Post your Death Screens!


Terrible shoop.
Of course it is... Shamrock died due to a falling injury, the font of "BootyCall" is different, and the whole name box looks suspicious.
I was playing with him at the time. Right after he died, he started lolling uncontrollably, and he had this uploaded less than a minute after we quit. He can't fake laughter like that, and he's good enough with Paint to shoop anything that quickly :p
Of course it is... Shamrock died due to a falling injury, the font of "BootyCall" is different, and the whole name box looks suspicious.
I promise you that it is no shoop. I was exploding myself across the spawn, and I raped myself then I fell to my death.

BootyCall's name just happened to be on my ass! D:
I was gonna post one with a heavy that looked all evil and glowing red, but I see other people have posted them. hehe. So here's one of mine.

Wow that custom map looks retarded. Like a bad CS aim_map clone.
Wow that custom map looks retarded. Like a bad CS aim_map clone.

It's like "How can I make the level as bland and shitty as possible..?"
Then again, I think most of the custom map makers are thinking that.
Wow that custom map looks retarded. Like a bad CS aim_map clone.

It's not too bad to play though. Poor level design lets you jump up on the exterior walls as a Scout and get into the enemies spawn. It's pretty funny, at least for the one spawn camping.:laugh:

Anyways, here are some screens I thought were cool.






I promise you that it is no shoop. I was exploding myself across the spawn, and I raped myself then I fell to my death.

BootyCall's name just happened to be on my ass! D:

Why is BootyCall's name even there? If it's not him, it wouldn't say "BootyCall". If it is him, he wouldn't have 100% health.

Lol, thanks Mr. Bloke!
I especially like the title "V-Man is looking good"

And yes I did ask him to post it here.
Why is BootyCall's name even there? If it's not him, it wouldn't say "BootyCall". If it is him, he wouldn't have 100% health.

It is the guy behind my body. His name happened to appear there because I looked at him before I died. Why the hell would I shoop a picture just to post in here?
That is my body.
The guy's name, who is behind my body, is over top of my ass.

It isn't hard to believe.. :|
Do some servers turn off the death cam? I was playing on one and rather than zooming in my killer, it would automatically bounce me to a view of a teammate. I'm assuming this is to keep people from easily locating snipers. I was just wondering if this was a glitch or a server mod.
Check out these babies. The one with the remains of the demoman in the corner is my favorite.

It's just so damn gruesome!



Here are mine - maybe i'll get killed on purpose with full hi-spec settings on...




I wan't a solly to kill me and then taunt (the salute) - that would be an awesome screenie :P
Here are a few of mine...

I like this one, the heavy in the back looks like he's screaming in pain (and with the now-dead spy's rocket dodge):

They don't even aim nowadays

A burning sensation (I think he burned to death after this...)

The soldiers crack me up

Don't we all love the heavies...

Resized for your convenience
Nooo... use imageshack.

Did you convert them to a different format, or are they still .tga?
That position looks like it hurts.


  • yajabroni is looking good!.jpg
    yajabroni is looking good!.jpg
    80.1 KB · Views: 334
Note that I took these ages ago; these are not my highest scores anymore. :)

My favourite is the one with the soldier, heavy and engineer.








^Glitch much? (last photo)

I like my scout photo with his eyes rolled up and everything. Looks quite morbid lol.
Doing taunts after killing someone tends to get me killed.