Post Apocalypse

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I and 2 others have started a post apocalyptic HL2 mod.
It will be a mod between Mad Max and Fallout.
And it will contain a various range of weapons an vehicles and more.
And we are still getting more great ideas.
For the details and more info I want to direct you to our website.

Also we are looking for some moddelers, texture artists, and some others.

This is our story untill now, it might need to be changed a bit later:
It's now the year 2233. The whole world is now one big wasteland.
Its the consequence of human disire for power. A long time back ago there were
two large nations that were at war. Both wanted to have the most power in the world.
this led to one terrible conclusion. Both nations had so many atomic bombs
they could destroy the whole world 100 times. They threatened each other but
they were never used until what we now call the day of destruction. Its ironical
how it got to it.
The president of one of the nations decided to play it the hard way, and gave the order to launch the nukes.
And as a reaction the other nation launched his nukes to. this led to the
destruction of the world we knew.

A part of mankind survived this war. They dwelled in large underground
vaults and some even in vaults of large buildings where they werent
-or very little- exposed to the radiation.
A few hundred years later they opened the vault doors for the first
time, to settle on earth once again.
They saw one big wasteland before their eyes. everything was now one big desert.
What once were great and gloryous city's are now nothing more than piles of
rubble and junk.
All the seas were gone but some say there is still some water on the surface
somewhere but nobody knows where it is.

To survive this world mankind had to use everything they could find. All houses
were destroyed or damaged so they had to build new places to live.
They started to rebuild their city's and towns.
You would think mankind learned of it and to live in peace but mankind still
disire power above all else.
So it happened that some people formed gangs and built their own towns and fort's.

Some gangs managed to get their hands on some valuable resources(for that time..),
like oil or water.
They tried to keep this quiet, but some gang's soon heard about it,
and they started threatening these poeple to get these resources.
soon this led to fights and small wars. Gangs started to fight other gangs
to get new or beter resources and things like weapons and food and stuff,
or to conquer the land beacuse there were oil deposits or water springs.

This led to the time we now live in. One big world of violence.
And to survive you had to fight. And thats what we do...
there isn't anything else to do on this god forsaken world.
hopefully it will come to an end.... some day.

See you.
Vaults, vaults, vaults; everyone is in a vault. Why not try a different approach to the apocalyptic concept? The whole man-made-vault-vault-saved-man-man-gets-out-and-begins-new-life-with-his-army-of-the-world's-greatest-minds is so cliche. Stray from that and try something new. Perhaps mix science with it. For example, left over DNA samples have been mixed with the radiation of a bomb creating a new type of human. Fused with super powers and intelligence, the new human begins to wage war with another enemy from space. An alienistic race that wants Earth. Or something. Think outside the original boundries of game development. Merge ideas.

But if you want to stay with the vault idea, then cool. I can't stop a designer with a vision. :)
I would work on that reason for war, its not very intriguing :)
And foremost: A reson for fighting. Running around killing gangs for weaponry isnt much interesting... Is it MP or SP?
Thanks for the feedback.
I'll pass these things to the others of the team so we can decide what to do.
And we intended it to be a MP mod, but if that's absolutely not going te work, we will make it SP.
Quite on the contrary! I think its a good idea for MP (though widely used, need to make it unique in style), but worse for SP, that's where the reason for fighting becomes hard. Lets face it, you dont want to fight to get better weapons in a SP story. It wouldnt work. But if you can think up a REALLY elaborate SP plot, it can be quite good... Mad Max wont cut it, Fall Out style maybe. Think more in Dune paths :)
Yes....Welll....There is already I believe a post appocoluptic mad max type Mod in the works. Too bad, get a new idea.;( cry cry NOT
That's cool :cool: but we are not especially doing Mad max.
And what's the problem? there are also multiple WWII mod and CS look a likes in the works.
But if you have a better idea, please tell me :D
the idea sounds good ;) maybe there should be more unique things. but the idea of so many wmd that you could destroy the world 100 times ...20 years ago there were so many that you could destroy it several thousand times.