Post your latest music tracks/WIP's and comment!

Harij: Nice! I like the drums especially.

Absinthe: Neat stuff, pretty repetitive atm, hope you work more on it. Could use a breakdown, killing those pads, and a bassline coming in or something.

theotherguy: Haha cool. Pretty groovy there, I like this, lots of texture.
The Sock Project. Drums are being added within the next week. I posted those so people could see where it's going. "Storm" needs some more mixing work, as do the rest. But Storm is the most noticable.
Just done a pure industrial track.
Strictly only a WIP, I may add bass guitar/guitar/lead synths to it later if I feel like it.

"Heart of the Machine"

I also uploaded "War Machine 2.0" probably classed as some form of industrial.
My sister learned to play the Rain Song from Zelda on her guitar, and so I asked her to teach it to me and I programmed it into my EA-1.

I borrowed her distortion pedal and made this:

Love the distortion and shit. (The bass has not gone through the pedal, uses built-in distortion)

May be kind of repetitive and drawn out but it was fun to jam with. Last half of the track is basically experimenting.

Drums are left over from some other pattern, didn't really spend any time making them. (ER-1) This is all hardware sound.

It's in 3/4 time by the way.
Wow this is awesome stuff, from everyone :D

Keep it up!
Cool stuff Harij. Made me feel very relaxed.

I liked the drum sounds but I didn't like the way it was arranged, following the melody so closely. I'd like to see you develop this.

I wish my EA-1 had reverb.
"Be Well XL 150" by Distisec

WIP. Made it while I was out of town. Didn't have my keyboard and while that's not necessarily integral, it's generally just difficult for me to feel comfortable making music in a different environment.

Started exploring more automation due to my lack of a "flowing" work environment. Also had to rely on headphones/laptop speakers, which makes some mixing elements hard to get right, as well as detect some more subtle changes.
CrazyHari I'm having trouble getting anything from is barely moving D:

Neat stuff that absinthe posted though :D
Gives meh attenshuns! :P

Latest industrial, featuring:

- use of the synthesiser pitch wheel
- freestyle guitar
- 2 Uber processed/****ed up vocal samples

Spent a lot of time working on making all the right sounds and effects I wanted, so i managed to bodge up the actual production eeeek

It's listenable I guess



why is this so damn good?

edit: Oh yeah, a short chillout-ey track I just did, what genre would this be? um.... psychedelic ambient?

Dissonant thoughts
I randomly opened reason to mess around, and started playing with chords and scales in C and C#. Came up with this egypt-esque track, I really love the melodies and the grainy saws. I felt like I really progressed in learning melody while making this track.

*see post below*
Spent all day finishing this up. I started adding choir voices and then some suitable percussion... And then I decided to turn it into a DnB track.

I'm really proud of this, I think it's my best track of all time.

Me and a friend made a new track, I'm quite proud of it, which is rare.

My friend is playing the bass guitar I produced the track, we recorded it 'live' instead of layering it. I played the synth and the guitar and changed the sounds on the PC. I'm really suprised my shitty soundcard pulled it off without loss of quality!! I had about 5 programs opened actively processing audio!! We then layered a synth over the track to blend in to the background. We were thinking of finding a singer and forming an Industrial band! :)


Spent all day finishing this up. I started adding choir voices and then some suitable percussion... And then I decided to turn it into a DnB track.

I'm really proud of this, I think it's my best track of all time.

good shit dude, you've come a long way. i haven't been able to make any music as my computers broke (more on it in gen. off topic), i really envy you guys. :/
Spent all day finishing this up. I started adding choir voices and then some suitable percussion... And then I decided to turn it into a DnB track.

I'm really proud of this, I think it's my best track of all time.

Awesome, innit? That feeling you get when you finish a track and you think "This is the culmination of all my efforts up to this point and it ****in' rules". I think I've had at least 3 or 4 of those.

You have a far better grasp of melody than I do and probably ever will (I find percussion to be more interesting, and DSP/synth aspects). I'd say you and Harij are also better at developing the progression of a track, whereas I often try to cram as much cool shit into a segment as I can but then eventually don't know what to do with all of it later on.

Any way, track is totally solid. But I didn't like some of the real simple patches. The synth line that ran early into the song sounded just like an initialized Subtractor, and there's a very distinct "square" patch later on. I was tempted to critique EQ (I didn't think there was enough kick in it), but then I remembered that my brother's subwoofer is broken on this machine, so everything sounds tinny any way. All I'd recommend is going back and playing around with your instruments a bit, since the hard work is done and over with. All in all, good track. :)

May or may not post some things later. Been relatively inactive due to a lack of a keyboard and good environment. So for the most part I'm just screwing around with VSTs or mixing Reason instruments through Ableton to see if get some amazing paradigm shift in my approach to making music.
Wow thanks Absinthe and Harij! :D :D I was kind of let down after I didn't get any reply for a week or so after I posted.

I don't feel worthy of those compliments Absinthe :p Although I must admit I did feel like I developed my skills a lot when I was finished with the track. And yes I didn't do any mastering and the simple patches is a result of me not knowing it would be a full track and being too lazy and content with what I had to go back.
I like drums and shit a lot too, I really don't think melody is my strong point. But who knows, I have a feeling I'm going to be learning much more about my musical skill if I keep this up. I'm getting a midi keyboard and soundcard soon. I made that track with playing on my EA-1 step key keyboard :p
Spent all day finishing this up. I started adding choir voices and then some suitable percussion... And then I decided to turn it into a DnB track.

I'm really proud of this, I think it's my best track of all time.

Sounds good, but you really really need to invest in better synths. It's wonderful musically, and has a nice beat, but all of your instruments have a sort of "cheesy" feel about them. Adding effects can help but really it all comes down to tweaking your synths until they sound unique.
FL has a relatively short learning curve. It's a great program to start off with, mainly because of the emphasis on loops. Can also do quite a bit of fancy stuff with enough skills and maybe a few VSTs. I quite miss its ability to automate master tuning and BPM speed...
I guess this belongs here? My first video and I'm excited.


didn't really have any plans going into this, I think it turned out all right. Sorry for the unsynced audio/video. Also the video is horizontally compressed due to the camera being in widescreen mode.

Equipment used: Korg ER-1 mkii, Korg EA-1 mkii, Behringer Xenyx802 mixer.

Yes, I bought a Behringer mixer. It was inexpensive and it works great so far.
I haven't put anything in this thread because A) my band hasn't been able to record anything, which is a direct cause of B) we haven't all been in the same room for several months.

I know none of the work in this thread so far is from an actual band of people, but I refuse to let you industrial-keyboardybuggers dominate.
I agree, we need more posts that are like neptuneuk's and Cerpin's (both of which have posted really awesome stuff), since ya know, they just don't push buttons and turn knobs. I'm still way too much of a noob at guitar to make anything remotely decent, only been playing for a little less than a year, and even then, only every other day or so.