Post Apocalypse: some weapons



OK, this time I want to show you some of our finished weapon models.
So let's get started :)

First we have the Ingram MAC M10, with an optional silencer

And some flashbangs :)

And a H&K USP Tactical, featuring a optional silencer, and an optional laser/flashlight module

Next we have the Beretta 92FS

And a melee weapon :p

And as last I want to show our latest model, the H&K Xm8 :)

I hope you like them, you can vist our website HERE and our forum HERE.

We are also looking for several people to fill some free positions.
Fristly we are looking for a player modeler.
It's very much preffered you use 3d studio MAX, XSI, Maya or likewise.
The models you have to make will probably like the 2 concept art images you cen see below.
It's also plus when you can make UVW maps and rig the models.

Secondly we are looking for one or two animators
You will have to animate our weapon and player models.

Thirdly we are looking for one or two modelers who can model verious kind of things, like cars, trees and other props to use for our maps and also maybe some weapons.

If you can live into our mod and it's story, and you think you can do one of these things, you can apply at our jobs section on our website.
Be sure to submit some examples of you previous work.

Thanks :).
They look waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to clean for being post apoc. :\
Bottom gun looks like a water gun :rolling:
looks exellent. I'd dirtly them up htouhg... and do a new skin for the XM-8. That sheme is a promotional scheme. The actualy production models won't look like that.
Pendragon said:
The models look quite nice, although I'd like to see some larger renders or maybe some wires. As the others said though, those are wwaaaayy too clean! If this is Post-Apocalypse, I might even expect the weapons to be random conglomerations of old guns, and certainly not showroom model XM8s. However, setting incongruity aside, the models look great.
Indeed. Did they clean and maintain their arms well in the Apocalypse?

Heh. All that needs to happen is for Fenric to post here, and the mod-crit-squad will have struck :eek:
I think the skins are too clean too :)

The models are nice but a better skin will make them alot better.
They are the biggest bag of crap I have ever seen, however if I switch off my bitter envy for a mo I'd have to say they are seriously nice models, the skins are excelent, sure u could dirty them up, but thats easy to do, better to get them accurate first, and they look very good.
I'd like to see a poly count, but just because I'm nosey like that.

Well done, excelent work.
i think the models look good.....

BUT.. For a Post Apocalypse setting, yeah too clean, not to mention things like that would probably be in short supply in such a setting, certainly not laying around.. I'd expect more customised weapons with whatever is available at the time. They look ok though :)


I vote for Pendragon's Mod Squad title. I like that :D
st0lve said:
Bottom gun looks like a water gun :rolling:

Its a real weapon it looks exactally like that. The US is putting through trials to replace the M-16.
The news of the newborn chip implants traveled throughout the world, opposition grew, grew so large and strong it became militant in it's stance. As the world banned together against the governments intent, it became evident to world leaders that they were up shit creek without a paddle. The government initiated marshall law and it quickly escalated, escalated into mass riots and all out war between civilians and the military.

THe military keeps its weapons clean
The XM8 ironsights and inc. lenses don't look like that and the rubber in the front - inexistent.

Besides that , it's great.
Stick scratches, dirt, dents, bit of rust even, maybe some silly stickers. Anything to make them look more interesting. Believe me, it'll do them good :)
Thanks for all the replys and tips :)
Maybe we are going to add some dirt to them later on, but they will stay like this for now :)