Post Useless But Fun/interesting Trivia Here!!!!!!

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The largest bagel ever made was 7 inches across.
"San Diego" is german for "A whales vagina"
That moon hoax thing is a nice read. It got me even thinking about it being a fake and all. There have been discussions and films about faking it in the past also. The radioactivite belt thing is also an interesting thing to think about.
Bill Gates could spend $1,000 every single minute for the next 80 years and still have more money that Brad Pitt, P Diddy, J-lo and Oprah (and lots more)
Homer said:
LoL, these moon landing people are great.

apparently the idea of a shadow is beond these people.
I don't think they know what a camera flash is either.
We know the moon landing wasn't faked because we have all the science to back it up.

Its like this area 51 crap. If aliens are capable of flying hundreds of light years to come visit us I think they JUST MAY be capable of navigating a flat desert. And I seriously doubt we could shoot one down. Think of it this way, if there are advanced aliens out there chances are they are millions, or more likely billions of years older than us. Well, a caveman is only about twenty thousand years behind us where we stand today. Imagine how advanced they would have to be with billions more years of advancement than us. even if they progress at a thousandth the speed we do.

*edit* another interesting fact, the giant tortoise can live to be 900 years old.
the website only proves that the footage you are shown by NASA is fake, they do it well.
A cow can walk upstairs, but it cant walk back down again.

Your brain is 80% water.

Sneezes can travel over 100mph.

It it illegal to eat oranges while bathing in California.

The elephant is the only mammal that is unable to jump.
You can't die holding your breathe.

A pig usually gets an orgasm of 30 minutes.
Islamic terrorists are actually mainly mad ad america because of the discontinuation of the mcrib sandwich in the mideast.
Do I smell BULLSHIT!!?? Seriously, do you belive that crap?

ANyways, No seriously if you actually READ ALL OF THE ARTICLE then you might believe it, like i do, and you should watch the movies too.

take a look at this...

In western Australia during the live broadcast of the Apollo 11 moon landing, several people saw a very unusual occurrence. One viewer Una Ronald stayed up to see the telecast and was astonished with what she saw.

The residents of Honeysuckle Creek, Australia, actually saw a different broadcast to the rest of the World. Just shortly before Armstrong stepped onto the Moons surface, a change can be seen where the picture goes from a stark black to a brighter picture. Honeysuckle Creek stayed with the picture and although the voice transmissions were broadcast from Goldstone, the actual film footage was broadcast from Australia. As Una watched Armstrong walking on the surface of the Moon she spotted a Coke bottle that was kicked in the right hand side of the picture. This was in the early hours of the morning and she phoned her friends to see if they had seen the same thing, unfortunately they had missed it but were going to watch the rebroadcast the next day. Needless to say, the footage had been edited and the offending Coke bottle had been cut out of the film. But several other viewers had seen the bottle and several articles appeared in The West Australian newspaper.



The bazentine's metric system used multiples of 60...unlike the metric system which uses multiples of 10, the custemary system (my fav.) is also weird. One of the only things left that uses the bazentine way is the clock/time 60 seconds in a min. 60 min in an hour.

The only way I will believe that NASA have never landed on the moon is if I see that actual proof for myself on the moon.

I really can't tell which side is right. :(
the site only proves that the films and pictures are fake!! not that they didnt go to the moon!
although they do raise some striking questions about NASA's credibility.
ok watever.

Does anyone know if pluto is going to crash one day with that other planet that goes into its orbit? That would be so kick ass. I can imgine the front page of the washington post "PLUTO AND [planet name] COLLIDE!!!"
There are now at least 2 people on this forum from louisiana, me and he_who_is_steve
Uhhh...iu guess that is uselles

Persons may be placed in jail for up to five years for shooting a hole in a penny. (in the U.S)
neptuneuk said:
the site only proves that the films and pictures are fake!! not that they didnt go to the moon!
although they do raise some striking questions about NASA's credibility.

The films were not faked. EVERYTHING against the films has been "counter disproved" time and time again on the internet.

I'll give you an example: One of the arguements is that there are no stars in the pictures, why? The cameras flash doesn't allow you to see the stars. Don't believe one website trying to get some publicity. It happened.
ok..lets drop the sunject now ok?

start puting new trivias, its actually pretty my opinion.
You have better odds of getting bitten by a cow than winning the lotto
ATI4EVER! said:
ok watever.

Does anyone know if pluto is going to crash one day with that other planet that goes into its orbit? That would be so kick ass. I can imgine the front page of the washington post "PLUTO AND [planet name] COLLIDE!!!"

Pluton and Neptune?
Top Secret said:
Don't believe one website trying to get some publicity. It happened.

Its not ONE site. There are like 100s of them talking about this subject. And I also saw a documentary about it...
blahblahblah said:
What if you are protestant?

Pwned. ;)

The difference is based on size.

What if you are Vargen?


The next time you drop a stone, will it fall to the floor?

You can not determine the future with past experiences
Sorry ATI4EVER!, but the moon-landing fake is a really interesting subject.

In the documentry which started all this nonsence, they interviewed one person that went the astronout-program for one year, and he said that the moon-lading "very likely is fake". That made 2 billion people belive it. But what about the other 500 000 that worked on NASA during the Apollo-project? Or the 12 men that acctaully walked on the moon. Why didn't they interview them?
AntiAnto said:
A pig usually gets an orgasm of 30 minutes.

That reminds me of something I heard a while back. They decided to give a panda viagra, and it didn't have quite the effect they expected. Basically, it did its thing with the lovely lady panda, only it couldn't stop ejaculating until it ran out...I bet it had fun, but it must have taken days to recover from that.
ATI4EVER! said:
O.K i'll start...

what is the difference between a town and a city?

a city has a cathedral...a town has a church

now you guys do yours!

Actually it can have an Abbey OR a Cathedral

I live in The city of Bath it has an Abbey :D
ATI4EVER! said:
ok watever.

Does anyone know if pluto is going to crash one day with that other planet that goes into its orbit? That would be so kick ass. I can imgine the front page of the washington post "PLUTO AND [planet name] COLLIDE!!!"

neptune will pwn pluto's ass
all polar bears are left handed.

if the sun blew up, it would take weeks for us to see it (with our naked eyes anyway).
It's 8 minutes, not weeks.

Anyways, heres some useless trivia:

Baby sloths are so inept that they often mistake their own limbs for tree branches and fall to the ground.
oh, excuse me, it would take weeks for us to notice. My mistake.
one of the mythological orgins of the Ninja is said to come from a creature called the Tengu, Half man half Crow.

The are no documented cases of witches being burned in Salom.

The first law making cocain illegal was because the white society thought it made black people violent.
I think the term was "Coke Crazed Ni**ers"

Dr. Sigman Froyed was addicted to cocain.

The vibrator was first used by doctors to get their patients off. It had no sexual conecction.

After that, a book was written, it had over 21 volumes of how a women could absorb the most vibration from riding a train.
1 second is 9 192 631 770 spins in a decided radiation(?) from the atom Cs-137.

1 meter is the distance light travels in vacumm in a 1/299 792 458 second.
nothing can be divided by zero

If you drop a heavy stone and a pen at the same time...they both hit the ground at about the same least a lot less sapce between than you'd think. (i odnt know why.)

This other one will also spawn a lot of people saying that it is not real.

it is a isnt THAT convincing, if you want to read a really detailed thing which actually makes everyone actually THINK, search the forums, there are like 2 threads on this. But here it is...
Q: Why do ostriches stick their head in the sand?
A: They don't.
ManHacks said:
oh, excuse me, it would take weeks for us to notice. My mistake.

Again, it would not take weeks. Let me explain:

The speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s, or 299,792.458 km/s.

The distance of Earth to the Sun is 149,597,892 km.

149,597,892 (distance to Sun) divided by 299,792.458 (speed of light) is 499.005 seconds, or 8.32 minutes.

As I said, it would take about 8 minutes for us to notice if the Sun were to explode (assuming we weren't all dead).