Post Your Desktops the "Willie will give you bananas if you do eet" Edition


I swear to God, I thought it was Harry from Outlaw Star at first.

28 Series is awesome. (Sort of if youre not the HOLY SHIT MOTHER F*CKING BANG BANG BOOM BANG type of movie goer)
Roleplaying site. Populated mainly by channers.

It's pretty cool, I like it. Should be a link in my sig.

I'm curious as to why I just did that. Without icons, no one really cares, and it's more like a "hey look at my wallpaper" kinda thing. Oh well.
I've never really seen any other point. I don't expect people to look at my icons though I do look at other people's.
Accidentally made 8000 .rar files on my desktop and crashed explorer three times.

That's so awesome.

But yeah who let the dog jump on the computer desk?
SHUT UP VEGETA. I was making a present for ZT. Stop patronizing me and my limited mental capacities. Next time you want a present from this santa dog, you can go suck a dick.
