Post Your Desktops the "Willie will give you bananas if you do eet" Edition

I heart Blizzard and loved the Star Trek movie, is that so wrong? :(
I heart Blizzard and loved the Star Trek movie, is that so wrong? :(


Actually, I've been thinking of finishing that War3 expansion sometime, along with reinstalling Diablo II. I just have so many games I have to play right now. Eve, Plants VS Zombies, Grand Turismo 5, GRID, etc.
I like it dark and clean (old pic btw)

Made this desktop myself, trying out some typography stuff. Okansa means nothing, or so I think.

I also tried a retro poster kind of background thing for the desktop, and I need an opinion on the retroness of it.

The army builder, it's been updated fine.
All I need it for is the newest Tau codex.

ryan, >10%, not furry.
And then you install a new game that defaults to 800x600, messing up your pretty icon arrangement. I used to arrange my desktop icons (not for cosmetics though) but they always got messed up, eventually. Nowadays, I never even use my desktop, there's like 5 icons on there (of which I use 0) because of Vista's awesome start menu.
You people with dozens of icons on your desktop disgust me!
The only icon on my desktop is the recycle bin...
deathmaster is a newb for both using a shittly low res dbz wallpaper, and for still using the beta version of windows 7 when the RC1 is already out.

Heres what windows randomly chose to be today's wallpaper.

Quite a nice array of programs you have there.

I see Limewire, but no torrent client?
Quite a nice array of programs you have there.

I see Limewire, but no torrent client?

I never use Limewire/torrents, I think a sibling downloaded it. I reformatted recently so most of those programs you see are still on trial.

this is Mars
I wish i had a bigger monitor but 19" lcd is ok for now
I never use Limewire/torrents, I think a sibling downloaded it. I reformatted recently so most of those programs you see are still on trial.

Yeah... permanent trial.

Also... AVG and Avast!?
deathmaster is a newb for both using a shittly low res dbz wallpaper, and for still using the beta version of windows 7 when the RC1 is already out.

*lulwarz snip*
Well I can only get it as high as dvd player allows, like I said it's a screenshot. Also I'm getting RC1 already. Was too lazy before.
Also it's still obvious you love anime :)
And then you install a new game that defaults to 800x600, messing up your pretty icon arrangement. I used to arrange my desktop icons (not for cosmetics though) but they always got messed up, eventually. Nowadays, I never even use my desktop, there's like 5 icons on there (of which I use 0) because of Vista's awesome start menu.

I use Desktop Icon Toy for that, yet another(lightweight) useless program. It makes/saves/loads desktop icon layouts(the one I use is a preset). The downside is that it needs some configuration to disable useless features like hiding the program names.

For those of you who are wondering; my game harddrive is currently at 262 of 640 GB.