Post your latest music tracks/WIP's and comment!

Hey I wanna ninjam with you guys. I can play Bass, guitar and a bit of keyboard. BUT I REALLY WANNA LAY DOWN SOME FUNKY WHITEBOY BASSLINES

I'll try to remember to tell you on Steam next time we jam.
My one criticism is that the drums are pretty bland in the verses. They just kind of plod along in the background, you should change them up more to match the increasing intensity of the vocals and stuff, maybe even just have the hi-hats go open to give it a sense of building. Also the way the vocals come in at the start is kind of odd timing-wise, which was probably intentional, but I think it'd sound more natural if you punctuated it somehow, maybe with a cymbal hit on the beat where you start to say "waking." (edit: Or have the bassline come in just before the vocals maybe? Just spitballing here.~)

But yeah it's pretty nice besides.
Thank you very much for your input. I found it very helpful. No that wasn't supposed to sound sarcastic, thanks man. :P
Arcade Fire - My Body is a Cage:

Was pretty late in discovering Arcade Fire, but I'm hooked atm. I think they have among the best lyrics for any band for the past 20 years. Their latest, The Suburbs, is my far the bast, but this track from Neon Bible isn't half-bad either.


Whoa, you got signed by EMI? Congrats, duder!
I suck at reviewing/critiquing any type of music, but I enjoyed it. Mainly the bit that starts at 1:08~
So like, my band have just had a single released and you can get it on Amazon and iTunes and Napster etc.
Here is a preview of it on the YouTubes.

If anyone likes it, it costs hardly anything to buy (Gotta say, we don't do it for the tiny amounts of money but every little boost to our name is nice):

Honestly, I'm happy if people just listen and give our stuff a chance. Not expecting it to be everyone's sorta thing, however.
Why are you on Amazon and iTunes and Napster?

Why give your earned money to corporations?

Use BandCamp.
Why are you on Amazon and iTunes and Napster?

Why give your earned money to corporations?

Use BandCamp.

We have a deal with a company who choose to sell our stuff through those sites. There's about 16 sites altogether they sell through.

I don't really mind as long as it's available.
The promo's pretty good considering we're unsigned nobodies. Can't complain.

Also, currently being Number 2 in Amazon's "Hot New Releases" chart for the Rock genre has to count for something right?

EDITZ: Scratch that, it made Number 1, Yaaaay!
Pretty cool Neptune. When it goes to a new chord at 1:00 I was expecting a cool Benn Jordan chord changeup but you didn't do that and it kind of bothered me.

But other than that, it was a nice listen. Maybe the strings and horn need some lower velocity because I felt it would do better as a more chill track than an 'epic' track.
Thanks for the feedback Vegmans.
I'm still getting my bearings with orchestral stuff.
Sounds like it's from a movie, pretty neat except I felt the snare should have been a little more punchy. Right now it's like kshh when it should be more like psha

Yeah your tracks put me in nitpicking mood.
Not bad, it grew on me.

Soundcloud comments are almost as bad as youtube. What chiptune influences?

I'm very happy that you think it's good enough to post. It's just something I put together while tired and feeling bad. And I look forward to hearing whatever you do to it.
Jammed it up with an amazing keyboardist whilst visiting my dad recently, figured it'd be worth posting. That's me on my e-drums, dad farting around on some horrible drumpad thing (he set it to arrange mode at one point which just cycles through all the samples, if you're wondering what the random beeps and screams and shit are :v), and my friend's dad handling everything else on keys. Very much an impromptu thing and none of us were really leading, so it meanders a bit in parts, but I think there's some neat stuff in there. I especially like the stuff from about 11:00 onwards, got a really tight groove going (just skip to that point if you don't feel like sitting through all 15 minutes :zzz:). Also that piano outro thing he does at the very end is just... gosh.
The mixing sounds pretty good actually. Unless you were going for a different feel, I think it sounds nice and trashy.

Drum work is great, and the guitar sounds good, but could have used more variation I think.
Jammed it up with an amazing keyboardist whilst visiting my dad recently, figured it'd be worth posting. That's me on my e-drums, dad farting around on some horrible drumpad thing (he set it to arrange mode at one point which just cycles through all the samples, if you're wondering what the random beeps and screams and shit are :v), and my friend's dad handling everything else on keys. Very much an impromptu thing and none of us were really leading, so it meanders a bit in parts, but I think there's some neat stuff in there. I especially like the stuff from about 11:00 onwards, got a really tight groove going (just skip to that point if you don't feel like sitting through all 15 minutes :zzz:). Also that piano outro thing he does at the very end is just... gosh.
Heh about halfway through now. Some cool shizzle dude

Badhat, family and co present : Browsing music

edit: **** I could browse the shit out the internet to this stuff
So when my band aren't together, Myself and the guitarist like to jam together, his geet and my bass and vox. Sometimes we record those jams on an 8-track he has at his place and we make them into demo songs that we may or may not use for the band. Here's one of them (Comments about Northern British accent will undoubtedly ensue):

P.S. We call ourselves "Space Vandals" when performing as just us 2 and we work with other musicians / get people involved in our shit. But on this occasion it's the two of us only.
Late at night, I decide to output this audition pattern on my proteus to my EM1 to play around. Had the V-Verb doing various effects for ambience. Hopped on ninjam to see if anyone would join, and this drummer came in. Not very good drumming but it was still fun.

No idea why the drummer is only in the right channel, it was center while we were jamming.
I was basically just playing with the filter, amp envelope, waveform, and distortion of the 2 synth parts being controlled by the audition midi.
Holy crap! I just found a NiN remix I did like 5 years ago!!!
It's like not even THAT shit!. I only used the vocals, I made the shitty music seperately.

Late at night, I decide to output this audition pattern on my proteus to my EM1 to play around. Had the V-Verb doing various effects for ambience. Hopped on ninjam to see if anyone would join, and this drummer came in. Not very good drumming but it was still fun.

No idea why the drummer is only in the right channel, it was center while we were jamming.
I was basically just playing with the filter, amp envelope, waveform, and distortion of the 2 synth parts being controlled by the audition midi.

Hey I liked this, was cool to listen to while I finish my 14th can of beer before sleeping like a kid and probably pissing toothpaste tomorrow morning.
I can ignore the weird drum panning for now.

Yo, motherfudgers. I just came back from a jam with the guitarist in my band. We did a rough demo recording of a thing. Anyone like Bluesy Rock type shit? Have a listen, then.

P.S. Here's something else that we did a bit ago: