Post the games YOU'RE looking forward to most in 2004!!

Has everyone forgot about MAFIA (except burnzie)???
The 1st one was a masterpiece. The 2nd one will rule them all.

Anyway, besides that:
Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow
Halo 2
Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines
The 9th power (very secret, revolutionary game)

That excluding the obvious ones.
(random order)

Half-Life 2
Far Cry
Doom 3
BF: Vietnam (not sure about this one, some aspects look cool, other lame)
Soldner (could go both ways, I'm worried about the way the game feels, the shooting and walking)
Hitman 3 (I bought Hitman 2 in an impulse and never regretted it)

And probably some more.
here goes:
hl2 (bluh!)
doom3 (dabluh!)
pandora tomorrow (kmuh!)
stalk0r (2004? pffsh)
Operation Flashpoint 2 (2004?!?!? HUBBA HUBBA!)
Thief 3 (yawn! sorta..)
DNF (2004?!! yeah, right!)