like to forget.

The only non-realistic/serious model i did was a crowbar replacement for HL, changed it and its sounds to a houndeye hehe, i'll try to find that pic.
toad, how do you go about replacing the crowbar with a model of your own by the way? i have a model i want to replace the crowbar, but i dont know how to replace it.. by the way here is the model, it still needs to be skinned though.. Hammer model

Little rusty on this, when I added mine it was a couple of years ago, so as long as the file formats haven't changed, this is how I did it (original HL)

First off, make sure your valve folder (default c:\sierra\half-life\valve) folder has a models folder, if not then create one.

Next, open up pak0.pak, look in models/weapons for V_Crowbar.mdl, make a folder on the desktop and place v_crowbar.mdl in there.

Download Milkshape 3d from and install it to whatever location you want too.

Open the program you used to make your weapon and export it to something Milkshape can understand (Q3 md3, 3DS etc)

Load Milkshape, choose file/import and choose the model you just converted, if all goes well it should load in the screen ok, next, save it in ms3d format, its easier for the next part.

Next, do file>new to get a fresh screen, then, goto tools>half-life>decompile normal half life mdl file, it should give you 4 tick boxes, leave them ticked.

You wont see any sudden change, goto file>import>HL SMD and choose v_crowbar_reference.smd This will load the crowbar and the bones in the view window.

Now, goto file>merge and load the model that you made, get it in the right position to the crowbar then move it away to the left or right. Make sure its one group, if its not, just regroup it (goto the groups option to the right, select all the parts that are your model then click regroup)

Next step, select the crowbar, you can do this individually or by the group menu, once its all selected, delete it. Now that its deleted, click the Materials button to the right and remove the file for the crowbar (leave the gloves and hand textures in)

Next, move your weapon into position on the extended hand where the crowbar was, select your model then click the joints option to the right, look for Bip 01 R Hand, note that your model has been deselected, just reselect it without clicking off the join, you will see that the joint is now not selected in the views but thats okay, if you look in the joints box you will still see the text highlighted.

Once you have the joint text selected and your model selected, click Assign in the joints window, it wont look like anything has happened.

I dont think anything has to be done with the animation, i was crap at it so i left it out, since the model was joined to the hand it went okay.

If you still dont have a texture for your weapon then select it, choose materials then add a dummy one for now (like the glove texture)

Time to test, once your happy with the position, goto file>export>half-life smd and overwrite the v_crowbar_reference.smd file. A box will appear asking if its a Reference or Sequence file, leave it on Reference and click okay.

Now goto Tools>Half-Life>Compile QC File, choose v_crowbar.qc. If all is good the model should compile all of the parts it requires (sequences, textures, reference etc) if not, it will display an error log, make sure you have everything in the directory you decompiled in.

If all goes well, the v_crowbar.mdl file will be overwritten, copy that to the afformentioned valve\models folder, load Half-Life and choose a map, lets say, c1a0 and then give yourself a crowbar, swing it about a bit to see if the animations are okay, if they are then Congrats, the weapon is succesfully in, you can do the same thing for the world model too but it takes less time to do.

Here is a screen of my Houndeye crowbar in action, its a little smaller but it does the job. You can test it by downloading from and putting the mdl file in valve\models and the sounds in valve\sound\weapons.

That should be it.


[EDIT]Urg, that turned out longer than i thought, not meant as a thread jack sorry.[/EDIT]
AcousticToad said:
Im working on this at the moment, the first real rifle other than an AK that im doing, more used to pistols, plus they seem to have a way where i can smooth them to whatever, have around 30,000 triangles and not lag the game up (mainly tested on Max Payne 2 and HL1)


Smoothed out, no features added yet. Stock needs smoothing.


Temp texture from the reference pic which is there:


sweet model and skin :p

Still needs quite a bit of work, wish i had the pic of an AK from abour 5 years ago when i first tried modeling, i was using the ms3d block tool to create the thing :rolleyes: Heres the link to the pic: Thats one i would really like to forget.

The only non-realistic/serious model i did was a crowbar replacement for HL, changed it and its sounds to a houndeye hehe, i'll try to find that pic.

thats an awesome gun, an even better model :p
The first model I did was a re-creation of the Dragonslayer sword from the anime "Berserk"...
Now, I'm no artist.. and this was my very first time using 3d drawing software.. It's not a paticularly difficult model, but considering I had very little knowledge of what I was supposed to do and how to do it, I'm fairly proud of it... I did the skin myself too, goes to show I'm not that great as a first time skinner either :D

The last pic is what it looked like in the anime


  • NWN0006.jpg
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first real try. this is my mini, which i tried to put in BF1942 in place of the willy...:dozey: hehe, twas fun, but never got finished.

...i might try again with BFV actually, would be nostalgic, funny and would probably take 1/5 of the time :rolleyes:
I would post my gun but I don't know how to get an image of it.
lol my first model`?

mhm wait, my first model was my last one, cuz i decided that i absolutely can't model *lol*

A M1A1 Thompson

nice models guys :), nice to see.

I cant remember my first model + I think ive lost my earliest workings,

these three are as far back as I can remember


  • Antlion2a.JPG
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clarky003 said:
nice models guys :), nice to see.

I cant remember my first model + I think ive lost my earliest workings,

these three are as far back as I can remember

hey i really like that bender model
waedoe said:
heh hl2 beta?

lol, you mean the antlion and antlion guard.. no there my own models. nothing to do with leak material watsoever dude they where both done before the leak using some screenshots, and that HDR vid.
hmmm first model? Behold, the IDES Vigilant! you know its cool... :cheese: