Post your latest purchases with pics (NO STOCK IMAGES)

How many are there? I've only seen Death and Rebirth.
Rebuild has new characters and story, the one you saw is a sequel to the tv series. And as far as that goes, "End of Evangelion" is a movie sequel to that and includes the story of Death and Rebirth as well as a 'real' ending of sorts, so you might want to check that out too!
Fringe: S3 on Bluray, Daria Complete Series for my girl, an HP Touchpad (also for my girl) Dexter Season 5 on Bluray, The Wire Complete Series, and Civ V on Steam. I'm set for a long long time

New pair of glasses
Sector 8 longboard
Myofusion protein 5lb (BANANA!)
Curb Season 1 (technically not a purchase - stolen from some asshat's party)
Pre-lifting mix (came free with the protein thanks to

Oh, and of course. The most major:


New apartment!
nice crib, I love Hardwood Floors too. so much easier to clean if you spill something too
So I used this Dutch website, literally translated "Not My Choice" where you just pick a category (or none at all), pay a fixed price and they just mail you.. something. I ordered a t-shirt and got... this.

It amuses me a lot that it has a big label of NIET MIJN KEUS (NOT MY CHOICE) on the arm.


Money well spent. Is it bad that I'm now temped to try the site again?

New desk, chair, lamp, and bookcases (w/ not more than a couple of books.. I know.) X-post from "computer desk thread".
I've never done that before, but i'll try.

Yeah, it didn't work. When I put the tags, there's just a blank space.
Saturos... not Sedako.

You people are terrible with names. :P
I've never done that before, but i'll try.

Yeah, it didn't work. When I put the tags, there's just a blank space.
Oh I see the problem, you're not directly linking to the image you noob. You're linking to the page you get when an image uploads, not the direct link.

You certainly don't.
Weird, when the forums first updated I was certain it had to be in caps, because one of my first posts had it in lower case and it didn't parse at all.

Also did you think this was the image dump? Or did you really just buy that and not leave any comments on it?
I mainly did it as a test to make sure I wasn't wrong about the tags, but I also bought it. Well, I bought the master copy, since its a print of a building I made. Someone else painted up that version though, still gotta paint mine.
Oh I see the problem, you're not directly linking to the image you noob. You're linking to the page you get when an image uploads, not the direct link.

BAH, the first link it displayed looked like the direct link. MY BAD
Well they were both red. :P

I'd love to post images of my latest purchases but it's all inside of me.
picking up the Dog Castle from the video next Friday I can't wait! my girl and I just bought about $150 worth of supplies too

the dogs were all being rescued from a puppy mill and originally we were going to get Rook but one of the volunteers simply took the dog so we're settling with Castle :D
Good on you for getting a rescued dog instead of one straight from a pet store.
well it also helps that my girlfriend's best friends run an animal rescue group that finds dogs and cats, cleans them up and helps foster/adopt animals to people they know. I never had a dog in my life and I think its long overdue, but thank the good budha that i have people around me that will help me. my friend works in a pet store, my best friend can dog sit when we're on vacation, and my brother said he'd probably help if we needed it. But yeah it feels like Xmas, I can't wait to get him
latest non-clothing purchases



latest clothing purchases




plus a knee-length overcoat that refuses to fit in any photo, a selection of ties, and a pair of desert boots
Those headphones look...worn...or is it just the affinity of the material.
dog kennel.jpg

just got our dog kennel. its nice because its adjustable, has a handle, and two doors depending on which wall of the kitchen or bed we decide to keep him in

In 4 days he'll be here I can't wait :D
Those headphones look...worn...or is it just the affinity of the material.

it's totally the affinity of the material. Naw, the ear pads are creased leather+velvet-y suede stuff, and they're a bit dusty. Lighting highlights it, too
Remember those models I bought awhile ago and had to paint? Well they're all painted now. Figured I post what they look like, since I'm selling them now and won't have them anymore. They look awesome, but boring to play since they're just a tank hoard that only wins through blunt force and lots of casualties. Gunna use the proceeds to buy some models to make both a 2nd Household Cavalry company with some Staghounds, Daimler Is, and Daimler Dingos, plus I'll get a couple more StuGs to make an Eastern Front StuG Batterie with Begliet tank riders. Will post pics of those when I get them. For now, heres the painted British Armoured Regiment.





Just bought me a new monitor since my 24" died. It's a 27" Asus VE278Q.

Also bought some new shirts!


Our new puppy, we're more than likely calling him Dexter and Dex for short. He loves us all ready and he's like 70% potty trained. He whelps at the door when he needs to go out but he gets so scared when hes out there. Also in his kennel last night he was extremely quiet so I think the breeders/group/foster parents that was taking care of him did a great job

EDIT: Thank you


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