Post a random fact about yourself.

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At a recent social event (on Saturday), i slept with a girl who the next day, i found out was old enough to be my mother (18 years older than me).........i feel violated :( ........and not in a good way.

Alcohol is baaad mmkay........oh who am i kidding, ALCOHOL FTW!!! :cheers:
I havent measured it ...but it's at least 8 inches :naughty:
CptStern said:
I havent measured it ...but it's at least 8 inches :naughty:

I can't believe it took a full 6 pages before someone posted this!!:eek:
I was born with hamstrings that were a little shorter than normal. As a result I learned to walk on my toes and almost never put my heels on the ground. My hamstrings have been stretching since then but I still walk on my toes out of habit and comfort.

Caused a few people in my early years to make fun of me but everybody suspects it caused me to have unusually good balance and faster than normal sprinting speeds.

Im kind of worried though what effect it will have on my knees in later years though.
I am Ricky Gervais

I have an eating problem, i cannot digest 90% of foods, so i have to be careful with what i eat.

I have an irrational fear of octopus, squid and cuttlefish...which people here in the past have preyed upon :(
I once lost a shoe in a big pile of cow shit.

Happened when I was about five-six, I didn't even see it.
The Mullinator said:
I was born with hamstrings that were a little shorter than normal. As a result I learned to walk on my toes and almost never put my heels on the ground. My hamstrings have been stretching since then but I still walk on my toes out of habit and comfort.

Caused a few people in my early years to make fun of me but everybody suspects it caused me to have unusually good balance and faster than normal sprinting speeds.

Im kind of worried though what effect it will have on my knees in later years though.
Same \o/.
I was the fastest in my school when I was in year 3 (out of 6).

And another: I once got Glandular fever when I was young and missed out on Basic maths. So now all Maths I do is VERY difficult to understand. Having said that, I got a B in maths at GCSE :).
I flew headfirst into a tree once, and cracked my bike helmet in half.
I don't have a gag reflex. Please be kind in your comments.
When I pee at work, I have to make the most noise in the pan, otherwise I've failed :D
In the 17 yrs I have been alive, I have achieved nothing more than a few exam results.
I also like snowboarding.
I may be the most incredibly awesome person that has ever walked the face of this planet.
Ennui said:
I may be the most incredibly awesome person that has ever walked the face of this planet.

Right before me. Which indicates how awesome Ennui is, if he's close to me in terms of awesomeness. :naughty:
About 5 minutes ago I choke-slammed my mum in the kitchen while wearing a gardening glove
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