Post your latest purchases with pics (NO STOCK IMAGES)

Three more GC games for my collection. Had Pikmin for a week or two though.


Do you ride in certain places? Do you just ride for fun or exercise? Really interested in biking. I love exploring and stuff. One time I walked 7 or so miles home from work just for fun. :v
I ride for fun, and the exercise is just a benefit. I've been in DC for less than a year and I just recently bought the bike so I haven't explored too much. I've found a few trails within biking distance but most of the mountain biking stuff is 15-30 miles outside of the city. I'll have to find a nice weekend soon to go exploring.
Well, my latest purchase hasn't arrived yet, but this is my most recent purchase that I have in my possession!

You could probably go back to the store and get that for free by threatening to call the Better Business Bureau or something, since that game comes with Wind Waker and isn't for individual sale.

I mean, it'd probably be a dick move, but hey, it's clearly labelled a BONUS disc.
It's a used copy though. Can't they sell pretty much anything at a used game store?
I got them in auctions.
Some of the new Flames of War stuff I've accumulated since my last post here. Got an airbrush a few weeks ago, still getting used to it. So far I've only used it to basecoat some stuff, but I did do a camo paint test which turned out pretty good so I'll probably be using it for that now that I know how it will turn out.



Heres some Early War stuff I've started collecting. Everything is either base-coated, primered, or just assembled right now. No real painting done to them yet.


Heres my British Armoured Regiment with Cruiser and Light tanks. The three little things in the back are called Dingos. They're awesome. The only thing left for me to buy in order to finish this army is some French infantry platoon.





And my Militere Panzerkompanie (Medium Tank Company). I still need a full platoon of Panzer II Cs to finish this one. I've got an infantry platoon to go with the halftracks, I just didnt put them in the pic. Other than that, its got Panzer IV heavy tanks, and a 105mm artillery battery with transports.





These are some Tiger 1Es I got just last week, to play around with in my Late War Panzergrenadier List.


That's a lot of painting to do D:

Hence the airbrush. I looked at how many tanks were in my lists, and there was no way I was going to hand paint all of them.
That's really awesome Krynn, good luck on the painting.
It does have that "look" about it.
Just downloaded off of iTunes the new Rise Against CD "ENDGAME" its really good right now. I'm glad I pre-ordered it!
If you didn't mention Warhammer or anything I would have thought of this as some kind of crack/weed pipe.

lol, it could probably work. I can just imagine shooting weed smoke into your face at 30psi.
New water cooling solution for my very noisy PC:


Now I can hear ambient sounds again!
I had that problem too, my solution was to use my headphones.
That's a great solution when playing games, but not so great when the sound of your PC drowns out everything else in the immediate vicinity when you're not playing games.
Maybe I should do something like that, My computer didn't always, but now runs really loud while playing games.
Done it, purified it completely of dust, doesn't make much difference.
My fan has gotten kinda loud recently but it was dusted off not to long before it started, and after another clean its still noisy. Its just going to start crapping out eventually, regardless of cleaning.
Bullshit. Dust has no effect on noise unless it causes the fan strain or the fan to rub on something.

I've taken apart hundreds of old computers (and I'm talking old, like P2 era) that are just as loud/quiet while dirty as when cleaned.

Also, I laugh at people who waste their money on compressed air.

Oh god, reading further into this guide:

# Never use a feather duster, Swiffer-type product, or vacuum inside your computer. Such tools can generate static charges which have the ability to fry internal components. (Using latex gloves is another way of making sure that you don't fry the computer, also do not work in an area where static charges are frequent such as the carpet or Styrofoam mats)
# Blowing on the inside of your computer is not recommended. This does very little and you run the risk of accidentally spitting on internal components. You might also churn dust up into your face.
# Never touch internal components. It is not necessary to touch anything inside your computer while cleaning it. The less contact you make the better.

Waa, don't touch the components! Bad stuff might happen! If you follow these steps, you're dumb. It's overly precautionary and bullshit. If computer components were that sensitive computers wouldn't be DIY-buildable. FFS these things can work while submerged in vegetable oil. I'm pretty sure the components will survive your fingerprints.

Oh and I like how they recommend touching the metal case to ground your hands, and then still recommend using antistatic wrist straps and other wastes of money. If you touch the case, you're not magically going to get new static in the next 5 minutes unless your rub your hands all over carpet. ffffffff

EDIT: oh god this site is golden.
xcellerate, jesus christ! You've got your mobo dangerously close to a carpet surface! One slip and your mobo's internal components may fry. Get it away from there ASAP.
Hate that stock intel cooler. Had to replace mine with this.
It was just too damn loud.
xcellerate, jesus christ! You've got your mobo dangerously close to a carpet surface! One slip and your mobo's internal components may fry. Get it away from there ASAP.

too late, my shirt brushed up against part of it and the whole thing burst into flames. If only I had had my anti-static wrist strap on!

$45 on Amazon, I am a very happy camper. its like his best movies on Bluray with a collectors edition book. I love Mel Brooks and hes one of my favorites <3
24GB of ram? What the hell are you doing with it? xD
6 screens of simultaneous Asian Tentacle Rape while he's editing his homework, playing on Steam, and listening to Beck

Why is he listening to me?! D:

(My name is Beck btw! :P)