Post your latest purchases with pics (NO STOCK IMAGES)


new iPod Touch 32GB. my Classic 32GB still works but not in my car so I know they'll last me roughly 5-6 years
It's probably a mixture of both now.
Where I grew up everybody (not my family, but the area we lived) was dirt poor.. so the cliques kinda were merged up. Lots of criminal activity/insane amounts of drug activity in the area. Mohave County is the meth capital of the west coast.

When we hit middle school and high school, we had to travel to the next town by bus. So we were pretty much kind of our own clique among the 'traditional' cliques. I've been class discriminated by people for being from where I am, and they never realized that my family probably had double their family's net worth :laugh:

It's funny- there was racism too but not so so bad. The class discrimination was so much worse though. "Dirty kids" etc all kinds of nicknames snobby douches had.

But I had to experience all that. Made me less of an ignorant person than they turned out to be as adults- more open to others and the less fortunate, though. It also didn't hurt to **** them up or rob them. LOL Terrible to say but true.
Thanks for your autobiography.
Thanks for your autobiography.

lol it just reminded me of the whole "prep" and clique thing in general. :cheers:

I remember when even knowing html and you were a "nerd." I think myspace/social media changed that whole attitude towards coding and computers in general.
Being a nerd is the new hipster. And by "nerd", I mean, you know how to access an internet browser.
Once people found out you can watch women sex dogs and horses and take a shit - literally on a camera - on the internet, nothing was ever the same.
Being a nerd is the new hipster. And by "nerd", I mean, you know how to access an internet browser.

I never knew what the 'old' hipster was. there wasn't even such a clique when I was in high school :laugh: Which wasnt long ago in the least either
To be honest... same here. I always thought every generation had their own hipster, though.
*swings his truncheon*

Dont make me go all British and windmill you singing 'In-Gur-Laaand'

I also bought a black dress shirt and white tie to match my all black getup. the question is, since I sweat a lot with me being Italian and Polish do I skip the suit coat??

Stickers everywhere.
oh yeah they come off btw. i still haven't tried them out, with my new ipod and halo reach these are on the backburner, i just wanted to get them all because it all cost me like $35...i love buy 2 get 1 for free
Stock image because I'm too lazy to scan


plus if you won, all I would have to do is come out of the bushes and club you in the head, take the ticket and win millions! i like to buy lotto tickets with my credit card, so they know its me that won. anyway i need to play, otherwise I'll never win

I am going to Jordan at the beginning of next year. Just booked a ticket to Amman, plus a couple of nights in a hotel there. My plan is to travel south to Al Kerak, Petra, Wadi Rum and eventually Akkaba. Cross the border to Israel, head north to Jerusalem, go even further north to Galilee and cross the border back into Jordan again. I have two weeks so that should be plenty. Still contemplating on going to Syria, but it might be a bit too daring to want to visit one of the axis of evil countries. Although I have read that traveling there shouldn't be too dangerous. Then again, Israel isn't exactly safe either. I might skip that too if the amounts of shit hitting the fan get too numerous.
The hair looks much better in reality, I noticed that when I saw the photo
The hair looks much better in reality, I noticed that when I saw the photo

oh good, i'd get one for around $15 if they ever went on sale


got myself the new ipod case too because i hate not having one

lolllll this week in juxtaposition

Anyway good luck with War and Peace man
Today I spent lots:


PS3 Slim 320GB (That blackness behind the games) + Move Starter Kit - £240
Darksiders + Killzone 2 - £20
Uncharted 2 - £15

Plus a sandwich, some crisps and a drink. Nom - £2.99 awesome Boots meal deal.

All in all, good day :D
Yeah I'm enjoying it :)

This also came today:

Too many games to play!
I actually want to get that book too, forgot about Tucker Max.