Post Your Computer Desk

cool... like a cubicle...

I've never heard a more offensive insult.
Exactly what the title says.


WAIT. wtf I just now realized I have the same exact desk as you. Ikea?!

But I got mine free off some dude's yard via craigslist magic. So I'm lacking the paper racks on the left.

Also I don't actually use it for my computer (laptop). I only use it to pile worthless things on top of. But when my parents come to visit I clean it off and pretend I've been using it for my computer all along like a normal responsible human being.

p.s. I also wanted to concur that the tree painting is really cool.
nah, not stucco, just dark gray paint. i have a small room, 12x15ish. Thanks.. a cubicle?? really?? how is that cool?
nah, not stucco, just dark gray paint. i have a small room, 12x15ish. Thanks.. a cubicle?? really?? how is that cool?

Haha, I'm so surprised you guys haven't thrown those tubs away. Shit is probably rotted, surprised it hasn't blown up. This at your house or you in a new apartment?
Haha, I'm so surprised you guys haven't thrown those tubs away. Shit is probably rotted, surprised it hasn't blown up. This at your house or you in a new apartment?

lol, nah, I live at home now. whats sad, is if i really went through it all, i could probably still find things besides those that we all left there. I think sams little dvd holder is still there.
But when my parents come to visit I clean it off and pretend I've been using it for my computer all along like a normal responsible human being.
Why don't you just set something up right?
nah, not stucco, just dark gray paint. i have a small room, 12x15ish. Thanks.. a cubicle?? really?? how is that cool?
Well, I guess I meant some sort of modern office complex.
lol, nah, I live at home now. whats sad, is if i really went through it all, i could probably still find things besides those that we all left there. I think sams little dvd holder is still there.

I wonder if my Ab Roller is still there. Miss that place. There was so much gaming, I could have puked.
yeah man. it was ridiculous. i hella miss the internet tho... i liked having all, like, 9 of us doing shit and still not having a hiccup. if it is, i'm stealing it lol.

Desk from a school garage sale - used to be a primary school teacher's I assume.

Hook that's holding up headphones is $2 from Bunnings, I highly recommend it.

Also, the flash from the camera makes everything look a lot whiter than it should.
I would constantly be distrustful of my glass table supporting my rig. I'm sure it could, but that type of thing would get at me all of the time.
I think about it alot, actually. Especially since my new video card weighs a ton. I don't have anywhere else to put it, though. You can't tell from the image, but my room is cramped as hell. I read somewhere that each piece of the desk (3 pieces) can hold up to 75lbs. I'm probably right at that.
I think about it alot, actually. Especially since my new video card weighs a ton. I don't have anywhere else to put it, though. You can't tell from the image, but my room is cramped as hell. I read somewhere that each piece of the desk (3 pieces) can hold up to 75lbs. I'm probably right at that.

Good thing I don't have a glass desk, my case weighs 26lbs empty.
The components wont add too much weight. My case weighs like 24 empty, and with my 5 hard drives, two optical drives, and all my other components, it probably weighs like 40-45 lbs. I still wouldnt trust it though. Drop something moderately heavy onto it while you case and other shit are on it... curse words will ensue.

Of course, thats coming from a guy who has a split in his desk right down the middle with my monitor right on it, and only hinges underneath to hold it together. It it werent for the weight distribution, my desk would collapse in a second under the weight of my 26" monitor.
Good thing I don't have a glass desk, my case weighs 26lbs empty.

It's not just glass, btw. There are some metal rods under the glass for support. They're held in place by some large bolts.
Here's my crappy new desk that replaces my even crappier old one. Yep, it's a crappy desk and yes that is a speck of feces on my ancient left speaker. And yes that is a first edition gateway mousepad! Over a decade of accrued filth on that!

Although... it is my nice new chair!

Here's my custom built computer desk. It's made of oak plywood and 1.25in steel plumbing pipe.

Winter Edition! Now with in-your-face heat blast!

My much cleaner than usual desk. Generally there's more trash, empty cans of coke and whiskey bottles. I'm moving out in a couple days so I've been doing some extensive cleaning.

Nice tablet...model? What's inside the tower?

Intuos 3.

Inside the tower? It's from the last PC build thread I had here on Phenom quad core something something... 8 gigs of ram... and other stuff. Not very much dust though, just dusted it out.
fuk yeah Game of Thrones. Also whats that bottle for? Looks like worcestershire sauce
Looks like regular tabasco to me. Doesn't look black like the Worcestershire.

Shitty ass phone camera. Also shitty monitor/laptop since my desktop isn't finished yet.
Is it just me ord eso that LCD monitor have absolutely ridiculous border thickness? First generation?
You mean my TV? Or do you mean my laptop? The beige POS is a CRT space-heater which I turn off to keep the room cool.
The bottle is just normal Tabasco hot sauce. I am kind of a hot sauce fiend... Tabasco is my standby but I have like five or six other varieties in my fridge.
The bottle is just normal Tabasco hot sauce. I am kind of a hot sauce fiend... Tabasco is my standby but I have like five or six other varieties in my fridge.

Except tobasco is weaker than pretty much the weakest jalapeno. Get some sriracha. That's much spicier without being too insane.

You mean my TV? Or do you mean my laptop? The beige POS is a CRT space-heater which I turn off to keep the room cool.

I mean this thing. what's up with the irregularly sized borders?

Oh, that makes sense. Didn't think of that.
I think my friend had that same CRT and speakers like ten years ago...
Moved my shit around. Computer is now on wooden table/shelf beside desk. Dat unfocused webcam.

You drink a lot of booze, how come you never post drunk threads like Solaris?

Oh wait, its Sam Adams. Nevermind.