Post a screenshot!

Took me 11 years, but I finally did it.
Clive Barker's Undying was some good shit, scared the piss out of me.
The last chapters were pretty bad. I rushed through them using haste and scythe.
Wait... Like, or is? Because it seems exactly like it. I mean, with more interface stuff of course. But it is using the DF code, right?

Edit: Okay so it's "heavily influenced" by Dwarf Fortress, but this seems like it's really shamelessly ripping off a lot of things from DF. Even the combat text sounds exactly like DF's. And also the main menu areas at the top, and Events vs. Combat reports.

But I'd be fine with all that if he wasn't charging for it, too. DF is and always has been totally free. Kind of lame that he's copying so many things from DF and cashing in on it.

/me buys it anyway
/me buys it anyway

I don't mind games cloning DF as long as they try to improve it. It's DF's own fault that people want to constantly remake it from scratch.


Game seems neat, I really should check that out and try to find the time to check out Towns too since it is apparently DF mixed with Dungeon Keeper only you're the good guys instead.
I got Towns in an indie bundle a while ago. The style is definitely a bit different to DF, but I find the interface hard to use. Text under the icons would go a long way.

Gnomoria is all done from a right-click menu.
Towns sucks.

DF may be free, but it's not open source or GPL. If Toady ever went for copyright claim there would be trouble between these two games.

I'll hold off on this mostly out of principle (unless Veg gives me a raving review), and somewhat because I've been burned out on DF for a while now. Someone on the bay12 forums has been developing a 3D DF interface recently anyway.

Edit: Looking into this... this game has the depth of a footprint compared to DF's Mariana. Sure it's in alpha, but they have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go if they're going to directly mimic even DF's basic features.

Edit Edit:

Hey everyone, Gnomoria dev here.
I wanted to say hi and introduce myself.

I'm not sure how much detail I should get into but it seems like some people would like to know more about my motivations. When I made the decision to quit my job and work from home, I knew what kind of game I wanted to make. My skills center around programming and systems design. I play a ton of video games and board games and to some degree that enjoyment is seeing how the different mechanics and gameplay systems work together. I love how from a simple set of rules, complex behavior can emerge. I think anyone familiar with Stephen Wolfram's "A New Kind of Science" knows exactly what I'm talking about.

Anyways, if I had the chance to follow my dreams and work on anything I wanted, it would be exploring things like procedurally generated content, AI and designing clear systems that work together in interesting ways. I also wanted to have a game on top of this sandbox, with conflict and something to lose and not just an open toy box to play in. I love management games and think they are underexplored. Aside from that, working on a management game fits with the kind of development I enjoy and goes along with what I know. So, it wasn't even something I thought about. I knew it was what I was going to work on. I figure, if I'm going to quit my job, I should work on what I love and make a game that I would like to play, otherwise what's the point? The risk is hoping that there are enough people that would also like to play this game and the rewards are being happy with my work and spending time with my family.

DF is the king of this genre and frankly, Tarn Adams is a genius. The fact that he is following his dreams and doing what he loves should be an inspiration to everyone. It's kind of impossible to do anything without stepping on something he's done. I have no intention of replacing DF and I don't see how that would even be possible if I wanted to. Every decision and gameplay system that makes it into Gnomoria is there because I felt like it was necessary to acheive what I wanted or it made the game better. At times, I've had a goal for the game and am experimenting with solutions and trying to solve the problem in a way that cleanly fits in with the rest of the game. I might find a solution and then realize that it's something in DF, and briefly think, "Oh I shouldn't add this". But then, if it makes the game better, why wouldn't I add it? I'm not complaining, but I think I better understand the "Simpsons Already Did it" episode of South Park.

There was a post commenting on my plans for release. I probably mislead some people. I plan on continuing development as long as I can, but I don't plan on being in alpha forever. I don't want Gnomoria to have an "in development" or "work in progress" feel. When it reaches a point where it's stable, polished and has enough content to where you could compare it to other "finished" indie games, I will consider it "released". My plan at that point, is to continue offering free updates with more gameplay systems and additional content for existing systems. In it's current state, this is the bare minimum I felt it could have to be playable and enjoyable. I have a lot planned, but I don't like making promises until I can back it up. I'd rather put it in the game and show it when it's ready. Right now, my focus is on fixing bugs and usability, but I am really excited to work on more features soon.

I think it's natural that this genre is expanding. For a lot of reasons, I'm excited to see other games pop up in the future. I don't think very many people are deciding between donating to Tarn or preordering Gnomoria. If that is the case, please donate to Tarn instead. What I hope happens, is that Gnomoria brings more people into the genre and they feel less intimidated to try DF and eventually that leads to a donation.


spec ops: da line

Not being biased at all or anything but this entire forum is confirmed made of straight up mouth frothing Arma and indie game only circle jerking retards if you don't play this game and I'm disowning you.
Not being biased at all or anything but this entire forum is confirmed made of straight up mouth frothing Arma and indie game only circle jerking retards if you don't play this game and I'm disowning you.
I'll try it when its cheaper. I watched some videos and the gameplay seems boring as expected, but I've heard some good stuff about the story and "atmosphere" which usually can trump boring gameplay for me. And thats coming from a frothing ARMA circle jerking retard.

Also, lol Barnz. I'm surprised people play that game still. I mean, its still got better gameplay than Spec Ops: Da Line :P, but its just so old.
no krynn your an armatar u wudnt like it LMAO

nah its p. good though the atmosphere is mostly sand though
a lot of the indoor environments are pretty sweet.

and the gameplay isn't the best, but at least it's solid and pretty damn responsive. unlike SOME games i know.
Same here. From the screenshots, it seemed like it was one of those shooters made for retards. The walkthrough I watched confirmed it.

The gameplay is nothing special. But at least it's not Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.



Pretty goddamned shitty. It glitched on me four times in the same mission where a squadmate would prone into a wall endlessly in the same spot. I deleted and reinstalled the gamedata and it still did it. Thank god for game rentals.
An expansion is out for Hard Reset - more robot-killin' goodness. I need to find a way to tweak some variables, namely the run speed... as a hark back to Doom-era games, this game would be immensely more fun if I had any speed other than 'mosy' and 'saunter for a few steps'. It's free if you already own Hard Reset, and the first level is pretty fun, and pretty to look at.

Fuuuuck. I forgot that was coming out. Pretty sweet that it is free for those who already purchased.
But.. If you own it didn't you already pay for it? How is it free?
If you already own Hard Reset, they're giving the DLC to you for free. It's that simple.
Oh.. Sorry guys, my bad. Didn't realize it was an expansion.. duurr..

Anyways, I got some BF3 screenies! I played kind of shittier than usual because whenever action would come around I would spam my screenshot button (which is the B key) while playing.. Got me killed more than once :D. Anyways, enjoy!

P.S. Map is Karkand

Looky, looky.. A creeper.


Try and run, buddy!

My best friend out here!

Not so helpful when an armored APC is right there though..

Teamwork. A thing of beauty. When people actually work as a team in this game, that is.

Not doing TOO bad. Like I said: more deaths attributed to getting my screens :D

Well hi there!





AWWW HEEEEEEEEELL NAW. Couldn't get a screenshot of his death, but I jumped down, went around the corner and he was standing there waiting for me. Put one right between his eyes, no scoped him too!

You get a service star every 100 kills with a gun. My M4A1 has 8 stars now :)

But I am truly a recon/sniper at heart. Even though my M4A1 has the most kills, I'd say most of my skill is done picking off enemies from far away.

Only drawback with a bolt action sniper rifle is close range. Hence my baby here laying out this poor bastard.

If only he looked up sooner... He might've lived!

Beach cruisin!

Under fire, had to ditch the car to take care of it!

This was the score when the game ended... Would've been higher if a) I didn't join 15 mins into game (it was a 45 minute game) and b) I wasn't trying to get good screens, spamming my B key lol. My team lost, though. It was conquest assault which means one team (my team) doesn't have a home base, we can only spawn on members of our squad and on flags.. My team doesn't really know how to defend flags.. Or attack them for that matter.. I tried and tried but I'm only one man! In the end, the better overall team won..

EDIT: Dear god imageshack raped my image quality!
Wow, that's not great for you? I'm absolutely awful by comparison, never finished as the top player on a team and my K/D hovers around 0.6 (even though it's not as important in this game as others). Suppose that's what happens when I've been unable to play the game from the time it came out until about 2 weeks ago...
Really the only other online FPS I've played was CS:S when it came out, and haven't played anything since.

When I got BF3 I wasn't as good as now either, my KD/r was like 0.8 or something, I slowly got better and right now my total KD/r is 1.34. BUT since that takes into account the time I played when I was a noob and first got the game. I reset my stats (which you can do when you buy BF premium) my current KD/r is like 1.8 or something. I only reset it like 4 days ago though. And it doesn't reset your total stats either.. It's weird how it does it. It's like I have 2 KDrs/accuracy/score per minute/wins and losses. It keeps track of your total, and also separately keeps track of from when you reset it till now. I just use my reset stats and not my total, because as I said, they're skewed because I was a noob when I first got the game.

Hard to explain, look at this.

Total stats are on the bottom, shows my total kills, total deaths, longest headshot, total KD/r, etc, since I started

Reset stats are beside the engineer avatar dude. Those are from 4 days ago until right now.

Played a bit of L4D with a few friends tonight. I didn't remember the bodies staying long enough for such a pile to build up before. I thought it was neat, you don't see that often in games.

