Post Yar Pics!

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My buddy Pes asked me to post these for him, so here they are!


My buddy Pes asked me to post these for him, so here they are!



Your guns fail, Short Recoil would laugh, which would deafen you, cause your lungs to explode and blow all of your teeth out.
I really don't like your hair in this one Comrade. It looks to me like a 80's mullet or something.
The back's since been cut off, a recent photo, scuse shit quality, this camera doesnt have a timer, and it's ****ing SHITE:


It's both as mysterious as I can be, and as open that I want to get.

Oh god. You remind me of my grandpa in that photo. Especially the really old looking white shirts he used to wear.
Hey, Pi, who's that guy behind you? (it never gets old)


I've also starred in some movies... mabye you've seen them.

where've you been? :]

me = too ugly for pix :[

I haven't sorted out the internet at my house in Durham, but I'm at my mum's house for christmas and she has the technology.

Oh god. You remind me of my grandpa in that photo. Especially the really old looking white shirts he used to wear.

Really old looking white t-shirt? It's just a v-neck t-shirt :p

This picture reminds me of nightmares where I'd wake up, or atleast thought I was waking up, and I'd have someone's face about an inch away from mine. Scared the heck outta me.
This picture reminds me of nightmares where I'd wake up, or atleast thought I was waking up, and I'd have someone's face about an inch away from mine. Scared the heck outta me.
Glad someone finally recognizes me.